Thanks for the tip *Foucault's Pendulum* I'll have a look in to it
Although I agree with you that it's not worth your life keeping track of what bilderbergers(etc.) are doing.. although I did make the choice to create a life for myself (and help those around me that live to work and ain't happy but feel a need to change) where work and material thing are worth alot less and things as love, compasion, just helping somebody out without expecting something in return, trying to be balanced in mind and body etc. etc. is worth alot more...
It's everybodys free choice to do with their lives as they wish, and for me it feels alot better to spend time with my family, just enjoy the sun while laying on some patch of grass, share thoughts and feelings with those interested and as a cost have a little less money, then to be working 2/3th's of my life just so I can buy crap that makes the feeling of emptyness go away for a short period. Until the buzz is over and I want/need something else to make me happy.
I on the other hand understand that not everybody feels this way and that is their fair choice, as long as it's a choice though!...

(catch my drift?)
When people are not think/exploring for themself how can they know what they are doing is what they want? (We are thaught alot, but to me it feels like they left out quite a bit, things that are quite important to me.. now that is, I wasn't always some openminded post hippy kinda guy

I would like to go in to more detail as I spend quite some time of my life reading up on all kinds of views on life, but I still didn't find a definitive answer. (I missed alot of this in my yought, or did they theach you at school how to be happy?) All though I think alot would be offtopic as I concentrated more on boeddhisme, spirituality, sumerian history etc. etc. and not so much on Free Masons, war, brainwashing etc.
/me hopes that I didn't offend anybody, if so it was not my intent.
Hope you all have a beautifull day, and atleast give a friendly "hi" to one person you don't know today