# This is sample script for LFSRelax.
# Use non-formatting text editor such as notepad to modify script.
# If using unicode characters save script as unicode text document.
# Lines beginning with # are comments and are ignored by program.
# General options
# Host IP.
Host =
# Insim UDP or TCP port.
# Before starting LFSRelax you must configure LFS server to use this port for InSim.
# You can do that in command line when starting LFS (/insim=29999) or in talk window of LFS (/insim 29999).
Port = 29999
# TCP mode.
# true if you want to use TCP
# false if tou want to use UDP
TCPmode = true
# Enable or Disable Outgauge
EnableOutGauge = true
# Change Password to match Admin password on LFS server.
Password = yourpass
# TEamSpeak
# Position of button and size
# Hbutton = Heigth
# Wbutton = Width
# TButton = Top position ( 0 to 200 )
# LButton = Left position ( 0 to 200 )
# SeeHimSelf = true or false . You can view your button when you speak when set at true
EnableTSView = false
Hbutton = 10
Wbutton = 30
Tbutton = 100
Lbutton = 2
SeeHimSelf = true
# Pit Spotting
# DxR = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the rigth in meter
# DxL = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the Left in meter
# DxF = Distance between Viewed car an a car Forward You in meter
# DxB = Distance between Viewed car an a car Behind You in meter
# This will make a rectangle around you to determine the area of pitspotting
# minSpeed: Minumum own speed required to do spotting (km/h)
# maxSpeeDiffFaster: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when a faster car passes (km/h)
# maxSpeedDiffSlower: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when passing a slower car (km/h)
# maxAngleDiff: Maximum angle difference between own car and spotted car
# stillThereInterval: Interval in milliseconds between "still there" voices
EnablePitSpotter = true
DxR = 25
DxL = 25
DyF = 5
DyB = 5
# For debugging, show collision coordonate
ViewCollision = false
# Auto Message
# Possible variables to use on all actions
# {ShortTime}
# {LongTime}
# {ShortDate}
# {LongDate}
# {ShortTrackName}
# {colon} = :
# {vbar} = |
# {at} = @
EnableAutoMessage = false
# Default car to show, when no car is specified.
#DefaultCar = UF1
#DefaultCar = XFG
#DefaultCar = XRG
#DefaultCar = XRT
#DefaultCar = RB4
#DefaultCar = FXO
#DefaultCar = LX4
#DefaultCar = LX6
#DefaultCar = RAC
#DefaultCar = FZ5
#DefaultCar = MRT
#DefaultCar = XFR
#DefaultCar = UFR
#DefaultCar = FOX
#DefaultCar = FO8
#DefaultCar = FXR
#DefaultCar = XRR
#DefaultCar = FZR
#DefaultCar = BF1
#DefaultCar = FBM
# Actions that are executed on received messages. Use '|' for next pattern/action pair and to separate pattern from action.
# If more actions or patterns, separate them with ':'.
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who send the initial message ( No color )
AutoAction =
hoho|^3What's so funny,^4 {Nickname}?:isn't it!|
unnamed|no name no game:/kick unnamed|
!test|{Nickname} is testing...
# When you join a server
OnConnectServer = Hello / Hi / Ciao
# When a new player join a server
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who join
# {Username} - Username of driver who join
# {Car} - Default Car
OnNewPlayerConnect = Hello {Nickname}:/ws {ShortTrackName} {Car} pb {Username}
# When a race Start
OnRaceStart = Good Race!
# When a race End
# OnRaceEnd = Thank's for racing on {ShortTrackName}!
# When New PB
# {Username} - Username of driver who do PB
# {PBTime} - PB time of new PB
# OnNewPB = Great!! New PB {Username}, new time {PBTime}
# GameStat
EnableGameStat = false
Database = ./PB.txt
MyUsername = Gai-Luron
isMph = false
coordLibelDiffBefore = 68,185,20,5
coordButtDiffBefore = 88,185,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBefore = 100,185,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBefore = 110,185,12,5
coordLibelDiffBehind = 68,195,20,5
coordButtDiffBehind = 88,195,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBehind = 100,195,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBehind = 110,195,12,5
coordLibelSplit = 0,60,15,7
coordButtDiffSplit = 15,60,15,7
coordButtSplit = 30,60,15,7
coordDistKm = 140,193,30,7
coordButtFuel = 25,175,20,6
coordButtLogoFuel = 93,22,20,20
# Display icon fule when remain resLap lap in fuel
resLaps = 2
# At which speed to start and stop measuring time. In km/h.
AccelerationStartSpeed = 1
AccelerationEndSpeed = 100
AccelerationStartSpeedMph = 1
AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60
# Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message.
AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10
# Message to show to player.
# Possible variables to use:
# {AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
# {AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
# {AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
# {UnitSpeed} Unit of the Speed of the player connected
# If you don't want acceleration message put '#' before AccelerationPrivateMessage
AccelerationPrivateMessage = ^3{AccelerationTime}^7 seconds to {AccelerationEndSpeed} {UnitSpeed} !
coordButtAcc = 60,42,80,20
# Virtual SpeedoMeter
EnableVirtualSpeedo = false
coordVirtualSpeedo = 164,187,30,16
# Other
EnableShiftBip = false
he works only at me PitSpotter and VirtualSpeedo
ahh EnableGap must on. I still can not switch off virtual speedo :|