Use that private for your own purposes. I dont like seeing a wrecked up skin file with my name on it.
Please remove the skin file, replace it with a preview and write the "modified by" text bigger...
I have Pentium 4 1,8 Ghz, 1 GB DDR RAM, Ati Radeon 9600 XT with 256 MB DDR. I know this is not the optimal configuration for LFS. I know too, I need definitly a new one. Shame that my computer is well prepared for playing after I read what the requirements on LFS Homepage say. Its ridicoulus that I can count my fps in a full starter grid on 5 fingers. My graphics preferences are at lowest.
Here is my suggestion @ Devs: Just overwork the requirements in the Download section.
Its not enjoyable playing LFS with a Computer system that is older than 5 years...
btw: If you want to make skins the professional way use a layer based graphic software (eg Photoshop) and master skinnerz pro kits. (They are 2048²)
Download available again. Without blackmask and wireframe. Didn't received any answer from Bunta, so I guess this is the best solution.
If you want blackmask and wireframe import them from MSz Pro kits.