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S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Thank you Nolan and Henry.
S2 licensed
Name : Albert Terrahe
LFS Username : AppiePils
Preferred number (02-99): 79
S2 licensed
LFS Username : AppiePils
Real Name : Albert Terrahe
Team : F1RST Racing
Preferred Number : 79

*grandpa alert!AS6_FXR_24923.spr
Last edited by AppiePils, . Reason : spr added
S2 licensed
Grats guys, 5years (and counting (!)) is a very nice achievement. Those skins are marvelous.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :I agree,

Joona concurrs.

Too much duck experience here ...
S2 licensed
Great post Paul, was great to read and very descriptive for a people's LFS experience, even beyond Mercury.

From a competitor, league administrator and personal point of view I want to thank Mercury for all those years of excitement and great competition you guys have provided. You guys definitely have established a name which will be long remembered within the LFS community.
S2 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :First off well done on chris and rudy move, second of all i think that the only reason i could see them moving teams is to help a midpack team into challengeing (if that internet connection of chriskart holds up for once :razz for the win in big leagues like MoE and IGTC but i am only guessing here.

Based on the reasons provided they were looking for the challenge of getting a team up to that point. From my understanding SR was most promising in their opinion, and as so they requested SR (not the other way around) what they would think of the idea Rudy and Chris had.

I guess SR had a free beer party afterwards :P
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Lol Elitist teams. Where egos collide!

Not sure what you are referring to, but w/e.

Good luck Chris and Rudy with your new challenge.
S2 licensed
Nice job getting them on the team guys (Tell me, who is paying for Chris' new internet connection to persuade him to join SR?!).

Be very happy with especially Chris, that's one great person to have on your team.
Last edited by AppiePils, .
S2 licensed
Grats oldies
S2 licensed
Grats Guys!
S2 licensed
Grats guys, saw this one coming tho after Monday
S2 licensed
Site looks very nice, and compliments for a great performance with the relatively small size of #low's active racers.
S2 licensed
Masters of Endurance
LFSforum section:

Request for banner and to be linked to the website.

S2 licensed
Servers are overloaded atm, so please refrain from refreshing (F5).
S2 licensed
Looks nice Michael!
S2 licensed
Awesome work Josh and companions. It's great to have that much information available at one point, which is easily accessible.
S2 licensed
Grats guys!
S2 licensed
Quote from chunkyracer :I think that it was better, either take the safest option and keep the contest only for the FZ5 or, if you wanna keep the choice of using the VWS, ask people to enter a skin for both, and without the need to be similar in both cars. After all, the shape of the FZ5 and VWS are very different, which means that a skin that looks great on one, will not necessarily look great also, when transposed to the other.

I think you misunderstand me, as your remark is precisely what I was talking about.

Ergo, we ask of those interested to make a skin for the SC for the upcoming 24h race.
1. The SC models are the FZ5 and the VWS, with the exception that the VWS may not been released yet.
2. A contestant can submit a skin for the FZ5, the VWS or both. If submitted for both, there is no need for a 1-1 skin copy for each model.
3. Contestants are completely free how to create their design, with the exception that the MoE logo has to be present as part of the skin.
S2 licensed
Very nicely done
S2 licensed
To resolve the issue regarding what car to use, we ask of you to make the decision for what of the two cars you would make the skin: FZ5/VWS or perhaps you want to make a skin for both.

Regardless if the VWS is released before the event, we base our decision upon the creativity, uniqueness and fit for the Masters of Endurance league, rather than either type of car.
S2 licensed
Let's hope you guys will be back in future.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :OOO, I like the event logo a lot! Nice job to the creator! (Justin Z was it?)

Correct and yes, he surely makes awesome logos.