I thought that it's clear that you can mention anything related to the topic hardest track / car combo but I added some more specifications in the first post.
I just wanted to start a little discussion here. In LFS, what is for you one of the trickier or trickiest track/car combination.
For me it's definitely a longer race on FE4R (Black) on FXO.
I really like the track in forward mode, but reverse all the tricky parts are taken neither in much higher speeds or downhill. Especially with the the FXO you really have to drive "on raw eggs".
Generally I also think that the FE4R is on of the hardest tracks to master with any faster car.
Please feel free to join the discussion and tell about your "horror"-combination
Edit: To be more precise:
Feel free to write about "easy to learn, hard to master" or "hard to learn, not that hard to master" track experiences. You can also differentiate between the single seater cars or the rest of them.
Wow, that's pretty expensive. I remember our team meeting in Germany where we paid a lot less for 2 hours!
I'm interested and I hope my studies will allow me to come. So put me on the list.
What kind of carts will we race? The normal ones or the racing carts?
I used it for a very long time and liked it pretty much. It has very much buttons on it which are all really easy reachable.
When my driving improved, I missed the separated axis for throttle/break and force feedback.
So I saved some money and bought me a G25 which helped me very much to improve my laptimes (just because of the FF and separated axis).
I don't want to praise the G25 like nothing else, I think any other decent wheel with FF and separated axis would have helped me to improve my lap times. What I really miss are the many buttons on the wheel.
But I like the Thrustmaster very much. I have also driven a long time using throttle/brake on the wheel (had some problem with my brake pedal, which didn't want to break to the maximum), which was also not bad.
So, you have a wheel with many buttons, additional throttle/brake on your wheel, a shifting knob...
I'm starting to repeat myself, so: It's a great wheel if look at its age, but the lack of FF and sep. axis makes it only a bit better than a mouse
Reminds of when they showed on a German TV-Channel about the Miss Germany Contest where the women had to show how Germany was split up. So funny
Hot like hell but dumb as...don't know something to compare
One day I woke up and found Test Drive Unlimited on my hard disk
Happy about that managed to get it work and have to say: Nice graphics, nice car park but driving it with a wheel is so boring and you don't get the feedback you are used from LFS.
I think it's a nice game to play with your buddies on your XBox with a gamepad and some beers right next to you.
What makes me the most dissappointed about this game is the lack of support.
For the Xbox there are released about 5 additional packs with new cars and for the PC they did 1 with 2 cars and they seem to ignore all the problems people have on the PC playing it.
Check the official forum and you see what I mean.
I was ill for a week and watched the whole Season 1 on Stage-6 online.
If you can watch it in one piece it's ok, but waiting for each episode would just suck...
In fact: Funny to watch but in the end nothing that you would really miss if you didn't watch it
- Sanitarium -> Rare game, 2D but great story!
- Gothic 3 -> Don't play really much because I have pretty long loading times because of my slow CPU and RAM =(
- Enjoying my life away from the computer, life's just another game