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S2 licensed
MPR data
S2 licensed
I wonder if somebody has some experience with MPR file. What i need is location of currenty used tire type of user. What i would like to do is to check how many laps driver did on certain tire compound. In game we can check what tire driver uses so this info is in MPR but i can't find it. Does somebody know where such data is kept?
S2 licensed
on the other hans g25 takes only 80mA (while port can provide 500mA) while my other devices pluged it to other ports take up to 300-400mA and work ok
S2 licensed
i think i tried switching ports also i changes psu recently i think it may be my motherboard i'll try to use powered hub and see what will happen thanks
S2 licensed
i have similar problem since i installed g25.. usually i have 40-70 fps but every few laps it slows down to <10 for second or two... no idea why it happens and how to fix it
S2 licensed
it just look like missaligned polygons on tire and rim..
S2 licensed
I also use 7600 GS and don't have such problems, i also frequently switch drivers and no problem with any version. mind that the other 7600 problem was more fault of wine than windows drivers and 7600 itself... did u try to reinstall directx?
S2 licensed
i also use win7. it is a but i see no reason why my rear and front springs/dampers should be repaired when all i want to do is change wing 1deg... what one has to do with another?! and do you think real F1 teams change/repair 5% damaged components where all driver wants is simple 2 turns on front wing? forget about it.. time is to precious to do silly things when they don't affect handling and simple wing adjustments can improve it a lot. b-u-g BUG
S2 licensed
i also have no problems with patch everything works good. the only thing i've had is this annoying pitstop bug (not related to test patches...) why fgs my pitcrew repaired my suspension damage when i only stopped to do +1deg on front wing...(and of course repairs were set to "no") this frequently ruins league races... i loose 20s for unnecessary repairs... and 20s means race is gone:/
Last edited by Aid, .
S2 licensed
Fuse5 thats the whole problem - i always use that so i know how to do it but this time when i pressed space it was not showing the controls but did exactly same thing as shift-f - hide all onscreen info anyway it looks like it's a problem from the past and doesn't affect this patch directly so it's false alarm that was 1st thing i've noticed after running z13 so i panikced because i've never had this problem before
S2 licensed
did more testing i have same problem with Z so it's all false alarm sorry
S2 licensed
shift+u works in single player no controls in multiplayer though

hmm... weird... i joined another server and controls appeared then i rejoin previous and they are gone again the only difference was they are gone on password protected server
Last edited by Aid, .
S2 licensed
what happened to shift+u custom view? space button dissables maps/hud but doesnt show camera control buttons also my g25 input has some delay anybody has similar effects?

maybe the delay is normal as usual.. not sure.. just seems to be different but maybe i'm seeing things, i tried bf1 and sometimes i had this feeling before so i take that back
Last edited by Aid, .
S2 licensed
Dude outer tire should make noise not inner imo but i'm not an expert of course
S2 licensed
yeah.... thats true..
S2 licensed
btw what is the native resolution of track map texture that is used? i wonder if it would be possible to use downloaded higher resolution maps for local EXE files to use, maybe it wouldn't be good idea for online version because of higher bandwidth requirements
Last edited by Aid, .
S2 licensed
what i would enjoy a lot is a little history of laptimes of selected driver... do you think you could do something like that in future updates?
S2 licensed
i wouldn't say it's a bug because you have to remember that during cornering weight gets transfered to the outer tires and in many cases inner wheels can even lift off the track, if it's front or back depends of setup and becase inner tires do much less work then outer very loaded tires they don't make to much noise comparing to outside tires, i would say it's correct sound effect isn't it?
S2 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :found bug..

my car is under the bridge and the shadow is on the bridge

Quote from kubsztyk :Also here...

i also have this bug but i was using 0.5z so this 'bridge' shadows may not be directly related to z10 but track bugs

aston gt first bridge

S2 licensed
what bothers me is unbalanced tire compounds.. try race R3 in fbm or r2 in bf1.. i think its not quite good that u can't even do 1 flying lap using r2 without getting 130C also if u try to use r2 on 2-3rd lap u have so little grip that it's very difficult to even stay on a track, it should be possible to use even soft tires in race warm up slower, get through graining stage without that snappy overheated tire problem, but it would wear fast... also r4s in most cases areuseless... they may be good for 10 laps but then they run too cold so really.... u have no choice in tires.. in 90% cases there is only 1 choice for a car as any other kind of tire is useless and this affects strategic part of lfs... it just simply doesn't exist... and still.. it's always faster to get fuel for whole race than make pitstop.. so unrealistic... tire physics isn't perfect and because tires are directly only link connecting road with chasse they are crucial to make simulator be a good simulator... and i realise that tires are very very hard to model properly. but still in real life u get detailed graphs and parameters of tires and lfs is lacking such data, we should have something to base our setups and find optimal range but at the end its all linked to physics
S2 licensed
hm i wonder why 2.00 doesn't keeps connecting forever with my lfs.. anybody managed to run it on vista? (i use win7) what is direct reason of connection problem with 2.00 under vista
S2 licensed
just had a look at vws roadgoing setup.. is it soft similar to real vws? it's quite heavy and sort ot mr. softy very unusual (for lfs) brake balance... i wonder how limited the setup options will be.. can't wait to take it for a spin
S2 licensed
nice update, live dumping graph is cool, i checked to-do-list and i'm really happy that you plan to add differential effect soon can't wait for that, beside that option i miss direct value imput a lot i'm not sure if i've seen it on your list though (maybe i've missed it somewhere) and other thing is i would enjoy in future releases is force display for 3 sections on tire contact patch LFS uses that would help a little to setup camber and pressures
great thing that u keep developing it, thanks!
S2 licensed
trust me im not paninking if i double post its because i can see that some ppl here can read but can't read with understanding
S2 licensed
hyntty you have made 1.587 posts... how many of them were constructive...? any? and please stop saying rubbish if u don't know all facts