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S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :

Which car and track configuration was that?

SO Chicane, saw it doing a damaged RAC each time, altough an other RAC and LX6 made the same mistake a few times. The damaged RAC never got a chance to repair due to always entering to complete drive tru and getting a new one.
S2 licensed
Entering pitlane to fast, getting DT, comming in for DT entering to fast getting now DT, etc etc etc..

Overtaking on the straight they give a much to aggressive yank on the wheel causing them to spin out.

They have no "race sense" no blocking or proper overtaking.

Also crashed/rolled AI should be removed from track..?

Of the 12 cars that started 3 reached the finnish, those 3 where FZ5 cars, one LX6 managed to keep going till lap 39 of 45. Rac, XFR's UFR's and other 2 lx's crashed or rolled early in race.
Last edited by auch_enne, .
S2 licensed
Yes I see your point and agree.

Alot of platinum, gold, titanium drivers are still going to CTRA 1, it might be because they just like the close racing of the slower cars, or and I think this is more likely, since there is nobody in CTRA2 nobody will join, and if nobody joins.. well you get the point, it's self sustaining paradox (a vicious circle is the word I'm looking for I think).

I think once the player base with gold license and up is big enough the CTRA2 server will be used more, or once people just join there even it is empty or low populated.. Don't think there is much to be done against it

About the other 2 types of license, open wheelers is just not my thing but I do see them driven alot so why they prefer that other server over CTRA is beyond me.. maybe ask openwheelers what they mis or dislike about the CTRA openwheeler server?

The bump and run thing, well I just don't understand what's the point there Is it a server which uses auto-x tracks so there are new tracks, or is it a form of destruction derby?

I think in general the player base for LFS aint that big, so filling up 3 different types of server with each their own ladder system is hard. That's always the difficulty of a multiplayer game, you need the players Maybe though if Scawen is cooking some nice computerbrains for breakfast you can set a minimum of 5 cars on your server, making them appear in the list of games, and for each player that connects an AI is replaced... Just having the server in the list might solve the "problem"

Well I hope all your hard work doesnt go down the drain like Victors ladder system did.. or the auto-x website thingy.. why that isn't use more is beyond me. I know it's hotlap based instead of door to door racing but the ability to create new challenges as in new track and have people fight for the "wr" should be appealing enough imho

Well I'll stop now before my post turns in to a book and by any means, you guys already though of all this prolly

Cool to see my post has brought out some new info about CTRA future plans though

S2 licensed
Ok guess I was wrong Thanks for the quick reply's and ofcourse I hope you have alot of fun races on fe club in the future

btw since I'm being a naging bastard now anywayz, could CTRA host a lx4 server, or an LRF server?
Tracks used
S2 licensed
Sorry if this has been posted before..

Fe Club is imho not a race track but a practise track.. it's just no fun racing there, overtaking is next to impossible and all the tires and stuff rolling on to the track make it even worse...

It would be bliss if it was removed from the track list.. I think the mayority of drivers dislikes this track for racing..

Just my 2 cents, ofcourse I'm not in a position to complain, CTRA is a nice thing, atleast it give me a chance to race road cars more But just wanted to point out to the admins that it might be nice to switch it for something else

S2 licensed
Thanks for the tip *Foucault's Pendulum* I'll have a look in to it

Although I agree with you that it's not worth your life keeping track of what bilderbergers(etc.) are doing.. although I did make the choice to create a life for myself (and help those around me that live to work and ain't happy but feel a need to change) where work and material thing are worth alot less and things as love, compasion, just helping somebody out without expecting something in return, trying to be balanced in mind and body etc. etc. is worth alot more...

It's everybodys free choice to do with their lives as they wish, and for me it feels alot better to spend time with my family, just enjoy the sun while laying on some patch of grass, share thoughts and feelings with those interested and as a cost have a little less money, then to be working 2/3th's of my life just so I can buy crap that makes the feeling of emptyness go away for a short period. Until the buzz is over and I want/need something else to make me happy.

I on the other hand understand that not everybody feels this way and that is their fair choice, as long as it's a choice though!... (catch my drift?)
When people are not think/exploring for themself how can they know what they are doing is what they want? (We are thaught alot, but to me it feels like they left out quite a bit, things that are quite important to me.. now that is, I wasn't always some openminded post hippy kinda guy )

I would like to go in to more detail as I spend quite some time of my life reading up on all kinds of views on life, but I still didn't find a definitive answer. (I missed alot of this in my yought, or did they theach you at school how to be happy?) All though I think alot would be offtopic as I concentrated more on boeddhisme, spirituality, sumerian history etc. etc. and not so much on Free Masons, war, brainwashing etc.

/me hopes that I didn't offend anybody, if so it was not my intent.
Hope you all have a beautifull day, and atleast give a friendly "hi" to one person you don't know today
S2 licensed
The least I can do is say, "thanks".

