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S3 licensed
hopfully before next week end would be nice. but thats dreaming i think. the open plan tracks sounds intresting and the possabilities .
S3 licensed
Flame me if you want

Give the devs a brake. I think most of you are being harsh, waiting is hard I know but the out come will be quite good (or maybe better or not quite as good). As a rule I sit and wait. waiting for somthing that will come in time (might be the end of the world or it maybe LFS S3) .

I must put my hat to the dev for putting up with the this harasment

What Im trying to say is, if you have not worked it out yet is.

Good things come to those how wait.
S3 licensed
I would be up for this!! one question tho where was last years meet held (UK i know but what county?)
S3 licensed
I would let the other driver past the next chance I get.
makes sence too as if you have respect for others, others should have respect for you
S3 licensed
Thank you people for the advice, when i went onto the fox jinkies server i may have been mistaken about the "need to be in the 01:07 ss" as kindly pointed out by obsolum

Last night and tonight i went onto the AB{s2L) server as their are doing a S2 league and desided i'd practise for tomorrows race which i think i will take part in, as thanks to a lot of you for the adive saying 'its not scary it just life get on with it' but in a kind way.

Its made me happyer in myself that iv made a topic that has cleared up most of my questions, without getting Flamed etc. I think its nice that there is a lot of member who are willing to help newer member of the lfs communty

S3 licensed
Thank you for your warm words, its made me think its not that bad to go online even if im a slowish driver and my set up isaint that good as long as im happy and having fun with other people.
Public hosts
S3 licensed
hello all
a few days ago I got the confidence to go onto a public server for the first time, as my confidences was hight due to posting on the My3id Forum and the team giving me a bit of advice.

I went onto the [FM] Fox Junkies server. I watchyed the end of one race, and then desided to join in the next one I did one lap and a little message appeared in the message area saying i needed to be much quicker than i was(track was SO Chincane Route) it said that i needed a 1:07x I laped in the 1:17x so I desided it was better to quit the server.

Its very hard for me to ask for help as, I fells what I want to know Ill get flamed for. which does not help my conferdence.

Id love to get online and race but its the following facters my i dont and it all comes down to:
Im not the best driver
Im worryed about gettting ban for bumping someone on accedent
Id love to join in the fun races and the leagues

Id joined AB but i dont hjave the confidence to join in
any comments are welcome

thanks for reading


Please note-
Im not sure if i should post it here or should it have been posted in the LFS Gerneral Discusion and please do not Flame me as im only asking as Im new to online racing and every one needs to start somewhere

also if you have viewed my LFS Stats I know there is alot of times on there that from me trying out multiplayer new host
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :I think all vB boards are like this for some reason mate, i don't know if its just default board settings or weather it is hard coded and cannot be changed as i don't know how vB works that well, im more of a zetaboards kinda guy. Smile

yep you are correct. its a pain i know but hey thats life.
S3 licensed
Quote from leonardo555 :I wanna see:

NFSS graphics,


If this game had NFS Graphics I'd not play this game due to my graphic cards are not a dedicated game card (for refrence my graphicscard is a intel) due to only having a laptop.
S3 licensed
My opion is that LFS is not to cheap and not too expensive. most games cost so much because of Branding. Game development companys need to get back money that they have spent out on branding.
S3 licensed
I found that if you put into first gear, tap gas key/ pedel, you move slightly, without getting a SG Pen. im not sure if u can hold the car with the clutch as I dont use full manual but you could do that as it works in a real manual car(just a thought
S3 licensed
Hi guys I was wondering if you could help me start LFS tweak. iv downloaded it + the config files ( not sure where to put them.)

I have redownloaded patch Z 25

and not sure how to use it. If you could help me i would be very gratful

thanks in advance

S3 licensed
A really Nice Broad cast from commitators and driver alike. watched it through out the 24 hours watch from about 10 mins before the warmup lap or so. watched it thought out the 24 hours but misted the last hour or so. congrats to the top 3 in both classes.
S3 licensed
Off topic: Lewis Hamilton likes to have a lose backend as he feels more incontrol of the car. he has said this in this first season talking to a ITV reporter.

On topic: I myself find that different cars suit different people so a fxr could go faster around a FB track than a FZR, if that person exceled at driving the fxr around a fb track. but also depends on driving style as i said lews hamilton ikes a lose back end. some one else like it ridiged. some like stiff suppension some like soft
but it all come done to driver and setup

*sorry if you cant understand it *
S3 licensed
it's fine to pay y credit card, it is safer than PAypal (in its own way) Pay pal is ok (but if things go wrong you are not back up as it was created for ebay . but iv used my paypal account to order S2 and it went through fine
S3 licensed
Sounds Intresting I'd Come andmake a fool of myself and ofcourse meet some reallife LFS gamers. that one of by new years resalutions: 'to get out more'
onlything is depends on dates really
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :Like the F1 timeing and scoring screen? Because it's possible, some sites are doing it, but it's always for a internet game. I can be done on a LAN, and would be of better quality over all, but no one has done that yet.

yes like the f1 timing/ scoring screen.

wish i could progarm, as i would have ago but i anit that good

thank you for your info anyways
Live Timings For LAN
S3 licensed
Hi all

[I dont know if this is the correct thread to place this in and Iv search topics for what im looking for but Im not sure if im looking in the right places / and viewing the right topics in the search. Please dont flam me for this Unnessacey thread if you think it is and I am very sorry.]

Me and a few mates have a LFS LAN Party. I was wondering if there was any way i could display Live Timings on a different Computer (if this were possable).

thanks in advance for any infomation
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :You must enable AI to use your setup (in options > misc), select your desired setup and then do the command.

At least I think it should work.

yep that works as long as you have selected Ai's to use a yuor set ups
S3 licensed
Quote from Danny LFS :

And then you S2ers say that us Demoers are the only ones who make useless threads.

S3 licensed
Hello TerryGringo

Welcome to the world of Live for speed. Im very sorry if ADX.14 Seemed slightly Sharp with you. we at lfs forum get slightly cross when people keep asking the same questions over and over again in different threads.
so sorry again.

There are offical test patches that you can download and play be sure to read all info enclosed in the topic OP.

also most of the information you require is located in the LFS general chat( the fourm at the top)

Hope to see you on the track
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
I knew at some point some one would try and complain about the crubs at FE. the problem is that the XFR has a sort wheelbase, and the suprension needs to be set up correctly to get the best out of FE. and as most of the guy/lasses on her and already pointed out dont ride the crubs. yes, use the crubs a tad but not ride them as shown in your op
S3 licensed
I Know this may sound a silly idea. download a fresh LFS Installation from the main site

hope this helps
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :

a very simple task I might add

not when you are dislexic it is not. but i see where you are comming from. may sit down some time try and read it, I should have really said what i was really wanting to say but I thought i was better to do it this way but i failed

what i really wanted to know was gearing and it seems like i cannot get it right

thank you to you guys how are willing to take the time and type of a simple but efective summary

sorry for any confusion
Last edited by typhirion, .