You are right, opinions differ from what is right and what is believable. I do not agree with any possible conspiracy theories. Some theories seem to be real fables...
But when I watched "Loose change" I was convicted that some of the facts are not true presented by the mass media. The towers came down in nearly free fall speed. You must be blinded by american propaganda to claim that the 3 WTC buildings were not brought down by a controlled demolition. Experts agree with this.
The fact that the attack at the Pentagon with a really huge plane only caused a small hole is another evidence. There were nearly no plane sections found. All parts found were small enough to get carried away by hand. No traces of the plane rubbing over the ground... Just watch Loose Change and think about it.
The U.S. is build up on arm industries. If they dont fight wars their and probably the worlds economic system would collapse. Thats what I had to say. I have nothing against Americans in general but your government is the worlds biggest enemy. In some time this behavior will break your neck. You just cant live in peace. Always fighting for honor and freedom and for your fatherland.
No I am not. I hate anything military and the suffer it produces. I know that Nazi Germany was the darkest era in German history. But I also think that Mr. George W Bush is not one jot better than Adolf Hitler.