Thanks to you are trying to stay informed.
Thanks to you are trying to help others get informed.
Thanks that dispite others questioning what is right infront of their face you still keep your cool and explain a bit more.

(Common guys, 7/7, an exercise with almost exactly the same situation, and you call it coincidence? While the same happend with 9/11?)
What fears me the most is that the whole world just tolorates it.. and that most people on this earth spend so much time getting brainwashed they don't even want to look around to see if there might be any truth in all this. Why would a "democratic" goverment do such a thing? Ask yourself, search, inform...

Have you been in-formed, or did you in-form yourself???

Please drive-tru nothing to see here, just go and consume, watch some more tv. Your born to work not think!
S2 licensed
*warning* alot of off-topic philosophy (and typos)

First of, sorry if I add more oil to the fire, it's not my intention. I'm just a curious person and it seems there are quite some people here who did some informing of their own and could give me some nice feedback...

I would like to point out that I agree with Electrik Kar that in this current capitalistic democracy each consumer can offer a great deal of "vote" just by buying or not buying certain products. "Be the change you want to see in the world."
(TV's now a days breakdown alot sooner, the TV from my grandma is still working.. If companys wish to keep selling stuff, your ipod needs to go kaput else you prolly wont buy an other one soon..Simple business. *horrifying thought* would the same go for medical company's? medicine is big business)

Well of to the asking..

I have heard about the galactic equator and our sun aligning to it, is this confirmable? From the place's I heard about it they often referred to the sun gaining activity due to this alignment. I think they said something about in the next 5 years this allignment should take place.

I also heard about global media giving a one sided view on events (even in this thread this was posted by a journalist). (BTW this reminded me of movie's I've seen on youtube) Ofcourse such a thing is hard to be prove or disprove as a fact. (Proving something doesn't exist is by it self a paradox..) But what gain would somebody have by controlling the mass media and what would their goal be?

I also wonder. Global warming not being natural but man made.. isn't man part of nature?

(Just asking stupid questions here, but please do give me some nice feedback, I'm always happy to learn.)

My dad used to say (or still says this). "Enviromentalist are egoists. They are only afraid that the human race will die out.. The planet will survive all our idiotsy, new plants will grow and new beings will develop don't worry..." I don't necessarily agree with him (though he has a point), he does however drive a big ... t_Chevrolet_Avalanche.jpg .

I don't have a point here just asking... Reading alot of strange stuff on the .net these days and my image of society, evolution and human history is changing even more. It was already changed alot from growing up as an atheist not believing in anything accept for "life's hard but the front of a train is harder" , to experiencing for myself Jose Silva's alpha training (meditation), to finding buddhism, reading "Nothing in This Book Is True, but It's Exactly How Things Are" and needing alot of time to comprehend it, seeing "What the bleep do we know" 1 and later part 2, finding out about the mayan calender, Ian Xel Lungold, José Arguelles, Niburu, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Michael Tsarion and alot more. And I'm trying to find sence in all this info, it seems like a water rapid. In - formation pouring in quicker and quicker, more and more.
I'd like to find my own form...
S2 licensed
Yeah autoX for fun!!
S2 licensed
Hmm I think the problem might be that on the big grids if an incident happens, and well they do which is normal for racing, the people behind it think "hey a crash this offers opportunity to get by 5 people at once" instead of think "hey a crash maybe I should lift, maybe even brake, take a bit more care, wait for a gap so I can drive through without creating a big pileup"...

The problem is though with real racing if such a big crash would happen safety car would come out, and those that where nice enough to wait for the crashed cars to roll to the side of the track have a chance to catch up with the rest of the field.
While in LFS if you are carefull wait for the big crash to settle so you can drive through cleanly the other cars will be half a lap away already. So maybe it could be cool if the AI gets boosted for patch Y it could be used as a safety car feature ?!

Well just my 2 cents of what I've seen on the big grid servers, yellow flags don't mean, "Floor it, you can now pass em all in one swoop." ....

greetz and enjoy the game
S2 licensed
I guess he is not asking about the options he has within LFS, but what would be used on the track nowadays.. as in real GTR cars, do they use, sequential, paddles or stick? Do they have a clutch pedal or not? Etc.

But well I don't know the answer to those question . (Wondering myself 2 though)
S2 licensed
hmm good to see I'm not the only one with this (thanks search feature)

tried all the lfs settings and catalyst setting to try and make it go away but to no avail.
I also see it only on fernbay, although I do see dark lines on other track but they are alot less like a grapix bug like these..

