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S2 licensed
Well, we reached our website bandwidth limit (10GB per month). This is awesome, as we never expected to reach that kind of transfer in a month, and well, 10GB is a damn lot of data.

We hope we can have this situation solved by tomorrow at night, and we will post the video (2 parts) on youtube, so the ones who didn't have the opportunity to watch may be able to do it.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :He didn't actually use the word suck or actually said anything like that. What he said was that he couldn't feel the car in rf/GTR like he can in LFS which is little different. Unless your brazil is better than mine

Good job

S2 licensed

Here is the thread with the video and the magazine.

[News - Brazil] LFS and LFSBR on TV and nationwide magazine
S2 licensed
Hi folks,

It is with great pleasure that I post this topic. We, on LFSBR, were able to make contacts with a regional TV Station (reach of +- 3million ppl - Ulbra TV) and a nationwide magazine.

On the TV program, called "Ulbratech", we talked about the simulator and the brazilian League, with highlights to the "1st Bycon Challenge of Virtual Motorsports", in wic we distributed R$ 1.300,00 in prizemoney.

The story can be seen here. We will soon upload it to youtube, and Ill edit this post with the links.

Here are the links to the magazine scans:


Here is a free translation to the content of the magazine:

Quote :Brazilian LFS League (LFSBR) is accepting new applications for those interested in participating on the virtual races. According to Luciano Falkowski, LFSBRs vice-president, there are four official competitions every year, with high level drivers participating. Applications should be done on, where you can acquire a license with an international credit card (around R$90). To be a part of LFSBR, the driver needs to go through a series of theoretical and practical tests ( In july, it was held a unique event with prize money involved, and Márcio Campos (Campos_MIC) was the winner, driving Fullpower's (magazine) car.

Notes: I gave a 10 minute interview for the reporter on the phone, and she watched the program on Ulbra TV, but still put a lot of wrong data in the note. lol. Some small corrections are that applications should be done at, and the license of the simulator should be aqcuired at

But well, at least we got it going. =)

We are extremely proud, because this is a new thing in Brazil, and it is really difficult to get "PC Games" to be taken seriously.

We hope that this kind of exposure here in Brazil can help to make out comunity bigger and better!
S2 licensed
Quote from alland44 :I have driven 155.000 km`s online, and only once have I seen a cheater. That was the STIG thing, not so long ago.

I think it`s "dangerous" to start roumours about speed hacking, and other ways of cheating, when the problem is so minor

We must not end up in mistrusting Bawbag, Flotch, blackman and all the other aliens They are skilled persons, with a speical talent for Lfs. It can seem impossible for us mortal people, to drive that fast - But they do it every day

So take it easy, and don`t cry wolf

Relax bud! This is not a complaint or anything. I never cited those names, and never, not even for a second, wanted to say that they use these kind of disrespectul things! I know for a fact, as in Brazil we have drivers that can compete equally with anyone in the world (see Mogar, Carlos H Wrobel, IgorBK, LKP2005), and I know that they just are that good.

And well, that is not a personal rant too, as I'm fairly happy with my times (normally I'm always able to be only 0.7s to 1s slower than wr times).

This is just a concern with things that can occur, and this topic was made to see if anyone know how these cheats actually work. My concern is due to the fact that I'm the manager of a well respected league (LFSBR - Brazil), and we are dealing here with TV exposure, countrywide magazines and prizemoney.

Face this as prevention, not as accusation.

S2 licensed

This is not about wreckers. It is about people who want and could gain unfair advantage over other racers. As you guys are aware of, 0.2s per lap can be HUGE in close races.

The big question remains: how can we recognize people using this cheats on a subtle way? Can LFSStats give us some info based on its graphics? Is there any other application that can gather this information and make it easier for us to know if people are cheating?
"Speed Hack": How to recognize people using it?
S2 licensed
Hi folks,

I made a search, and saw that a lot of this matter has already been discussed.

But I never found any explanation on how to discover if somebody is using the speed hack (S2).

I'm not talking about guys that go to ultra-high speeds. I'm talking about the subtle users, who only use it to improve acceleration, and perhaps 3 or 4 more km/h on the end of straights. That would represent a time improvement of about 0.3 to 0.8s per lap.

Can anybody who know this hack in depth explain how to find these subtle cheaters?
S2 licensed
I believe this thread should be moved to "Bugs - Program".

As you can see in the mpr, the problema only happens when MIC is using auto clutch. if it was lag, it wouldn't matter if it was manual or auto clutch, it would happen all the time...

[ ]s
S2 licensed

Keep up the good work kegetys.
S2 licensed
Quote :It would, but not all would be appropriate for all cars. Thruxton would be waay sub 1 minute in the BF1 for example. The R/L record is 1:01 or so with a F3 car (IIRC).

Well, not all tracks are appropriate for all cars right now. Fern bay really doesn't fit GTRs, the curbs are way too high for them. Not to mention the Formulas. That excludes a lot of possibilities for leagues.

Also, we have '48 options', but those are not really really options. Mainly because all the variations use similar sectors, wich gives us the impression that we are always in the 'same' track configuration. That takes off some of the fun and also the challenge.

I just would like to know if Eric is working on another tracks. After all, we don't have new tracks since S2 alpha was released, back in 2005 (I know, we had the new Aston configs, that are really nice, but it is impossible to have 3-4 Astons in one season without the racers complaining).

I'm really expecting to be surprised by Eric with a couple more tracks very soon. It doesn't matter if the tracks only have 2 configs (normal/reversed).
S2 licensed
I don't mind if we have the fictional cars forever. They could even add more fictional cars, and I wouldn't mind.

