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S3 licensed
New infected Gamemode update

it contains a few adminpanel modifications.

Infected Gamemode V0.7.1 (15-02-2025)
Adminpanel Updates:
Add: Logging
-Adminpanel access
-Admin warn/kick/ban players
-Connected players

Add: Dashboard
-Last 10 connected players
-Number of joined player for current day
-Number of Unique joined players ( counting userstats files)

Edit: List of Players, when you click on a playerbutton
-Total joined server counter
-Total kick counter
-Total warned counter

Edit: Round Configurations
- Choose between 4 configs (if set)
- Edit the RoundTimer and Vehicles for each round
- Save and rewrite current Config with the new config.
- Scroll Functions.

-Track/Lyt editing will be blocked for now.

S3 licensed
New Infected Gamemode Update:

After keeping this LFSLapper script aside for a long time, it was time to update this script again.

An Adminpanel has been created to control the server a little bit easier for the admins.
New a new feature has been added to have actual rounds during an event.

Server: VM.Infected

VM.Infected gamemode V0.7.0

New: Adminmenu (Admin/Host) Will be updated in the future with more features.
-Change roundtimer
-Change Cars / Preset Carlists
-Simple Player Management (kick/ban/warn)
-Turn on/off Game RestartTimer
-Gameround Settings.

New: Gamerounds Funcionality (Admin/Host)
-Set 1 to 40 rounds
-Edit (Textfile) with vehicles and roundtimer for each round.
-Edit list (Textfile) and load without rebooting insim.
-Auto Load next round config (toggle on/off in adminpanel)
-Rounds will reset/disable after last round ends.

New: Gamerestart timer
New: Player may use command !ri to delete their trapitem.
New: Admins may use command !rat to delete all trapitems.
New: Admins may use !nextround (!rn) to load the next round config ( If list is available, otherwise it wont keep the current config)

Update: [Helpmenu] Stats
-Added driven distance as a survivor
-Added driven distance as infected
-Added Trapitem used

Update: Insim will delete all trapitems after the game, that hasn't been deleted automatically.

S3 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello...

Thank you very much Big grin
I learned alot during this process of updating LFSLapper. Experienced alot of headscratches and got great support from the LFS community. Because they are professional programmers, while i never touched C# or any other programming language, before updating LFSLapper.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the explanation.
I do see the event in My Signups.

I think its a good idea. Atleast you know which events/leagues you have signed up for, even when its inactive.
You can remove the signup if you want to.
S3 licensed
I signed up for your test event, but when i click on My Signups. I dont see to which event i signed up for.
Do the signup need to approved by the organiser?

Sorry, i never signup for an event before, so forgive my stupidity. Schwitz
S3 licensed
LFSLapper sourcecode/scripts do not work with any other library
S3 licensed
What if the person is blackmailing the LFS devs to achieve something.
Just wait until Scawen replies.
S3 licensed
buntidondo didnt take any effort to look into any LFSLapper scripts, on how the scripts are build.

I dont think LFSLapper will spit any errors or maybe one error.
and it stops the script at Event OnInterval(1000) # Check every second

It seems you took some code and trying to convert it into a LFSLapper script, And this goes very wrong.
I suggest to open some LFSLapper and look how the syntaxes looks likes.

For 1 sec loops :
  • -Wrong Array Syntax
  • -In_Array does not exist in LFSLapper, use InArray() instead.
  • -LFSLapper Scripts do not use brackets '{' '}'
  • -Event OnInterval(1000) # Check every second Does not exist in LFSLapper.

  • -foreach($Players as $Player) wrong syntax:
    foreach($Player IN $Players)
    #your code
  • Scroll down to splittoarray()
  • -GetCurrentPlayerVar() wrong order of parameters
  • -btnCreate() does not exist in LFSLapper. Full explaination here, thanks to Sinanju for creating this nice tutorial: ... --includes-odd-shaped-but
  • Probably missed more.

Please come back when you read into some lfslapper scripts.

Topic Closed.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
As i said, its not possible to sent emails via LFSLapper.
S3 licensed
That is not possible in LFSLapper.

Maybe contact the guy who made something? You replied in this topic aswell.
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.9.6
S3 licensed
Hello Lapperusers,

Probably my last update, going back to scripting again. Sourcecode is available.

A new version is available which contains few discord functions for modify BOT created Messages and Embeds
Its also possible to move a textfile from orginal location to a another by entering the correct paths.

Scawen introduced a new InsimPacket to Ban IPAddresses. Not sure, if it only counts for 0.7F servers and beyond.

These Banned IP adresses won't be displayed on your hosting page @
The list of banned IP's will be active when you restart your insim. But to get the list of banned IP's. You need to set them and request the list again after insim restart.
To unban a IP, delete the IP Address from the list before sending it.

Here is a summary of changes.

|Changes from to
1: Discord Function: EditDiscordMessage();

NOTE: Only messages created by BOTS can be edited!!!

$Message = "";
$ChannelID = "";
$MessageID = "";

2: Discord Function: EditDiscordEmbed();

NOTE: Only EmbedMessages created by BOTS can be edited!!!