Well I made a picture to attach and did the research to check all tracks, and test all setting. And I used to search function, so although this post is useless I just had to make it after all the trouble

Well cya at X, tomorrow ¿?
S2 licensed
On a public road They got quite a crowd though, seems there was not much to do at that time
I would get bored too watching stones and sand all day...
S2 licensed
Biggest problem for me is not having ForceFeedback under Linux, so there goes the whole point of trying to get it to run
S2 licensed
Btoryo, I guess he is using animated gif ...
S2 licensed
In my general experience I have noted that, if people judge they are ofthen afraid of being judged... that said, if somebody "likes" you or "loves" you he/she should except all that makes you you.. your good and "bad" sides, your cool and uncool hobbys whatever those maybe

So if people judge your shoes (example) they have prolly been bullied about theirs, are feel inconfident in someway about their shoes/feet/clothing .... this is just an example it happend in many forms and ways, just self reflect what thing you way more important on appearance of others, maybe it tells you something about yourself illepall

I think it is important not to judge to quickly, things happen for a reason even if it is something to get through weekend. So you can enjoy a full week of work/school again

Enjoy life and let other enjoy it too! Maybe you can even help others enjoy life more then they are doing now!

greetz and have a nice day now

S2 licensed
Quote from teaz-R :Render by Morrow Designs and a bit of Photoshop work from me:

1600x1200: ... R/fxrmtecnsxwallpaper.jpg

nice one teaz !! damn love it
S2 licensed
uhm isn't S1 update just like the demo? so you still have the same cars and tracks but with the new physics etc?

but you mean that people who bought S1 when only S1 was out and never bought S2 when that came out cant play S1 anymore?!

I have 2 friends who only bought S1, also met some demo drivers who do have S1 but didn't buy S2... for those people their purshase has become useless since they cant join S2 server running S1 combo's and there are no S1 servers.. so they can only play offline (which is boring since the Ai is uhm..) but as you say it they cant even do that since they would not be able to unlock their product??!!

Well imho although this has been suggested before, S1 users should have been able to join S2 servers running S1 combo's (TBO on FernBay, LX on southcity whatever...) but this was not done due to people being able to hack the game. Although I wonder since now S1 is not sold seperately anymore howmany S1 licence holders out there would actualy make use of this possible hack... To bad though, even if it was change now not many old S1 users would know and still come online.. I always say the more the merrier imho there are way to less licenced drivers online.. most of the time there are even more demo drivers then S2 drivers. Giving us less choice in combo's

ok now i'll quit just my 2 cents though I'm happy with my S2 licence just a bit unhappy that I confinced my friends to buy S1 back in the day..

edit : maybe I misread, ofcourse I understand you cant unlock the old S1, but I think you are able to unlock just the S1 content in the new S2 download... right? Sorry for the rant!
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Vista will fuel the Linux revolution. Light a torch and grab your pitchfork.

damn i only wish my games would run smooth on linux too... it's just that what's holding me back... ofcourse all the free apps presuaded me to linux (which ever distro you choose) openoffice gimp etc etc, why let yourself be ripped of by microsoft

btw i still run my games on win98se have had alot less problems then all my friends who switched to XP when it came around... alot less!!

greetings SMOKE
S2 licensed
ow and an S2 ban is abit more then a demo ban.. since it is a license ban so they wouldn't be able to get around it by changing IP. And most admins would exchange their account name banning them even before they ever set foot on the server

Well the biggest thing ofcourse is more track, more cars MORE FUN!!
S2 licensed
I have an idea, why not drive demo with a few S2 drivers, so to create a clean racing enviroment and promote S2 a bit more... We could be online say every friday for a few hours on a certain server. Or maybe in general S2 racers could join demo server once a while to tell people where to get setups, how to drive.. etc etc To just show demo racers the nice lfs community

What I dont understand (well i do, people want stuff for free) is that there are almost always more demo drivers then s2 drivers... if this would change it would be great for the versitility of s2 combo's being run and it would allow for more leagues to flourish.. illepall

Well to any demo racer that is even a bit serious about racing, only thing I can say is spend that money and get going with the fun!!
S2 licensed
For those not already following the race, the stream has started an hour ago.

Still 4 1/2 hours of racing to go!

Standing atm :

1 tHUNder Racing
3 Cyber Racing
4 1ST » Racing
5 Pedal to the Metal Racing
6 GRENTIS Racing Team
7 POD - virtual racing
8 HFD Racing
9 team XFR
10 n!faculty
11 masterblasters e.V.
12 ITEK Racing
13 Zwarte Wind Racing
14 Triple 7 Racing
15 Clownpaint
16 Shock.fx
17 Scirocco Players
S2 licensed
Je kunt dan zeker nog mee doen, races zijn om de twee weken dus je zult er niet zo veel missen, tevens is dit seizoen opgezet als 2 aparte cups en een overall championship.. maar uiteindelijk gaat het om mee doen en fun hebben dus kom zeker na je vakantie mee racen!!
S2 licensed
Jep jep dit wordt weer lache dit seizoen hehe

zie jullie allemaal op de track Donderdag !!! grrr
S2 licensed
I'm gonna try linux too, again. For office and desktop things it is very nice, specially with OpenOffice.Org etc, being all free.. But no gaming on linux I guess, even with the ut2003 awhile back which had a linux install version, I lost like 30/40fps... So I think I'll need to keep a dual for games.