You know i finally saw the trailer and im going to say. That i think it may be in a time frame during the cold war. That space scene towards the end seems to look a bit cold warish.
So who knows could be the Vietnam or some secret jungle base a bit MGS3 esc thing.
Looks interesting.
I totally forgot about MoH but at this point in time they have a chance to be truly unique.
They've seen what BFBC2 and MW2 have done right and wrong and if they used there brains properly could release something truly unique.
But i think im hoping for to much But i hope im wrong.
Codemasters pack yay i bought it. But haven't been able to play any games as yet, because when ever i try to install them.
It gives me some bs error message saying "Servers are busy try again soon"
Guess what 1 day later they are still busy not happy
Hehe nice mix of songs here
Though for something completely off the whole pumped up thing and a bit relaxing, just going to throw out there.
Taylor Swift - Love Story
For a change of pace
Shame here in Aus i cant seem to get the rockstar stuff, clearly someones forgot to mention to Steam and Rockstar that the R18 rating ban has been lifted.
Ok now that ive officially seen and am watching a nascar broadcast, these bs spoiler looking things are BORING!!!!!!!!!! At least the wing look bad ass now the cars just look like a box with a wall on the end. I thought i was watching Cars of Tomorrow not cars of yesteryear....
Rofl, you know my secrets. HAXX!!!
It was true the front tires didnt like me to much but it happens and if i had of made another 40 minutes i would of been happy.....though i still hate that downhill was less then glamorous.
I tried sorry i was terrible guys.