I agree and this (for me) is where the main problems lie.
Without strict rulings on what you can and can not do then it essentially boils down to the stewards opinion on the day, no matter how biased or un-biased that opinion may be. Furthermore, as each race uses a different panel of stewards then those opinions will be different race to race.
It seems that Shuie will keep smiling no matter what and I feel he wrote this year off many races ago.
"Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose."- Aryton Senna
...and my favourite Murray Walker quote- "There are seven winners of the Monaco Grand Prix on the starting line today, and four of them are Michael Schumacher."
Im not techy either so here is my noddy speak.
The server and Airio are on the same pc? If so you do not have to enter the ip address simply use- HostAddr=
You need to open the insim port on the server by typing /insim=17436 into chat when connected to the server as admin.
Could you not just include the WR holders name and time in the !top list with a different colour, displayed in the same way as the other times/sectors? Maybe by adding the WR data into the server sta files, this would overcome troubles when (for example) !top tbo is called?
Also would it be possible that when !bls is called, your own best lap time (LFSW) would be shown at the end of each line....no room to include sector times but just an overall comparison would be great.
The LFSEI is compiled from 5 separate values, theses are- tracks driven, cars driven, distance travelled, races completed and a hotlap index (this is a combination of your online pb times and any hotlaps you may have uploaded).
LFSEI is not linked to the safety rating system, it is simply an indication of your LFS experience. Your LFSEI will increase everytime you drive or make a pb, or try new track/car etc. It is simply reading your LFSW stats.
I agree.
LFSEI and the safety rating system can be set to work in this way but obviously that is up to the server operators.
In Airio.srv.txt you will find the following setting..
# Warn for bad words in messages kick for bad words in names - boolean
# Curses and char replacements are defined in Airio.cfg.txt file.
Should you wish to change your server settings to check for swearing then simply change the setting to true.
You can add or change curses and exceptions in the cfg file....
Ah, I was not suggesting to remove SO6 from your list, merely to change the amount of laps on the longer track or the shorter track to even up the overall race time.
For example 5 laps at SO6 and 7/8 at AS1 and FE1.....for me 5 laps is never long enough at the shorter tracks even in UF1.
I agree UF1 racing can be great fun and also great training for both, beginners and more experienced people.
One thing I noticed with your track/lap combination is the differences you will find in race time. SO6 is a much longer track than both FE1 and AS1, so I think you need to adjust the amount of laps.
Just a suggestion and good luck with your new server.
Yes, 16 slots and on LFSW it shows it as a demo server but demo users are not allowed to join. Even if I put /carsmax to 12, still no demo users can join.
Interestingly, Lfs Remote is "seeing" the server as a S2 host with the current settings.
I know you are a fair driver Luko but you must understand the LR server is set up for racing. Airio can only see you causing yellow flags (even if you get out of the way) and so the flag ratio is accumulated and you are banned.
I can only repeat what Void has said...each time Airio will tell you what you are doing wrong and how many chances you have left....
I found that a few squirts with some WD40 (through the small gap at the front of the pots) whilst operating the pedals cleaned the circuit board and wiper in the pot without having to take it apart.
I was not that clear...with those settings demo users can join, it is by changing between /mode=S2 and /mode=Demo that seems to make the difference.
Even if I set carsmax to 10 still no demo users can join if /mode=S2 even though lfs desktop will display server as demo.