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S2 licensed
Not bad
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :No but it's turning into a place where a few silly people continually spam the same 3 memes in every thread.. it's getting irritating.

S2 licensed
Wow, S05 not a good track for some of those guys.....
S2 licensed
Only in.....Texas.
S2 licensed
Quote from Goozo :What do I hate about LFS?

- Fanboys
- Moaners
- Overall wor(l)d conflict about 0.6A going on here since a while (I would like to see a decent discussion not Fanboys vs. Moaners all the time)

Quote from Goozo :+1


I thought his dislikes were reasonable this thread is pretty silly.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :your hope has failed.

the only thing particulary great is the directing and editing.


Quote from Inouva :This is old and boring...


Quote from Shadowww :This isn't old That's bonus edit.


Quote from AMB :I've seen this posted twice
but I never get tired of watching it because it's good :P and btw it wasn't done in one take, bits were added together to make all of it.


Quote from obsolum :Nice to see the "bloopers" of this one I wonder how many sets of tyres they used in total...

In the origional video I think they said they used two sets but I bet it was a ton more than that.

Quote from Elderado :Then you are definitely doing it wrong (sex i mean).

I just found the greatest video EVER!
S2 licensed
Amazing Ken block drifting!

I hope It's not a repost
S2 licensed
I think it may not work for windows 7? It's been analyzing for 10 minutes now..
S2 licensed
That was the fault of a few drivers. I was almost involved in it myself. That is a tough spot to start a race from and the admins/pace car should have allowed the field to bunch up more than they did before the final chicane.

Also The leading cars accelerated much to quickly before the start line. They were at nearly 80mph before some people were past the last turn.
Last edited by AjRose, .
S2 licensed
A couple newbie mistakes from us during that race. We ended up racing on our qualifying set. I'm still surprised I made it an hour and ten minutes into the race on one set of r2's.
We had an incident that gave us quite a bit of damage so we pitted just for damage. On our second pit-stop we changed drivers and just then noticed we were using the wrong set. So we pitted again for R3's. That helped us make it the next 50 minutes. On our next driver change we decided to go back to r2's with adjusted pressure to attempt to gain some time back. We ended up overfueling the car which made the tires wear much faster. The front right popped with about 12 minutes to go dropping us back one position. Our 5th and final pitstop was just a quick tire change that got us to the end.

Overall I think we did ok considering how many mistakes we made. And we will be much better prepared for the next races.

Thanks to the Admins and other drivers for putting on a great race.
S2 licensed
Quote from niels1 :

I mean whats the point off taking the spot thats free just behind another car in the pits. This is a move which inst very clever and will almost in 80% of thise specific cases end up in a hit or crash of a another car. This is propably not intended but it could be made so much easier to take 1 of the other 8 free spots in the pits. This is our point in the matter.

My View on the matter is that It could have ended so much worse for me If I had been closer to the garage or hit into the garage rather than away from it. Everyone knows what happens when you hit the wall of a garage.

I do not think there should be a penalty but I do hope that everyone will be much more careful in the pits.
S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Finally! Someone made an app to track positions on autocross custom tracks. This has been needed for a long time.

You rock, Kevin!

EDIT: w00t! Made it in the example pic!

+1 Looks Like a great app

And I made it in the example pic too! I'm Famous!
Last edited by AjRose, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :

You guys got some low numbers.

Try doing one from somewhere that isn't under 50 miles from your house.
S2 licensed

That speedtest is the only place I ever get decent speeds. I tend to download at a max of 700kb/s and usually under 100kb/s
S2 licensed
Hmm, No antivirus.. No firewall.. No problem for me..
S2 licensed
That depends on if you roll over and land back on your wheels or not.

Quote from The Rules :11. Does not finish
1. DNFs will result from:
- Being stranded on one’s roof/side
- Exiting the racing area (either stranded outside the fence or “took the wrong route”)
- Using Shift-P or Shift-S and re-joining the race.
2. If a team DNFs, it will get credit for the last lap completed prior to the DNF.
3. All teams who DNF will be classified behind all finishing teams in the final standings. The
tracker will classify these DNFs amongst themselves according to laps completed and on-track
position. All teams who are disqualified will be placed behind all teams who DNF in the final
standings, and are ineligible for points.

S2 licensed
Quote :12. Disconnects
1. If a team has a disconnect during the race, any teammember can rejoin the race. The current lap
while the disconnect occurred will not be count.
2. A rejoin has to be done within 2 minutes after disconnect occured..
3. Penalties:
- If a team does not show up after a disconnect within 2 minutes, the team will count as DNF.
- If a team rejoins later than 2 minutes after a disconnect, the team will be disqualified from the

The Rules are pretty clear I think
S2 licensed
The "RSRadicals Race Server" Is running Airio with forced restricitons If anyone is interested.
S2 licensed
I saw this a while back. The car looks amazing but.. That guy is crazy.
S2 licensed
I used to suck big time at FPS's then I stopped going to Free for all servers.

If you are still bad on a team server then you should just play the game and not worry about getting killed to much you get better with time.
S2 licensed
Actually if you associate the file with LFS.exe double clicking it will copy and send it straight to the setups folder. As will right clicking and "saving as"

edit: Right clicking and "saving as" does not work

In case you are wondering how to associate the file..

1. Right click on any .set file.
2. click properties
3. Where it says "Open with" browse to your Lfs.exe and click ok.

Then whenever you download a .set file you can just double click it to send it to the data/setups folder. It Really works out for me with google chrome as everything I download goes to one folder.
Last edited by AjRose, .
S2 licensed
Just teasing
S2 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo :I haven't practiced much tho i will do more now

Online at: [Lc]LibertyCruise2