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S2 licensed
Hi Crommi,

Fine - and thank you. I didn't know this, and I appreciate you clearing it up.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crommi :Here we go again...

1. Go to
2. Click "Membership"
3. Click "Register for updates"
4. Fill the form and submit
5. Have patience and wait.

Here we go again. Another nice remark from the LFS community.

I only asked, given the previous enquiry, and previous messages asking if anyone wanted an invite. Excuse my not wishing to sift through seventy pages of reviews, complaints, remarks etc.

Thanks for clearing it up - though I already had the foresight to register for updates. I would have been lost otherwise, huh?
S2 licensed
Don't suppose anyone has any spare invites?
Looking for a single-seater centric team...
S2 licensed
Hi all,

I'm currently looking to join a team that concentrates on single-seaters, and races regularly in the evenings. I don't expect to be accepted straight away, but being pointed in the right direction would be handy

Stats wise:
Travelled distance: 6259 Ml
Fuel burnt: 3707 Ltr
Laps: 2090
Hosts joined: 612
Races won: 27
Second: 38
Third: 34
Finished: 261
Qualifications: 30
Pole Positions: 2
Drags / Wins: 24 / 2

After a long period without internet access, I'm back, and hope to continue to improve...

Have a preference for the BF1/FO8, but happy to race whatever

I'm aware that there are single-seater servers out there, but would love to get to know a couple of guys and race regularly with them!
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I'm 200x more likely to fiddle with the files in a ZIP'd game, than with the files in a game that's been installed correctly

Really? Texture updates etc. are just as easy to play with if installed
as unzipped - there is no difference.

If someone is to release a texture pack, are you less likely to use it if you ran an .exe as opposed to a .zip?

I think that the LFS process is refreshingly simple.
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Nismo stickers on a Fiesta, V-Tec stickers (stickers mind, not the badge.

Thing his, they've probably pulled in that...
S2 licensed
Quote from petercollins :The long straight is next, a brief rest, then get ready to brake for this right hander, which I adore. Push it right nearly onto the grass and then its the right-left uphill.

Is it me, or has the outside rumble strip changed now? I was running a BF1 there the other day, and spun on three consecutive laps (me being a quick learner and all ), where (it seemed), the car grounded-out on the raised strip...
If there was any doubt that you can have a close race on LFS...
S2 licensed
I know that sometimes we all dispair at being caught up on the first corner carnage, or one person runs away with the win. But, on occasion, it's a little closer

Both Premech and I both said that this was exactly the reason that we play LFS. Close, fun racing.

(edit: I should say, that we finished a thousandth apart. In the wrong order )
Last edited by creativesurgeon, . Reason : Clarification
S2 licensed
She's not exactly kicking everyone's arse at the moment, is she? Let alone anyone in Formula One.

Bourdais - case in point.
S2 licensed
Quote from lerts :yep whats the point of winning a race with another guys online, i gain nothing so i tend to lose but with some imagination i can make it more fun and worth winning

This. Is. Bizarre.

Anyway, my fantasy is being Lewis Hamilton. Damn him.
S2 licensed
On a sim who's USP is realism, that's amusing
S2 licensed
Quote from th84 :What a nice lad.

Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mbah :I just would like a team that can help me progress, not a new team that has no intention of staying around,

You and everyone else

It seems you've only done 15 laps online. The biggest thing that most teams look for is consistency in driving online - they don't want team members who are never going to turn up and actually race. Honestly, rack up some miles, and you'll find it easier to get into one of the more serious teams.

It'll help you meel people online too!

Wait, that sounds ropey.
S2 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :

What on earth are all those payments for?! (excuse my ignorance).
S2 licensed
Hi Mbah,

Firstly, welcome

You may want to join some multiplayer servers like CTRA/Redline first, before joining a team - the drivers there will share setups with you, you'll be able to follow them and learn the racing lines, and they will be able to offer advice.
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :The only time I melt my clutch is when I spin in the FBM and I hold to clutch to stop the engine stalling, then as I pull away quickly, the clutch will slip and just burrrrn! My fault, not LFS's...

I've done this a number of times now. Too many, in fact. Only in the FBM though. Are they more sensitive to this?
S2 licensed
You beat him by six thousandths.
S2 licensed
Quote from wild :The FO8 is a great car. The modern GP2 car shouldn't replace it. Maybe there should be all the classes of Formula Racing. Right from Karting to Formula One. But there is a significant number of Formulae cars to cater for everyone's needs.

Absolutely right. What other single seater would you want?

Quote from wild : Take the BF1 for example its quite a bit out dated. As of the 2008 season there is no traction control the BF1 still has it. I could type up all of the 2008 updates, but there would be no point. You can't expect the 3 developers of this game to cater for everyone's needs or wants.

You never know maybe in S3 they might release a GP2 car as well as maybe some real life tracks. But the thing you have to remember they have to get permission to use Real-life Circuits and Cars.

Doesn't stop people asking for the Nords every five minutes though, does it?

Anyway, I agree with the above. The FO8 is easily the most fun car there is - and unfortunately, one of the most underplayed. As for it's looks: I wouldn't expect a GP2-esqe car. The last thing the devs want to do is start copying real series: can you imagine the pressure then to emulate the huge numbers of championships out there? It would be nice to loose the boxiness though, agreed. Slope the nose slightly, so it doesn't protrude from the front wing maybe?

But in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it's that big an issue.

Oh, and the BF1 is a little outdated, but still great looking!
S2 licensed
Hahaha! That is awesome.

In fact, that kid reminds me of Alonso. Probably drives better than him too.
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :AND what a stupid thread imagine if everyone posted a replay everytime they had a racing incident in lfs. Exactly so don't do it!

Whoa, okay gents. Have to admit, I didn't expect such a reaction. I completely see your point, I just wanted your opinion.
Race replay: who is in the wrong?
S2 licensed
I've just been racing on the Redline servers. Never had any problem there, always good, fun, friendly racing.

I just had a little tussle with someone, and wondered who you feel was responsible for the incident. Don't worry, I'm not going on any witch hunt, I'm just curious. Everyone is biased when they're involved, I guess, so good to get someone else's point of view!
S2 licensed
I think that there are other parts of the Nords that would be better implemented. Flugplatz springs to mind
S2 licensed
Quote from FredrikB :This saturday i took my stock Ford Focus to a trackday at Mantorp Park here in Sweden.

Is that The Stig?

S2 licensed
'lo chaps.

Sorry, I've been away for a bit. Yeah, if there is enough interest, let's do this Sunday. Just join the server.