I capture LFS ingame messages via insim's MsgOutPack. The problem is that LFS system messages don't contain proper codepage flag in the beginning of a message, while player messages are ok.
Usage of localized lfs version leads to problems. For example, captured cyrillic text is translated as latin (I assume ^L is default message codepage), what leads to completely unreadable text.
Sample mesages received via insim, the same russian lfs translation:
1. Nikolai^L вышел из боксов (LX4)<br>
2. ^L^JС^Gффб RUS^L присоединился к сессии<br>
3. Не могу загрузить скин : FZR_AttaMatrix<br>
4. smith : ^L^Cмне нужно, чтобы вы проехали пару боевых кругов<br>
Lines 1,2,3 are lfs system messages (pit out, joined session and can't load skin) and specified codepage is ^L, while it should be ^C.
Line 4 is a cyrillic player message with proper codepage flag.
Evasive solution of the problem in case of russian translation is adding ^C to the beginning of every string in russian.txt, but it isnlt quite beautiful.