The least I can do is say, "thanks".
Thanks to you are trying to stay informed.
Thanks to you are trying to help others get informed.
Thanks that dispite others questioning what is right infront of their face you still keep your cool and explain a bit more.
(Common guys, 7/7, an exercise with almost exactly the same situation, and you call it coincidence? While the same happend with 9/11?)
What fears me the most is that the whole world just tolorates it.. and that most people on this earth spend so much time getting brainwashed they don't even want to look around to see if there might be any truth in all this. Why would a "democratic" goverment do such a thing? Ask yourself, search, inform...
Have you been in-formed, or did you in-form yourself???
Please drive-tru nothing to see here, just go and consume, watch some more tv. Your born to work not think!