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Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Quote from VoiD :MyUsername = Streets Ghost should do the trick...

thx mate, works
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
whether it is to do, to record our pb txt file?

every time you turn on, we have new times

preferably, to recognize the cars, because driving xrt I make sure a better time than xfg and then I have to reset lfsrelax


ok, I read about and found unless the answer to my problem, but not quite.
surely it is a file, but I can not force him to work. Does not save pb
lfsrelax use the same for you, not as a supplement to the server.

Last edited by Streets Ghost, .
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
thx LineR32, but one question, how to edit logoalpha & tyre itd (screen)

you could maybe make accessible one's?

Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
As you can see the texture of rear lights is too near the front grill Look photo

Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
# This is sample script for LFSRelax.
# Use non-formatting text editor such as notepad to modify script.
# If using unicode characters save script as unicode text document.

# Lines beginning with # are comments and are ignored by program.

# General options

# Host IP.

Host =

# Insim UDP or TCP port.
# Before starting LFSRelax you must configure LFS server to use this port for InSim.
# You can do that in command line when starting LFS (/insim=29999) or in talk window of LFS (/insim 29999).

Port = 29999

# TCP mode.
# true if you want to use TCP
# false if tou want to use UDP
TCPmode = true

# Enable or Disable Outgauge
EnableOutGauge = true

# Change Password to match Admin password on LFS server.
Password = yourpass
# TEamSpeak
# Position of button and size
# Hbutton = Heigth
# Wbutton = Width
# TButton = Top position ( 0 to 200 )
# LButton = Left position ( 0 to 200 )
# SeeHimSelf = true or false . You can view your button when you speak when set at true

EnableTSView = false

Hbutton = 10
Wbutton = 30
Tbutton = 100
Lbutton = 2
SeeHimSelf = true

# Pit Spotting
# DxR = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the rigth in meter
# DxL = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the Left in meter
# DxF = Distance between Viewed car an a car Forward You in meter
# DxB = Distance between Viewed car an a car Behind You in meter
# This will make a rectangle around you to determine the area of pitspotting
# minSpeed: Minumum own speed required to do spotting (km/h)
# maxSpeeDiffFaster: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when a faster car passes (km/h)
# maxSpeedDiffSlower: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when passing a slower car (km/h)
# maxAngleDiff: Maximum angle difference between own car and spotted car
# stillThereInterval: Interval in milliseconds between "still there" voices

EnablePitSpotter = true

DxR = 25
DxL = 25
DyF = 5
DyB = 5

# For debugging, show collision coordonate
ViewCollision = false

# Auto Message
# Possible variables to use on all actions
# {ShortTime}
# {LongTime}
# {ShortDate}
# {LongDate}
# {ShortTrackName}
# {colon} = :
# {vbar} = |
# {at} = @

EnableAutoMessage = false

# Default car to show, when no car is specified.

#DefaultCar = UF1
#DefaultCar = XFG
#DefaultCar = XRG
#DefaultCar = XRT
#DefaultCar = RB4
#DefaultCar = FXO
#DefaultCar = LX4
#DefaultCar = LX6
#DefaultCar = RAC
#DefaultCar = FZ5
#DefaultCar = MRT
#DefaultCar = XFR
#DefaultCar = UFR
#DefaultCar = FOX
#DefaultCar = FO8
#DefaultCar = FXR
#DefaultCar = XRR
#DefaultCar = FZR
#DefaultCar = BF1
#DefaultCar = FBM

# Actions that are executed on received messages. Use '|' for next pattern/action pair and to separate pattern from action.
# If more actions or patterns, separate them with ':'.
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who send the initial message ( No color )
AutoAction =
hoho|^3What's so funny,^4 {Nickname}?:isn't it!|
unnamed|no name no game:/kick unnamed|
!test|{Nickname} is testing...