$ChannelID = ""; #ChannelID of the server, where you discordbot is connected to.
$MessageID = ""; #MessageID of embed that need to be changed
$Title = ""; #Title of Embed
$Desc = ""; #Description of Embed
$Color = "0xFF0000";

#%nf% to create a new field "Field1 %nf% Field2 %nf% Field3
$FieldTitle = "";
$FieldValue = "";
$FieldInline = "True"; #True of False

#Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image.
$Footer = "";

#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl = "";

#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl.
$ImageUrl = "";

3: File Function MoveFile();
#Move your textfile to a new location.
$OriginalPath = "";
$DestinationPath = "";

4: New Function: SetIPBans();
#Unban a IP by removing the IP from the list and execute SetIPBans() again. It will overwrite the current list.


5: New Function: GetIPBans();
#Chance is to execute the function twice to get info.

$List = GetIPBans();

privmsg("IPBanCount:". $List["NrOfIPbans"]);
privmsg("Banned IP:". $List[$ip,"IPAddress"]);


1: Updated many libraries.

1: SendDiscordEmbed() didn't execute when fieldtitle or fieldvalues values are empty.

S3 licensed
Sometimes players with a S3 license are sus, looking at their profile. And when hiding their stats, makes them even more sus.
sometimes they send me a PM. So because of that, i disabled private messages. Schwitz
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
You need atleast LFSLapper version or higher to make be able to send messages from Discord to LFSLapper. Because Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage() has been changed.

i really suggest to use the latest version of LFSLapper, which is version
S3 licensed
which URL did you enter at redirect URL?
Because if you enter the wrong link, the authentication wont work.

S3 licensed
Updated memberlist.

Welcome to all new members to Velocity Motorsports.
S3 licensed
On which server are you playing?
So we can check.

Seems you havent been playing since 2017.
Last online :
Sat 30 Dec 2017, 19:18
S3 licensed
Here some example codes you can work with.

#Create a list of buttons with the playernames.
CASE "!lop":
$hgt = 80;
$LoP = getListOfPlayers("U");
privmsg("-----[List of buttons with connected players]-----");
$Player IN $LoP)
$PLYuserName = $Player["value"];
openButton($userName,"Btn_".$PLYuserName,170,$hgt,30,4,1,-1,16+64,GetPlayerVar($PLYuserName,"NickName")." ^8(".$PLYuserName.")");
= getListOfPlayers("U");
$Player in $LoP)

$User = $Player["value"];
$NickName = GetLapperVar($Player["value"],"NickName");
###Send message if a user is an admin
IF( UserisAdmin($User) == 1 )THEN
("Player: ".$NickName." (".$User.") is a admin");

S3 licensed
Ill convert the changes
Check out the new version in 30 min

EDIT: New version available in the first post.
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
Release: LFSLapper V7.0.9.5
S3 licensed
Hello Lapperusers,

This version is nothing special, it only contains a few fixes.
I've used this version to play around with the Turkish Character bug, but still not managed to fix it. So thats still on my list.

I also played around with the http() function, to see how that works.
More info here:

|Changes from to
1: Lappercrash when a player disconnects (normal/kick/ban) from the server while LFSLapper is not connected with a discordbot.
2: Lappercrash When changing discordbotstatus when Discord Bot isnt connect with LFSLapper.
3: RegisterZoneAction() : Leave Zone not triggered when pressing Shift+S (Spectating)
4: Disabled Debugmessages from Version

Last edited by Bass-Driver, . Reason : Revert changes regarding to the HTTP() function
S3 licensed
I've done a few tests and i can confirm Shift+S doesn't trigger LeaveZone functions, althought Shift+P does.

Apperently i've fixed this in my own experimental version. Ill look when i release this small fix.

This version was so experimental, i've hidden "lost" the list of changes. I probably was testing stuff.
Anyway this experimental version is running on my TimeAttack server for many many months, So its stable to run Tongue
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
S3 licensed
I only use the virtual console for diagnostics for InSim (Shutdown/(Re)starts) or hosting in general.
3 days worth of logs is enough for me.
S3 licensed
New Infected Gamemode Update

A new feature has been added to the Infected Gamemode, to make the gamemode a bit more interesting.
The Survivors may spawn objects as a trap for the infected while being chased. These objects are not static and not solid.
The survivors can choose between 8 different objects such as Bales,Tyres,Railing etc. The command for this is !t1 - !t8.

After the object has been spawned, it will be removed automatically after 5 seconds.
The Survivor may spawn a another objects after a 45 sec cooldown. The player will get a notification when the cooldowntimer is over.

Server: VM.Infected

VM.Infected gamemode V0.6.0

Add: Spawn Trapitems for the infected chasing you
-8 Different types of objects such as: Tyres,Bales,Signs
-Commands: !t1 - !t8
-Spawned object will be removed after 5 seconds, this is done by insim automatically
-45 seconds cooldown timer after each spawned object.

Changed: Infected gamemode will be disabled after insimreboot, admins need to type !ion to enable it again.
Changed: More commands has been added to the list of admincommands.

Fix: Textbutton on tophud was slightly misaligned
Fix: Possible to start the game with 1 player on the track.

S3 licensed
Dear Scawen,
Can you please let the servers owners know that you are updating something on the serverside. Create an annoucement that is visible for everyone.
S3 licensed
Very nice looking layout and fun to drive. I like how the minimap looks on this layout.

There are some minor things on the GUI (insim) side that need to be fixed, like overlapping buttons. But as you mentioned, you are working on it.

I do miss the curbs on this layout. I bet you ran out of objects.
We can never have enough objects, right? Big grin
S3 licensed

The last error message looks familiar.

On what kind of system do you run LFSLapper?
If its a windows system, i suggest to install: Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Packages x86/x64.