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Quote from Woz :Win7 should be free if you have had to suffer Vista.

Win7 is NOTHING more than Vista SP2 with a new skin.

Its like the old Win95 vs Win98 farce. If you had a patched 95 there was not much of a difference between that and a 98 box.

BTW: NEVER EVER touch a MS OS until SP1. NEVER! You are REAL dumb unless you follow this well known rule!

Sounds like you have never used 7...
S2 licensed
I'd pay $250 for Win7 It doesn't expire for a while though. So who knows..
S2 licensed
Saw this on another forum.. Note the remote control haha
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I bet James May Is going to be wearing the helmet..
S2 licensed
Good god. This could go on forever... At least It will keep them occupied. (And out of other parts of the forum LOL.)
S2 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :make sure u full press the braked down in the pits before you pull out every time you go on the track. I have heard some people mod their pedals using dxtweak2 or other programs so that even when they pres their pedals down fully, the game only sees it at 90%, but i think that is cheating.

Yep, I do that all the time. I'm used to things coming out of calibration between signing up and starting a race. I've played way to many sims to take that for chance

It's mostly the crappy dfp pedals I have atm. The spring is so weak I almost have to curl my toes around the top of the pedal to brake properly.

Quote from Gnomie :DXtweak2 doesn't work with iRacing, but you can short calibrate in the ingame controller calibration if you want. You can also set a deadzone there. Takes some fiddling, but definitely works.

Also notice how there is a non-linear correspondence between how far you push the pedal and how much the red bar in game moves! It's almost exponential. This is intentional, but takes some getting used to when you come from another sim.

Yep I play a few different sims pretty frequently switching around always takes a little bit to get used to em again.

Quote from FooAtari :Yeah I lock up quite a lot as well.

Gabkicks's tip is useful, apparently there is some calibration issues and pressing the brake all the way down before you leave the pits remedies this. I find you don't need to push the break peddle that far. Also don't change to third to quickly as that causes problems too.
It's probably not the fastst way but I point the car towards the corner before braking, still trailing the brakes as I just clip the first curb, I then drift out a little so I can start accelarting early through the second apex of the corner.

You might find these circuit maps useful

I Can do low 1:04's pretty consistently I just know I'm losing most of my time in that corner. And I wont dare try to brake as late as most people do there during a race. I've tried it in practice but It always ends in disaster.

I have some clubsport pedals sitting next to me but I wont be able to use them properly until my new Load Sensor gets here. Hopefull being able to adjust them properly will help with the braking problems.
S2 licensed
Well now that the Dev's left they should have no reason to expect anyone to play.
S2 licensed
Uhh.. I don't think that's how it's going to work in this case..

And Are you talking about the last album Axl released? Because that one sucked.... Big time..
S2 licensed
International Grand Prix Championship would suit it too if they can't use "World"
S2 licensed
They Forbid the use of the word "World"? That's just silly.

I voted for WGPC. Sounds the best of of em.
S2 licensed
Lime rock is the worst for me in the solstice I Can't properly brake for turn 1 I keep locking up like crazy
S2 licensed
Quote :"I worked as a Dev at AA Emeryville for the last year and a half and I hope I can appeal to your rationality and common sense. I would like you to imagine trying to build a game with an impossible deadline, steadily declining workforce (via firings), A hiring freeze, constantly being fed misinformation, having the “higher ups” completely ignore your weekly plea for either A) more time, or B) more manpower, working a ton of unpaid overtime, pouring your heart and soul into a misadventure only to have the uniformed community scoff at you for uncontrollable variables….. RIGHT when you’ve just lost your job.

There are problems with the release beyond the devs control. In fact, the bureaucracy is so convoluted that you can’t even begin to imagine the breadth and scope of B.S. the devs had to deal with daily. in short, imagine being the subcontractor of a subcontractor of a contractor to the government. Sure Millions of dollars may have been poured into this project, but how much do you think made it to the actual DEV team, the people MAKING the game, after it was filtered by the bureaucracy?

