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Quote from matijapkc :
Quote from Kristi :Lol, a 911 for a 19 year old. Imo that Lancer is a bit overkill already, but if you have a well-paid job, then why not. Maybe that's quite a cultural gap between the US and EU. Meanwhile I'm just sitting here and planning to get an NB MX5. You wouldn't even call that quarter-decent.

This. I'd like to add one more thing. If you have a stable well-paid job, because if you get fired you're in pretty deep shit.

Quote from DejaVu :It's not an Evo, just your average 4wd non turbo lancer :|

It still costs like 10 times more than an average 19 year old could afford, if (s)he could even afford a car at all.

yeah the lancer is just a average cheap car over here, and yeah i lived in the UK but i considered the Lancer a much nicer car there then i do here.

my job is OK, i'm not rich by any means but i can afford my car payments, i have my own place and considering putting a down payment on a house which costs about 4X more then the house i grew up in. kids these days earn more money then they did 10-20 years ago, it's a fact and i'm not going to let life go by without enjoying it.
S2 licensed
Quote from matijapkc :
Quote from tbofram :"new 2015 Lancerr" "it's a half decent car"

Sooo, what do you consider a decent car for a 19 year old if a brand new Lancer from the future (2015) is only half decent?

it's the 2015 model, i find it weird too how in north america they always start releasing the year ahead model way before that year... i don't actrually understand it.

and a Impreza? lol i'd love one but price ranges between the two cars are totally different. i don't think i could afford a equal level impreza.

i would consider a decent car for a 19 year old to be some newish 911, i nearly bought one but monthly payments would be slightly more then what i want right now.
S2 licensed
I decided it's about time to start driving a newer more reliable car now that i'm living on my own and everything.

i went out a bought a new 2015 Lancerr with AWD, it should be here next friday.

i'm quite excicted, and in my view it's a half decent car for someone who's only 19.
if you live in the uk then you know what i mean, every young person driving around in a new Corsa paid for by mummy and daddy.
S2 licensed
I had a fiesta and hated the feel of the gas pedal. Once you're used to it then there won't be any issue. The clutch on that car was useless as well, the car was only a year old and had like 15,000 miles but the clutch slipped like crazy! The old man who owned it would start off in like third gear and must of revved the crap out of the little engine.

But yeah don't worry bud, you will quickly get adjusted to it. Just be careful when you get into a different car as it will have a completely different feel
S2 licensed
I was thinking caddy coupe deville.

Well not really, but I love em so any excuse to show off my dream car.

S2 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Yeah no kidding. I see more of them than v6 mustangs now!

I can imagine,

I'm currently living in the uk and a bottom of the line one is ~ $42,000. In the states they start from around ~$28,000 so I can see why they're quite popular over there.

When I get back to Canada I'm considering picking up a BRZ
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :More shots of the FR-S:

Damn I would love a GT86! And they're super cheap over there
S2 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :So you got paid to take it?

Damn it, that was my line!
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :F*cking hell, I love my country for letting me buy cars made by people with hands growing not from their arses ten times more than they are being sold in europe.

I paid 5600 USD for my Corolla then spent another 1000USD for spare parts to sort it out AND that is sort of CHEAP...

The only upside is insurance that costs 50 USD per year.

Cars are super cheap here, I paid £200 for a car with full safety test and tax for a year. Mind you as they're so cheap I drove it to London and back then sold it (for £350)
S2 licensed
Quote from Omar1 :lets play guess the price!

Well I hope you didn't pay anything more then £500! I don't get why those cars have held so much value as I see some around like £1000-1500
S2 licensed
Quote from undertaker00 :Iv replaced mine mouse with wheel and shifter.

Damn that must be fun shiftin through da interwebz
S2 licensed
I usually leave out the part about my engine being built by renault. But so far it's worked a dream
S2 licensed
Quote from Fordman :2500-2900 HOLY COW that is unreal amount of money for that type of car.

Why that car for a first one??


Insurance in the uk is a joke! I'm 19 and I pay £800 for my 1988 1.4 Volvo 340, just un real. When I got my first car at 17 (it was a crappy 01 1.6 astra) I paid over £1000 and I needed a stupid tracker put in so I couldn't overtake a tractor without being fined £50
S2 licensed
Quote from 5tag :I'm a bit jealous now, considered getting one in search for a new car but all I found were overpriced or badly maintained examples, or keys and documents were "lost".

Is it an automatic version? I read they are expensive to maintain because you have to change the belts every 20.000 km including all the corresponding wheels. Not to mention how annoying it would be to get it out every time, since it's in the back.

It's a 4 speed manual. I really do like it, I've never really had a car that I've had people come up to me and been really interested in what I drive. I can't wait for the weekend so I can take it for a drive (I got it home on Sunday then haven't driven it since due to work)
S2 licensed
Quote from Rubenz81 :Other two photos, wish i had more time (and light), soon to change rims though.

Tbofram: that Volvo has potential. I like it!

Thanks, like the bmw too

I've got a bit of work to do but there are less then 150 of my model on the road so I'm not going to ruin it with silly mods. RWD beast (just don't tell people it only has 70 hp)
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :how big are those wheels 10"?

13' actually, looks much better then the stock 15's. But it currently sits too low (I struggled to get over a rock in my parking lot today) so will consider some bigger rims
S2 licensed
Been far too long since I bought a car (atleast a few months) so I bought this:

A 88 Volvo 340! I think it's actually quite nice.

S2 licensed
The basic order might work, but non of the links such as your "services" work. Or the forums. Just general things that doesn't look good when a customer like myself might want to check before buying
S2 licensed

Well done for opening up your own hosting service. But why would you advertise it if the site doesn't even work yet?
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I apologize for being English and therefore superior. Except talking of hockey of course... you'd far surpass me as a Canadian :P

Well that's interesting
S2 licensed
Good thing you made up your own name though
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :They should get the cheapest price because the insurance cost is a joke.

It cost me the equilivent of 200 pounds when i was 17 to insure a Subaru Impreza 2.5 RS.

Explain how your countrys insurance is probably about 20 times that for the same age person.

If it were only £4000 to insure a impreza then everyone would be driving one, I paid much more then £4000 to insure my 120hp Celica. Insurance is just completely stupid here.

Then when you need to pay about £1.45/L (which is like $10.50/G) you can sort of justify why everyone drives around in a Prius
S2 licensed
I've found the smaller engined cars are not the cheapest for insurance, this is because basically every young person drives one and crashes it.

My first car was a 01 Vauxhall astra 1.6 which was around £900 to insure. Look for something like that
S2 licensed
Quote from Donkey_DriftKing :right.. I'm quite confused :/ In the title, i see a 'full motion simulator', but in the thread and photos, you display real racing cars? Please correct me if i'm wrong.. lol

Ever been told about something called sarcasm ?
S2 licensed
I basically sit in the back seat when I drive (seat all the way back and basically horizontal ) so don't usually see the front of the car. But yeah the LFS view doesn't seem weird to me