bkg_credits - GOOD / ALMOST PERFECT. bkg_entry - As Lynce said, this could be better. bkg_garage - GOOD / ALMOST PERFECT. I think the "circle" should be more rounded and the shadows could be better. Right now, if you spin the car, it looks like it's floating. bkg_lesson - GOOD. bkg_multi - GOOD. The only suggestion I have is to make more backgrounds, using different cars. bkg_options - GOOD. Maybe it would look better with less tools... bkg_replay - PERFECT. bkg_setup - PERFECT.
bkg_track - PERFECT.
bkg_training - Not as good as the rest. The cones could be represented better.
I like this pack very much. I only said "bad" things about it, because I want this to be perfect.
If LFS is windowed and I hold the title bar for 15-20 seconds and let it go, I can't see any cars, all I get is LAG (time), but the chat is working normaly.
If it's possible, I would like to have the following exceptions (for now): 3g_undrtray Canal aerodinamic inferior 3a_ptp_remt la distanță 3g_dbnotava Baza de date cu skin-uri de înalta rezoluție nu este disponibilă 3a_kazoom_i Micșorare câmp vizual
The garage looks better with more shadow. Luchian was right.
I like the lines in the new track selection screen, it adds more depth and more detail, but there is a small problem. The track map is not as visible as it was in the old track selection screen, because it's about the same color as the background in the top section (see picture). It would be great if you could keep the lines and make track more visible at the same time.
I didn't update it because I wasn't sure it's correct. I prefer to update after I talk to the other translators.
Altought we updated a lot of words these days, the translation isn't finished and it can only be used for testing purposes for now. I will try to update I as much as I can today.
The first line in your .txt is wrong. (REÂNCEPEREA)
It's correct the way I wrote it (REÎNCEPEREA) and here is why:
Pe scurt, regula zice că â se foloseşte în interiorul cuvintelor, iar î se foloseşte la început şi la sfârşit.
Ca în: c[B]â[/B]ntar,[B] î[/B]nceput, a hotăr[B]î[/B], hotăr[B]â[/B]t, hotăr[B]â[/B]nd, a ur[B]î[/B], ur[B]â[/B]t, ur[B]â[/B]nd.
Numai că: [B]dacă un cuvânt care începe cu î primeşte un prefix[/B] (adică alea 2-3 litere de le pui uneori în faţă, de genul pre-, ne-), [B]atunci î rămâne î, deşi acu’ apare în interiorul cuvântului[/B].[B] î[/B]nceput – ne[B]î[/B]nceput; [B]î[/B]ndoielnic – ne[B]î[/B]ndoielnic.
You say that we have made big grammar mistakes and yet the first word that you translate is wrong. You see now how easy it is to make a mistake? That's why we need to work together. When one makes a mistake, the others can correct it.