# When you join a server
OnConnectServer = Hello / Hi / Ciao

# When a new player join a server
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who join
# {Username} - Username of driver who join
# {Car} - Default Car
OnNewPlayerConnect = Hello {Nickname}:/ws {ShortTrackName} {Car} pb {Username}

# When a race Start
OnRaceStart = Good Race!

# When a race End
# OnRaceEnd = Thank's for racing on {ShortTrackName}!

# When New PB
# {Username} - Username of driver who do PB
# {PBTime} - PB time of new PB
# OnNewPB = Great!! New PB {Username}, new time {PBTime}

# GameStat

EnableGameStat = false

Database = ./PB.txt

MyUsername = Gai-Luron

isMph = false

coordLibelDiffBefore = 68,185,20,5
coordButtDiffBefore = 88,185,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBefore = 100,185,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBefore = 110,185,12,5

coordLibelDiffBehind = 68,195,20,5
coordButtDiffBehind = 88,195,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBehind = 100,195,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBehind = 110,195,12,5

coordLibelSplit = 0,60,15,7
coordButtDiffSplit = 15,60,15,7
coordButtSplit = 30,60,15,7

coordDistKm = 140,193,30,7

coordButtFuel = 25,175,20,6
coordButtLogoFuel = 93,22,20,20
# Display icon fule when remain resLap lap in fuel
resLaps = 2

# At which speed to start and stop measuring time. In km/h.
AccelerationStartSpeed = 1
AccelerationEndSpeed = 100

AccelerationStartSpeedMph = 1
AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60

# Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message.
AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10

# Message to show to player.
# Possible variables to use:
# {AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
# {AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
# {AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
# {UnitSpeed} Unit of the Speed of the player connected

# If you don't want acceleration message put '#' before AccelerationPrivateMessage
AccelerationPrivateMessage = ^3{AccelerationTime}^7 seconds to {AccelerationEndSpeed} {UnitSpeed} !
coordButtAcc = 60,42,80,20

# Virtual SpeedoMeter
EnableVirtualSpeedo = false
coordVirtualSpeedo = 164,187,30,16
# Other

EnableShiftBip = false

he works only at me PitSpotter and VirtualSpeedo


ahh EnableGap must on. I still can not switch off virtual speedo :|
Last edited by Streets Ghost, .
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
such setting seem to be ok, im test, but near such configuration, nothing works except digitalspeedo

I use the newest testpatch, there here is the hook maybe
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
I would like to use only Split time,distance and Pit Spotter, he will give oneself somehow whole the rest to "switch off" ?

I tried in cfg, but every change she did not give changes, or she gave the mistake
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Last edited by Streets Ghost, .
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Anyone wanna render a FBM?

Rappa Z ... hp?pid=306&fullsize=1

Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Quote from Mafaioz :Here i have the whole team`s skins, would be great if anyone could render them so it looked lined up, awsome work guys!

I REALLY appreciate the work

awesome skins

Last edited by Streets Ghost, .
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Skin 500Severs by ATC Quicksilver
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :Could someone render this skin please? use any background/scene you like

Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Quote from Mojo_92 :Please can someone render this skin please

I would like it in a white background

Thanks in advance ... fzrmojocarbonfibreer3.jpg

Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Quote from AE86drifter :Anyone can render this Team Drift.Com.My XRT? (Actually it is their S13 in real life ).

Make them in one scene, with different types of rims (deepdish, 5 spokes etc.)...

I will be patient and waiting for someone to do it!

Those skin is public though, so use it if you want.

Last edited by Streets Ghost, .
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Quote from Spangler_CZE :Hi, my second ask

Can someone render this skin for me please ?


nice skins

render for you
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :I've been working on improving some of my scenes, first up was the BF1 since I had to rebuild it anyway because the original got corrupted for some reason.
I'm not too sure about it though, been trying to do something different from my previous one. The wheel material definitely sucks. And those sidewall alpha's keep annoying me

WOW very good

my last team
Last edited by Streets Ghost, .
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
but on what change the weels
I will try to do with 2 cars
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
thx RAYfighter
Streets Ghost
S3 licensed
np I am happy that you like it