Bah ever since they released valve games for Mac, all of my games have been updating like every second day. HL2 TF2 DODS only one that hasnt is CSS
Is it just me or is that normal for everyone lately?
Btw TF2 is full of lols when you get the right bunch of people
Remember it is a 24 hour race, it only takes one lapse in concentration. One GT car or LMP2 car to ruin the entire teams hopes. Even with 3 cars unlikely or not it can all come crashing down when that green flag drops.
Personally i dont really mind as long as its interesting to watch thats all i care about
Oh so they are putting video calls in, fair go its a step foward and that funky new high res screen it seems alright.
But is the screen scratch resistant let alone the case?
Well at that time i was sleeping, then riding, then being hit by a car then riding some more. And that brings me to now
Which means i need to get Sexbox gold membership and i will be hunting me some mythical Werewolf with you all
To be fair you didnt really mess up, you made a mistake that we are all capable of doing.
Ive moved my dvd player before and had the dvd fall out of the tray thankfully i somehow managed to move it back into the tray and retrieve it but that was just lucky.
If you got the disk out dw about it, laugh it off and call it a learning experience.
Also guessing that the dvd fell out you either turned it from horizontal to vertical or moved it while vertical which well you really walked into it :P
Can i protest qualifying last and never starting last?
I actually find it rather annoying when people rock up into the server late and start at the back when i qualified to start at the back. I mean really its just not fair.
I have no issue starting last and would like to do it most times, i just get aggravated that i qualify last and NEVER start last. Happened all last year as well.
Ok rant over.
Speaking of i just finished up in MEXICO!!!! Interesting things go on down there
Though a amusing thing happened while i was treasure hunting. This guy was being chased by coyotes, so i decided to go into dead eye, unfortunately for him i locked onto his leg and the coyotes mauled him to death. Then i took the $5 from his body...It was full of lol.
At a general store you can purchase a deed that will give you back your American something or other its like $1500. It is a deed that will ensure that you can summon the horse at anytime or place. Even if it dies it can be respawned.
Notice how the title says "LFS big jump record!" Not realistic long jump recoard or super real life super fun safe landing record.
"LFS big jump record!"
Why all the hating?