|Changes from to
1: Discord Function: EditDiscordMessage();
NOTE: Only messages created by BOTS can be edited!!!
$Message = "";
$ChannelID = "";
$MessageID = "";
2: Discord Function: EditDiscordEmbed();
NOTE: Only EmbedMessages created by BOTS can be edited!!!
$ChannelID = ""; #ChannelID of the server, where you discordbot is connected to.
$MessageID = ""; #MessageID of embed that need to be changed
$Title = ""; #Title of Embed
$Desc = ""; #Description of Embed
$Color = "0xFF0000";
#%nf% to create a new field "Field1 %nf% Field2 %nf% Field3
$FieldTitle = "";
$FieldValue = "";
$FieldInline = "True"; #True of False
#Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image.
$Footer = "";
#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl = "";
#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl.
$ImageUrl = "https://www.lfsworld.net/isonline.bass-driver";
3: File Function MoveFile();
#Move your textfile to a new location.
$OriginalPath = "";
$DestinationPath = "";
4: New Function: SetIPBans();
#Unban a IP by removing the IP from the list and execute SetIPBans() again. It will overwrite the current list.
5: New Function: GetIPBans();
#Chance is to execute the function twice to get info.
$List = GetIPBans();
privmsg("IPBanCount:". $List["NrOfIPbans"]);
privmsg("Banned IP:". $List[$ip,"IPAddress"]);
1: Updated many libraries.
1: SendDiscordEmbed() didn't execute when fieldtitle or fieldvalues values are empty.
#Create a list of buttons with the playernames.
CASE "!lop":
$hgt = 80;
$LoP = getListOfPlayers("U");
privmsg("-----[List of buttons with connected players]-----");
FOREACH($Player IN $LoP)
$PLYuserName = $Player["value"];
openButton($userName,"Btn_".$PLYuserName,170,$hgt,30,4,1,-1,16+64,GetPlayerVar($PLYuserName,"NickName")." ^8(".$PLYuserName.")");
$LoP = getListOfPlayers("U");
FOREACH ($Player in $LoP)
$User = $Player["value"];
$NickName = GetLapperVar($Player["value"],"NickName");
###Send message if a user is an admin
IF( UserisAdmin($User) == 1 )THEN
globalmsg("Player: ".$NickName." (".$User.") is a admin");
|Changes from to
1: Lappercrash when a player disconnects (normal/kick/ban) from the server while LFSLapper is not connected with a discordbot.
2: Lappercrash When changing discordbotstatus when Discord Bot isnt connect with LFSLapper.
3: RegisterZoneAction() : Leave Zone not triggered when pressing Shift+S (Spectating)
4: Disabled Debugmessages from Version
VM.Infected gamemode V0.6.0
Add: Spawn Trapitems for the infected chasing you
-8 Different types of objects such as: Tyres,Bales,Signs
-Commands: !t1 - !t8
-Spawned object will be removed after 5 seconds, this is done by insim automatically
-45 seconds cooldown timer after each spawned object.
Changed: Infected gamemode will be disabled after insimreboot, admins need to type !ion to enable it again.
Changed: More commands has been added to the list of admincommands.
Fix: Textbutton on tophud was slightly misaligned
Fix: Possible to start the game with 1 player on the track.
#Verify each first word/command that starts with a "!".
CASE "!command":
#your code
#privmsg("Command does not exist");
$toplist = getlisttopuser($value,$flagdesc,$flagNear,$StartPos); #Get List from stored database
VM.Infected gamemode V0.5
Add: List of survivors
Add: DistanceMeter for the infected in the survivorlist behind the playernames.
Add: Groupchat for survivors and infected !gc or !c <message> (auto detection by insim)
Add: Carlist command (admin only) !list <nameoflist> to allow curtain LFS default car and/or modded vehicles
Add: Infected may use the ingame siren to scare the surivors even more. /siren=off/slow/fast
Update: Changed "Get Ready Timer" from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
Update: Join as an infected when joining mid-game
Update: Changed instructions in helpmenu
Update: Changed Instructions in welcomes window
Update: "Player infected player" message is now a host message (this can be used in replays)
Fix: Double infected players after Drive Away timer has been completed.
Fix: Fix attempt on Callback functions not executing due to invalid userstats.
Fix: "Total Drivers on Track" counter wasn't accurate when leaving the game (pit/spec/disconnect)
Fix: Minor code mess , jup minor xD