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S3 licensed
Quote from Youssefaf :I changed the controls a bit to cope with the new physics, but originally I had 6 button control rate and steer centre reduction was 0.6 - 0.8 I think, I tried with both in between the ranges and the car still felt entirely different than what it used to be somehow.
I also changed to the wheel mouse X control scheme and the throttle / brake axes were set as buttons. Still off.

Here's a pic:

How do you like the new physics? Do you think it's better?
S3 licensed
It's not a game. Live for Speed is a serious racing simulator. No arcade modes, no steering aids - YOU have to do the driving.
The forces affecting the car's motion are simulated individually at each wheel. We recommend the use of a steering wheel, because although you can use the keyboard and/or mouse, a wheel and pedals provide a lot more accuracy. The force feedback sent to the steering wheel is calculated directly from the forces, with no canned effects. This allows you to feel what is happening at the contact patch between your tyres and the road, helping you to get closer to the limit without exceeding it too much!

When you have a lot of speed and you approach a corner, you must brake well in advance or you will end up somewhere you don't want to be! You need to find the best way through any sequence of bends by going through them many times. There's always more to learn.

You can race alone, against the clock, or against the AI drivers. But for many people the real fun is to be found online, racing real people, in multiplayer mode. LFS makes it very easy for you to do so. Simply click "List of Hosts", select a server that looks interesting and join instantly. Many hosts run short races of a few laps, so there isn't usually too long to wait for a restart. Most public hosts allow you to join mid-race. Just make sure you keep out of the way of the people who started the race before you joined! There are also several online racing leagues you can take part in if you are looking for something with a more competitive edge.

A serious simulator obviously requires a very good physics simulation to provide the thrill and fun of real racing. This is done by including all aspects that are important to racing. Live for Speed is in constant development. S3 is the third step towards our vision of the finished product, and already does a very good job in simulating real racing. Many aspects are covered - comprehensive setup possibilities, fuel usage, tyre wear, crash damage, different surface types, intriguing racing environments, different car classes and so on. All this makes sure you have plenty to practise with and spend time on, learning the flow of the tracks. Don't forget to plan your pitstops - find out how much fuel your car uses per lap and how your tyres behave on any track, with your particular car setup and driving style.

You can download Live for Speed from our download page. The software will initially act as a demo, allowing access to three cars and one track environment only. To access the other content, you will need to buy a license upgrade.
S1, S2 and S3 licenses, as well as other products, can be purchased from our shop pages.
S3 licensed
No need.

Quote :One of the most sophisticated online racing simulators, especially when it comes to simulating physics.
The driving of the cars just feels right. They do what you expect them to do.
by Viper29 March 9, 2005

S3 licensed
Quote from Viperakecske :update this year?

This thread is not about updating years, it's about updating LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from Viperakecske :Update this year?

no way
S3 licensed
Quote from Viperakecske :Very similar to nowadays version

go nowadays wr
S3 licensed
I'm pretty sure Scawen was busy first with the lighting system and engine updates for Eric, then with the mods system and probably only started working on tyre physics again after 0.7D release. It's plenty of work so really doubt he had time to even think about it until now, therefore I suspect no visible progres there. Maybe Eric should be able to show us some stuff, related to Fern Bay possibly? Or some new secret tracks? Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :The change to hosting is a big change. But it shouldn't really cause many problems. We've been making sure of that.

The reason for it... many people are aware that piracy is operating, attracting many people to a separate community. This has been possible because of the way we gave out server code. It is a serious problem and it has got to the point where the business doesn't earn enough to live on. So we need to prevent piracy, or there will be no LFS.

Freely available server code was convenient, but it could also cause the end of LFS. So we need to provide something new and not allow pirates access to it.

Unfortunately that will not be possible, when using the new version. The old version will still be available though, but not maintained.

Yep, that's how it works. Our hosting system allows access to an InSim port.

Quote :We want the community to have the new version so we are trying to get to that point as quickly as possible. To do that, some things we want to do can wait until after the release. For the first version, Eric plans to focus on finishing South City and Kyoto while Scawen works on the tyre physics. Fern Bay and further graphical improvements can be done after the big update.