I realize if you are a gamer, you rightly expect a game to work. period. But I would ask that you imagine for a second that you actually DON’T understand what it takes to make this particular game, and you really don’t understand the many obstacles that were placed in front of the Devs… in nerdy terms: A Kobiyashi maru.

What I would like you to understand is that the Devs did everything they could, worked a TON of unpaid overtime, put their time and passion into an un-winnable situation, and were effectively stabbed in the back. Many of these guys are my close friends, they have family to take care of, and overpriced rent to deal with. They just came off busting their butts for months, to be let go, without warning. Perhaps a little empathy is in order here.

Almost every multiplayer online game has problems upon release. These problems become exaggerated when a development team is kept in constant turmoil and paranoia via misinformation and a high rate of employee turnover. When the people you trust around you are being let go, it becomes difficult to emotionally invest yourself in the titanic sinking ship. Nonetheless, I can tell you the Devs STILL pushed themselves as hard as they could.

Furthermore, the problem with the game at this point, has everything to do with the authentication servers being slammed, A.K.A not a controllable variable by the Devs. Sure there are bugs, they WERE being fixed, and now you’ll be lucky to see any fixes in the near future.

For those of you who think Redstone arsenal will do a better job, well…. I won’t have to tell you that you’re sadly mistaken because you’ll see for yourself.

I’m not sure why i’ve felt compelled to write this when I’m sure it will get deleted, or even scoffed at further, but I hoped to let the fans know that we tried as hard as we could and are very bummed to see the fruits of our labor shoved at gamers like a heaping pile of crap."

S2 licensed

Now that is just silly.. I thought it was a normal 5 door. I doubt that BMW would redesign the chassis to compete. But they may I don't know how involved BMW is.. With factory teams etc..
S2 licensed
Quote from trebor901 :wouldnt qualify for Super 2000 or the new rules, has to be 5 door to qualify for super 2000 and has to be at least 4.4metres long for the new rules.

As ugly as it is the Mini clubman would then qualify right?

Either way the rules suck..
S2 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak :The RC expires in 2010, September IIRC.

It may expire sometime around then but It will start shutting down every hour sometime In June-July 2010
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Quote from ATC Quicksilver :BMW could use it as an opportunity to promote the 1 series, which can't be very popular because it's a front wheel drive BMW.

Umm.. Are you serious?
S2 licensed
Quote from spookthehamster :BMW wouldn't switch to FWD, they'd leave.

BMW still has that MINI option..

I can see the ban on diesels but banning RWD and that Silly push to pass thing is rediculous..
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :"Our members have spoken. And iRacing has listened. As a result, some of our most enthusiastic members now have more reason than ever to take advantage of iRacing’s volume discount program. Effective immediately, any transaction that will result in the licensing of all currently available cars and tracks will automatically receive a 25% discount on included cars and tracks. So if you're only missing one piece of content for a complete set, there's no reason to wait for a bundle of three or six new cars and tracks to score a discount. And even if you only have the basic package of three cars and seven tracks, the Volume Discount program is sweeter than ever. Meanwhile, If the contents in your cart will NOT make you a 100% content owner, the multi-item discounts of 10% (for any three cars and/or tracks) and 20% (for six or more items) will still apply."

Pretty awesome, I'm up to 100% now. Only reason I was holding out on some stuff was so I could get the volume discount when new things came out, no reason to wait now. Road Atlanta is pretty fun, need to learn the track so I can blast around the blind corners without wrecking every time.

I added everything up to see how much it would be total if I were to buy everything. ~$450 after the 25% off Looks like I'll be holding off on some of the oval crap i'll never drive But with the credits from purchasing a year's subscription I'll be able to get most of the road stuff. I'm actually really looking foward to it.
S2 licensed
Team Name: Race Sim Radicals
Car Number: 07
A.Roselli [ajrose] USA
J.Bjornson [Jayeyebee] CAN
D.Richardson [boogle] CAN
T.Dougan [Tdougan] GBR
S2 licensed
I LOVE snickers!