In some countries that is the case, well not exactly jeans and a t-shirt but certain western fashions would get you in trouble, it'd be nice to see some tolerance on both sides.
Spot on really, I'm sick of people harping on about how you have no right to take away their 'freedoms' just because you disagree with the way they do things. If essentially you're saying I should not be allowed to criticise you, then isn't that violating my 'freedoms'?
Alonso was certainly smart enough to realise that in the pouring rain the best grip is about as far off the racing line as possible, allowing him to catapault around the outside of everyone at turn 5. Some good racecraft as well, lesser drivers would've hit eachother in those first few corners. Despite his questionable behavior you can't deny he sure can drive a car, seems to be the story for a lot of up and coming top level drivers lately.
That race he did a very agressive brake test on a slower driver for holding him up, I think it was Christian Klien, and he got a telling off for it if I remember correctly, perhaps the first signs of Alonso's true character coming through back then.
His time at Mclaren did change him, he took a turn for the worse when he realised he could be beaten.
EDIT: It was Doornbos, and it was in free practice...
I don't remember anyone saying it was fine when Mclaren did it, some members need to stop crying like 8 year olds, just because your darling Alonso does it dosen't mean you should too.
Alonso shows himself to be another prima donna expecting everyone to give him the easy ride based on his out of date reputation, him and Hamilton are just as bad as eachother.