I understand the change of priorities (piracy), just curious - is the 'big update' test patch something we can expect within the next 12 months (my guess and hope is yes, if not then you wouldn't mention the plan for postponing the Fern Bay rework until after the first test patch).
S3 licensed
Quote :We want the community to have the new version so we are trying to get to that point as quickly as possible. To do that, some things we want to do can wait until after the release. For the first version, Eric plans to focus on finishing South City and Kyoto while Scawen works on the tyre physics. Fern Bay and further graphical improvements can be done after the big update.

I wish you focused on that, IMO people who are focusing on mods are doing so to compensate for lack of big updates, but okay.
S3 licensed
Rally pack and mod support, yes.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :I see what you mean, but on this combo finding the first quickest guy using autoclutch is 58th, and the first "non-cheating" the thing by using a clutch and an H shifter (for those who may not know, on a car like this your are supposed to use a H shifter with a clutch pedal Looking ) is 76th ... anyway, let's suppose the lines are correct for the WR holder Omg omg omg , that was the real point I guess

Actually not really, because there is a difference between button clutch (BC) and macro. Most of the laps you mentioned are driven with button clutch, and macro is the next level of hax in LFS hotlapping, it's even faster than BC - there's a tick in the CL column next to Zeus lap, it means he used clutch axis which in fact is how macro allows you to shift faster than BC, with BC you are limited by the button control rate which can be set up to 10, and macro clutch (using programs such as Autohotkey) allows you to trigger the clutch axis with a normal button on your keyboard for a very short period of time automatically (ofc press it quicker and for a shorter period of time than you would be able to do using a real clutch axis) that makes it even faster than BC. In short, macro = hax.
S3 licensed
Nice wish list, What you are asking for requires 2 years of work of 100 developers, I wonder if Scawen could include these in the next release.
S3 licensed
teamName: GO WR
teamManager: {pajkul, Pawel Cena, Poland, 9999}
cars entering: 1
- {pajkul, Pawel Cena, Poland, 9999}
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :Oh! Thumbs up

I think I know what you are thinking, but no.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :@racerAntti : very valid point 👍🏻
Hope Eric is almost ready with SO and KY final touches 🤘🏻

I'm still more concerned about the status of tyre physics which is more demanding than the work required on these two tracks.
S3 licensed
Probably removed cause you used handbrake on your lap which was later removed from formula cars and all hotlaps where handbrake was used had to be removed as well.
S3 licensed
Quote from Botswanan Salama :The thing is that R4 tyres with open wheelers are never used in anything else than oval hotlapping. I bet they also feel the same as R3 tyres, they are just a bit faster on straights. So this change didn't add anything new to the game, it only needlessly made old oval hotlaps worth nothing.

I wouldn't mind if hotlap tables changed because of actual updates in game (like tyre physics, track changes or something else) but this was basically same thing as if you had reseted some hotlap tables "just for fun".

To me this just sounds like "Oops, we just broke the game, but no one reported this bug during the test patch period, so it's fine".

That's right, but it's ok. Let the devs work on something valuable, something the community has asked for for ages now that will bring new life to the game hopefully. No more delays Wink who cares about hotlaps that will soon all be removed.
S3 licensed
Quick question, I assume LFSWorld will not accept hotlaps driven with the previous version from now on?
The 'nice' thing is that LFS Lazy does not support 0.6V yet. Kekw.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :No, we don't permit all cars on all tracks and of course we wouldn't support such a silly hotlap combination.

There are no plans to change anything about the hotlaps.

I understand, the thing is that some of the rules regarding what car is available and which isn't are weird - for instance on WE Karting track XFG and LX6 are allowed, but XRG, XRT, FXO and RB4 aren't even though LX6 is much harder to drive on a track like this. I'm just saying maybe you could consider enabling these cars there if you can already drive LX6, I don't really understand why XRG is blocked in this case.

Of course I'm just saying that it would be great to see some more combos available (driving a FOX around some of the rally tracks with rally tyres would be a lot of fun, I think people would like that, if you enabled 'silly' tyres for formula cars then why not allow the 'silly' cars on rally tracks at the same time).

