Because selling Gold for Euros is completely relevant to ensuring we have enough professionals to sustain something approaching modern standards of living. Yet another sweeping generalisation.
You still haven't grasped the concept that tax payers are expected to help fund higher education because we all need educated professionals, just because they aren't obvious and always in the picture dosen't mean they aren't necessary, something which short sighted and self centred people can't understand. You seem completely oblivious to most of the ways in which the tax you pay benefits you, epsecially in the long run.
Hang on, so if you lent money to a friend that would give you the right to talk down to him/her as if they were stupid? You still haven't got it into your head yet that wealth does not equal intelligence.
There are very few siutations, financial, social or political in which it acceptable to be a bastard, investing in your country's future is not one of them.
Again you can't apply one person's experience to every graduate in the nation, each degree course and subsequent career path is different. But lets not let reality get in the way of our media influenced opinions!
Yeah, I'm sure your personal experience is representative of every case in every line of employment across the whole country, and so can be used to tar every graduate with the same brush.
Also something else to think about, do you think graduates struggle because they're unprepared, or perhaps because of the patronising and generally unhelpful attitude non graduates like yourself seem to approach them with?
You just can't use IT to discredit the whole spectrum of higher education, if anything higher education teaches you to be more analytical and less inclined to make such sweeping statements, which is why we have a nation where the majority of people take the first simple opinion a tabliod offers them and accepts it as gospel.
Surgery is just an example. I'm sorry but simply reading and repeating some lines you picked up from a newspaper article or internet forum post just wont cut it if you're looking for a expert job in many fields.
Nobody denies that experience on the job isn't vital, but there are so many professions where the education is just as vital too, you can't become a surgeon through google. The fact that people seem to think they can know it all by reading the Wikipedia article probrably goes some way towards explaining the amount of misinformed bullshit that has filled this thread, and why my own first hand experiences of university so far has been so wildly different from the views of people who get all their 'knowledge' from the papers and google.
Thats very nice, whos going to design the machines and tools that cut the wood? Whos going to prospect for the fuel to power the machines and tools? Whos going to design the machines that extract and process the fuels?
Thats just a slice of the industries that rely on educated professionals, and all that indsutry has gone overseas, do you think there might be some money left if we'd put the effort and funding into making sure it hadn't left?
You have the common ignorant belief that everything is built through unskilled labour, completely ignoring the fact that there is nearly always an expert somewhere in the process without whom it can't happen, you only see what is right infront of you, completely uninterested in anything that dosen't benefit you right now.
EDIT: Also perhaps there would be money left if some individuals and organisations actually paid the tax they owe.
Again people completely failing to understand that by entering higher education you're not just benefiting yourself. Its very short sighted to think that gaining expertise is of no benefit to anyone else, and short sightedness and obsession with short term gain (e.g. having to pay less tax now) has played a part in wiping out vast parts of our industry.
If everything is magically paid for, then why am I still having to budget myself very carefully? And why am I facing the prospect of leaving university in major debt? Haha I wish everything was magically paid for. Its a very ignorant and stereotypical thing to say and has very little basis in reality, the only students who aren't having to save are the well off ones getting big wads of cash from mummy and daddy, oh how terribly taxed the rich are! :doh:
Please don't spout rubbish from your armchair without first hand experience. After all you are the same person who tried to convince us musicians deserve no credit for their work becuase they use already established scales and structures.
People think that if they push paper in an office long enough they become qualified to do anything. I'm sick of armchair know-alls that think age alone will bring them wisdom.
Same old bollocks completely underestimating the importance of educated workers. I bet a lot of the people who complain about students now are the same that complain when skilled foreign workers take the job vacancies that British people couldn't be bothered to fill, and why the majority of any meaningful industry has all but departed, but why let ignorance and hypocrisy get in the way of a good 'ol youth bashing?
If anyones being spoon fed, its you lot being fed the same student stereotypes by the media, perhaps if you ever had the chance or intelligence to experience university, you'd see how hard working and responsible the majority of students are, but its a lot easier to blurt the same old crap from your high and mighty armchairs instead.
And don't tell me working the shelves at Tesco and still living with your parents (which realistically is the most likely alternative), is valuable life experience. Especially when university usually involves living on your own for the first time in life with all the responsibilities that entails.
Just another part of our people's anti achievement obsession, we bash those who dare to aim higher and stand out, while celebrating normality and mediocricity, this is why our country has declined, not because of johnny foreigner but because of your ****ing stupid attitudes.
Possibly bringing a battered old 924 along if the money can be scraped together from somewhere, most likely sharing with my old man with him being the novice driver. Very early days yet, just casually looking into it. Thanks for offering to help, much appreciated, if things go further I might send some questions your way.
-Got a driving license
-Went to Scotland
-Generally unremarkable summer
-Got a place on a degree
-Left a boring town for the sticks
-Made great new friends there
-Discovered the joys of cider
-Played ridiculous amounts of pool
-Discovered Football isn't too bad after all (but West Ham still are)
-Got a car
-Couldn't insure car
-Went back to boring town
-Got snowed in
Interesting year its been, certainly better than the last.
Perhaps it would help if you actually backed your arguments up with something grounded in reality, just a suggestion. But fine, carry on digging yourself that hole if you like.
Just a bit ironic that us British pride ourselves on our refinement and liberal 'western' values, we react with outrage when a woman in Sudan gets stoned for wearing long 'pants' for example.
Yet when an asylum seeker (or anyone else who provokes social stigma) commits a crime, suddenly there are calls for the same kind of brutal summary justice that would provoke so much horror and disgust were it to happen abroad.
This thread is a wing nut's tea party.
Lets not forget that regardless of where this man comes from, he is still a human and is therefore entitled the same rights as other humans. I'm NOT saying that the way this case has worked out is acceptable, just having him swing from a tree or be brutally beaten for his crime instead would be just as wrong. Lets not let rage and ignorance drown out rational thought.
Also, I don't see what the poor victim's father will gain from this man being deported, surely it would be more satisfying to see this man serve a proper term in a British jail, but the state of the justice system is a can of worms I'm not going to open.
Nobody here is in denial about the defecit, it could just be reduced in a fairer way with a bit less debt for everybody to carry. The nation needs educated intellectuals and so it should be in the interest of the government that intelligent people are given the chance to carry on the higher education. Surely if you want to find the most intelligent people you should sort them in order of their intelligence, wealth has nothing to do with it.
You talk about higher education as if it is some kind of luxurious commodity for the rich only, but we need intellectuals as much as we need a police force or a fire brigade, which is why some public money needs to be spent on higher education.
You never see the people who are carrying out research and design to make your life better, they're not always visible like the police or fire brigade are, and this is why people completely underestimate how vital higher education is to the good of the nation.
So we should just give in to people's prejudices about education? To be honest thats just an excuse lazy people use to explain why they didn't go far. My experience of lower education in a supposedly bad state school makes me think that it really isn't as terrible as its made out to be.