Well lots of things have a student discount here so I'd imagine if you can prove you're a full time student with your card then you could get quite a bit off. I'm not sure about national rail though.
Theres always the coaches/buses, look on www.nationalexpress.com or if you want really cheap try http://uk.megabus.com where if you're lucky you might get a seat for as low as £1. Although with coaches obviously you can expect uncomfortable cramped conditions and ridiculously long journeys in queues while trains are at least fairly quiet and comfortable.
Whenever Klutch is being his usual prickish self on this forum, I may think and then I remember that this is the person on the other end. Then a I chuckle for a while.
Its easy to see why fighting aircraft fly themselves these days, because the amount of work a pilot/navigatior has to do instead has grown, back at the beginning of WW2 it was a case of pointing your sight at the enemy and pressing the red button or putting the correct height and speed parameters into a simple bombsight, of course you had to have gunnery skills are the aircraft were often unforgiving to fly. Now pilots have to know how to operate an endless amount of computer weapons systems and checklists all under intense pressure, the total workload hasn't decreased and may have even increased, its just shifted from flying the aircraft to operating the avionics and weapons systems. Anyone who has played simulators such as LOMAC on full difficulty settings knows this is true.
I'm not detracting from the skill of past military pilots, overall the aircraft and its systems have definately become easier to operate, weapons have become fire and forget and HUD displays can show a pilot where to lay their guns to score a hit before their very eyes. But the number of systems have grown so much. An Early spitfire had eight Brownings and one button, a modern fighter bomber could have infra red, radar, TV or laser guided missiles of close medium or far range, canon, guided or dumb bombs of all shapes and sizes, all of which have different characteristics and all may have completely different ways to operate them, a large range of which will have to be mastered by the pilot of such an aircraft.
Sad to see all the Harriers finally go, but progress must be made.
Only thing is buying Hornets would surely mean all our current aircraft carriers will have to be scrapped and our planned ones enlarged or redesigned, so overall will it work out cheaper than the JSF?
The RAF/Fleet Air Arm has a history of cancelling projects in favour of a poorer substitue, such as when they replaced the TSR2 with the Phantom and Buccaneer.
They are for self defence of the homeland! Of course the most effective way of defending Britain is by policing the desert half a world away.
Communism is defeated by greed whilst capitalism thrives on it, and seeing as it'll be a while before humans evolve out of being greedy (if they ever do), capitalism is the best bet for now, thats no excuse for being exceptionally greedy or miserly though.
However humans will never evolve out of being greedy in a capitalist system, seeing as it is a system which promotes greed at the expense of others of course. Those who make more money buy a better quality of life for thenmselves and so its the rich, not the strongest that survive. While this isn't ideal it at least works, what is unacceptable are the pricks who want to ensure that only the few already privelidged are allowed to advance themselves, denying the less fortunate masses the opportunity and ensuring that the wealth stays with a tiny fraction of the population, these people are often known as conservatives.
Because its not like capitalism has killed countless numbers is it? All those unfortunate souls who were too poor to live, but I'm alright Jack with my large house and a bank balance to match it.
These are the consequences of a major oil spill I'm afraid, all oil dispersant is toxic to some extent and all crude oil contains volatile material which causes harm in various quantities depending on the quality of the oil. Before you lynch me I'm not defending the way that this has been aparrently covered up. Its either this or the oil slick is very slowly cleared by nature, which would be unacceptable, but spraying toxic dispersant on the area is just as if not more unacceptable, so sadly the powers that be have decided to lie because telling the locals that "we're going to spray toxic chemicals all over your area" is never going to go down particularly well. This lose-lose situation was pretty much guarenteed ever since the well first blew out.
I would however like to see more sources, also an explanation of how methane released when solvent is added to an oil/dispersant mix can magically ignite itself and also using The Day After Tomorrow as a reference detracts a little from the article's credibility.
Lets make sure they're safe this time. Just because one oil rig blows up due to lax safety standards dosen't mean all oil rigs are guarenteed to do the same, but at the same time oil exploration can never be 100% safe. If you want to be able to use your computer or keep up your current lifestyle until alternative energy sources are fully developed then there has to be oil rigs, sorry.
Of course now the general public are under the impression that even well managed oil wells are ticking time bombs, cue a 3 month guilt trip over using oil and after that everybody will be back to their ignorant selves again until the next media scare story comes along.
Its very true, but its the kind of respect that although you may get off the majority of people here, you are less liekly to get abroad theres a lot of taking and not enough giving.
I don't care who wears a Burka, what I mean is it'd be nice to be able to co-exist in other nations which are predominately Muslim as an example while still living by my cultural norms without being frowned upon or somehow punished.
On the whole the Western world is now far more tolerant of Muslim culture in particular than Muslim culture is of the Western world, we allow this to happen because of our guilt for screwing over people of other ethnicities for centuries, but I don't see why I should feel guilty or make concessions for the actions of people who lived before I was born and had no control over.