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S2 licensed
Quote from Foilpact :Stuff

That website is doing my head in its so....colourful? hehe
So not long now till the Halloween Update....infact dare i say Happy Halloween now
S2 licensed
Im going as Scott Pilgrim....
S2 licensed
The front lights are to direct to crisp it should be broader and more vauge.
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Forcing progress by halting progress? They need to take a second look at their tactics.

Someone needs to show these people that there are quite a few things more important in life than Minecraft updates.

Exactly like sueing your best friend for $65 Million or sueing someone for stealing your idea forr $650 million and oh wait thats just facebook

But seriously why attack minecraft....i mean seriously? Notch could always just close down the site and gtfo with everyone's money.....You'd have better luck balancing a coin on a piece of rope.
S2 licensed
I thought F1 drivers could actually drive their cars....clearly i was wrong.
Btw if you didnt noticed Webbers car was up on 3 Wheels even if he wanted to stop it wouldnt have happened....amazing the hate here.
S2 licensed
The cop had his siren on Bumblebee should of given way.
His just doing his job just cause his a actor his not above the law. If not it could be in the script.
S2 licensed
Interesting move, but F1 drivers are professionals they will adapt quickly and everyone...except the smaller budget teams will be on par in no time.
After all this is a good move atleast it wont be boring and the same.
S2 licensed
Not a fitness junky by any stretch. But i am a personal trainer so you should totally hire me
S2 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :I'm still waiting for a discount.

I was hoping they would drop the price with MoH release but i was wrong
Though Bad Company 2 does sound like a Bad porno am i rite?
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :i love this game

Quote from mutt107 :I hate this game.
i had all the stuff i wanted and a little lava spewed up onto me and i died...

S2 licensed
It kind of reminds me of those arcade machines in Jet Force Gemini fun times
Looks good mate keep it up.
S2 licensed
F1 drivers need to man the **** up and get on the track. Its only a bit of water just do a shootout give us something to watch. There all a bunch of princesses these days.
S2 licensed
I found it to be jks i raced at Bahrain and was bored shitless. Now since im on to Melbourne im hoping for better things.
S2 licensed
So i just got DR2 whos for a friendly game or mass zombie genocide? :P

But more importantly how close is this patch to wrinkle out these fails?
S2 licensed
Theres a Ad on in Australia about pirating they say "Dont do it"
Though im sure the American government will make a statement out of it yet not actually act on it.
Say one thing but do another. Like having your cake and eating it to. ect.
S2 licensed
Wouldn't surprise me if it were time restraints but i mean the game is marketed toward the casual gamers not super hardcore sim nuts there's a certain amount of give and take that should be considered.

Btw i do enjoy my rants sometimes :P they are fair amusing true
S2 licensed
Your all being far to hard on it.
They never said it was going to be "Perfect" its a good first effort and probably a great line of things to come.
But clearly you all expect things to be perfect first time every time clearly the whole learning process is redundant on the lot of you who think the game should of been perfect straight off the bat.
S2 licensed
Wow my windscreen cracked the other day and by cracked i mean someone smashed it Just get it done as soon as possible.
S2 licensed
Reaction to F1 2010 release sounds like.

OMGWTFBBQ not a sim omfg codemasters delete after 10 minutes super fail hardcore sim elites noobs want more kthxbaii.

I dont know why a game has to be better then something else or worst of something?? Why cant i just be taken for what it is? A game about F1??
S2 licensed
Falcons baby we absolutely hammered the Cardinals last week 41-7 I can feel the superbowl already.
S2 licensed
Can they fly me in and out of countries avoiding taxes and customs police?? If so say hello to the worlds next big drug lord
S2 licensed
Hide yo wife hide yo kids and hide yo husband cause they rapin everybody.

And the moral of this story is DONT HAVE SEX OR YOU WILL GET PREGNANT AND DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S2 licensed
Games dont really need a demo tbh.
But with todays current generation access to the internet and company's marketing and hype tactics.
We almost feel a need to be able to get a fix on a game.

So in other words company's advertising teams are doing their jobs =P
S2 licensed
Quote from speed1230 :agreed, that wales rally of 1998 was pretty dramatic and now is always seeing Loeb win

Well atleast his consistent :P
S2 licensed
Hall ass else where and go find a hotter younger version of her :P