But I really expect to see the possibility of adding real TRACKS on LFS. If the community was able to develop existing tracks it would be awesome, and would add a lot to league racing...

I mean... In LFSBR we are in our 3rd season (1st championship was in march 2005). We used nearly ALL tracks and ALL variations possible for the combos we race. Having 20 or more tracks would be really sweet. (But of course, if we had 2-3 new tracks in a patch I wouldn't be bothered at all!)
S2 licensed
Sorry bud. I looked for it in the pinned threads, but didn't find the suggestion.

Please, some admin lock the topic.

Use of /minutes as parameter for lenght of races
S2 licensed
As we already have the parameter /hours to set a race lenght, I'd suggest that we add the paramenter /minutes.

In the Brazilian League ( we have two heats in every race. We try to have every heat around 25-30 minutes. So we set the laps to last something around that.

I believe it would be extremely benefical if we could use the parameter suggested above, because it would add an unexpected variation to the races (ok, a small one, but a good one), since we wouldn't know how many laps the race would have, and it could affect some of the strategies involved in the race (amount of fuel).

S2 licensed
Quote from Meanie :Looks like he really went out of his way to "publish" it.

He even registered an account at our brazilian league forum's and posted a thread about his "discovery", heh.


He already was registered to our forums. If you look to his message, he registered there at the April 4th, 2005.

And by the way, your signature is waaaaaay too funny... LMAO

Promoting yourself as a slow driver... Yeah, right... Always REALLY close to WR times with the FOX... Slow... Yeah, right!
S2 licensed
And I'm pretty sure other leagues would also benefit from this idea. After all, this is a great way to make the races more fun and entertaining, with more overtakings, etc.

[ ]'s
S2 licensed
[VRT] iNovaTelecom was founded in September 2005 (formerly known as Astraclub VRacing Team). We only have S2 racers, and we will be here for a loooong time. =)

Btw, our server is up if you want some nice racing. Right now we are only with a 12ppl server, basicaly for team practice (we race on the brazilian league). In a couple of days we are putting a 23ppl server up for S2, and we are discussing the possibility of a DEMO server (that will depend on our sponsor).

[ ]'s
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :Yeah but this forum isn´t used only by americans. There is almost 200 (yes, there is more than just Canada and Mexico ) different countries in the world. Should each of them start a thread about their independance day? I think not.

I think yes.

As a multicultural forum, we should accept different cultures, and celebrations from this cultures. And this is exactly what is happening here.

So, congratulations again american citizens.

[ ]'s
S2 licensed

I just hate when people come complaining and hijacking threads... Kid, whats the problem with the guy celebrating here? He has fellow amercan friends here, and THAT'S the point.

If the brazilians only used this forum, I would be the first to start a thread celebrating our independence day!

Again, congratulations for the american people. They would not be where they are today if the weren't EXTREMELY competent.

[ ]'s
S2 licensed
Hey all,

Most of the time in the brazilian server ( #LiveForSpeed UOL LFSBR s2# / there is two of them) we have fair and clean races, with few or no accidents on T1. The only problem we had was yesterday. And that is completely explainable: we are having a XFR/UFR Cup, and the next race is Aston Club. And that is a completely famous combo. So the server was full, with half brazilian/half foreigners. Guess what? The foreigners (probably people who don't run regularly in League Events)kept crashing over and over again.

The good part is that on 80% of the time there are admins there (I'm one of them, we have more IgorBK, CarlosHWrobel, SpeedSoro, JSCorrea and AngelBR), so we can partly handle that. But we follow some rules: first we warn. Then we kick. And only then we ban. The bad part is that until those 3 procedures are completed, the wreckers already wasted some good races, and went bother someone else.

[ ]'s
S2 licensed
Hey bud.

Also check the setups on

If you're racing eith "RACE_S" setup, you'll get A LOT better with better setups.

[ ]'s
Bob Smith,
S2 licensed
I'm sorry, but I didn't find the proper thread, so I'll ask here

Will the Advanced Setup Guide be updated to Patch T? If the answer is yes, when do you expect to release the new version?

S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :Thanks for the Planatronics-link. But I have a question: Can the DSP-500 also run on normal soundcards or only (and solely) via USB? While USB is nice for windows, I'd also like to be able to use it without any hassle via my soundcard under Linux.


Unfortunately I don't have an answer for that. As I only use Windows, I don't how it matches with Linux.

[ ]'s
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :While suggestions are being gathered, I'd also like to hear your suggestions on good headphone with a microphone.


I have a Plantronics DSP-500. It is an awesome phone. The microphone quality is superb too. ... 035/cat1430032/prod440044

[ ]'s
S2 licensed
Quote from The Dide :I agree with above, but I think, no sim prepares one for the g-forces (especially braking), which will work on you during a race. The heat and constant poundering of noise is also something which can stress people out, distracting from the clean racing line.. ;-). Also it can be really unnerving how brutal racing drivers (or wanna-be's) are driving their cars.

Having quite some kilometers offline (and very few and slow online), I don't drive any faster on the road (if situation permits) or feel prepared by racing with LFS, because crashing IRL hurts and is expensive and in LFS you don't really need to care....

p.s. my humble, private opinion ;-)

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but that is a great feature from NKPro. You actually need to care (when racing in PRO mode), because if you crash, you'll spend A LOT of time until you get to the pits and until your car is repaired.

So that makes you care about crashing and being a "jerk".

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