And again, everything above is just under assumption that it's very little work to enable these cars on these tracks (WE karting and rally). I'd just love if you could stop working on these relatively small things that distract the main development and focus on that instead.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :They have less grip than the race tyres so no danger for the hotlap tables or any existing races.

It was suggested by Degats and I think it should do no harm so made the small change (one line of code).

Does it mean it's going to be possible to hotlap rally tracks with formula cars now?
S3 licensed
Quote from nexttime :Pretty sure the new tyre won't just be "release and be done with it" kind of thing. It'll probably be further tested by the community, bugs/exploits/behaviors fixed & updated over a period of months and months. And with every update, charts will be reset. So I don't see the point in holding back this amazing graphics/tracks update that takes LFS from 2006 look and moves it 10 years forward. But of course, the cockpits would have to be upgraded as well, in the same update or the one following, because they are currently at PS1 level, though that's probably somewhat easier to do.

For example right now tyre heating/cooling behavior is totally wrong in LFS. A tyre will never stay that long at 190c (or cool down that slowly) while just sitting. As soon as you stop turning or unload that tyre, it'll go down to 100 or so very quickly depending on air/track/brakes temperature. Or that the tyre at thinnest thread won't give you the best laps. The only reason these issues are not fixed is because of the premise of new tyre physics. If this was the primary tyre model, those kind of fixes would be applied and all hotlaps would have to be deleted again each time. So I doubt Scawen cares about not deleting hotlaps anyway, nor should he.

In other sims physics updates happen quite often so yeah, the charts will most likely get reset from time to time as you say. It's just that it's going to be released to the public as soon as Scawen concludes the forces generated and temps charts etc. more or less match the real thing and there are no glitches in some more complex scenarios that would spoil the fun. But obviously after it gets released we will going to see some fixes (but I assume it will obviously be released as a test patch first, so that phase itself might take a few months, because people will make various tests and will be trying to find flaws in it for sure).

The thing is that it's much easier to get both things done and release them together than just extract only the graphical/track changes and apply them to the public version we're using now, these are my thoughts and it's based on what Scawen has said before, so it's completely understandable.

Regarding interiors, please, we don't need any more delays right now really. I can even play with Game Boy Colour car interiors, we just need to allow for that first big step forward to happen, don't even suggest it's necessary unless it doesn't require a lot of effort on Scawen's part, because it's probably what Eric can work on when Scawen is busy with tyre physics again, but yeah there are most likely some additional changes to the game engine to improve interiors to the modern level, so I'd rather have it done after the big update...
S3 licensed
Ok, the important thing to understand is that the graphics update and new tyre physics are supposed to be released together in one update.

The main reason for this is that graphical update is happening in the development branch, and that branch contains all changes in tyre physics. It would be a lot of work to for Scawen to release graphical updates and physics changes separately, it's just easier to simply finish up the new physics and release them together.
Apart from that, even if it was possible to do, then all online stats and hotlaps would need to be reset because the tracks would change with the tracks/graphics update, and then these would have to be reset yet again because of the change in tyre physics - that's the second reason why it doesn't make sense.
S3 licensed
I'm not sure about the need for this patch, it's essentially causing some extra delays as you (Scawen) have already had to write several posts to discuss changes etc.

Knowing that the big LFS update is coming this year (it is, right? December 2021 Wink) we don't really mind waiting just a few months longer for these changes. I'd be more interested about how it is going with the tyre physics update. It seems like this is a topic you're frightened to pick and work on because of how much trouble it has caused in the past, but it's inevitable and you will eventually need to start working on that as well. Helping Eric with the editor, light system etc. is also something critical for the update so I'd rather be reading about that, not on some updates that really bring no new value or new life into this game. Let's focus on some priorities. Oh, and some of the LFSWorld functionalities are missing now because of the Adobe Flash so that's another thing on the list to get sorted out. It's quite a big list right now. Remember, if the big update gets delayed by another 2-3 years the first updated track (Blackwood) will have looked obsolete by the time of release and will need to be reworked again Big grin We don't really want to see that happening to be honest.