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S2 licensed
Quote from StanleyCarter :erm... I don't get it, where is U33? I've checked the first page and there's only U32.

Download U32. Once you have it installed, run it and go to Multiplayer -> List of Games. You will be notified of a patch and be asked if you want to download it. This will update LFS automatically. You will never have to manually download a patch again.

EDIT about sound: I really think that what Todd said about variation of the waveform with RPM needs to be looked into, don't think there's enough of that atm.
S2 licensed
Auto-update went smoothly, nice work with that.

A great general improvement in sound across the board. I don't think anyone can say its worse than U. I'm still not convinced by the gear whine (assuming anything's changed apart from volume). I hope to see that being played around with. The LX4 still sounds a tad muffled to me. I second Tristan on his BF1 comments, but its a lot better than it was in U32 for sure.

I think that the engine sound gets reduced to an annoying hummmmm at high RPM in many cars though (4-cyl ones especially). They really need more violence still . Although, I like where U33 is going.

EDIT: BTW, title still says U32.
Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :todd u are well known for taking every oportunity to showcase your work and point us to the commercial website. im fine with that since obviously the mods never noticed thats what u do in this forum for years.
but taking the test patch and showcasing your synth engine... man... doesnt really matter what deaf axus begs you to do. its nowhere near the quality of lfs and just killed off my ears with fatality move.
stop hyping what u never did and please stop hyping yaaself and leading a few clown to post everywhere about you. its not cool and makes u look less talented than what u may be. its been 3 years with avis that look worse than racer. feel free to post cool stuff on the offtopic section if u really care.
and please stop acting as mr bridgestone who is married to mrs yokohama.

Kid, kindly stop trolling around here like you own the place. Its getting unbearable lately. Make yourself another fake RSC account and go troll there if you need to get it out somewhere. You're also being a presumptuous moron and showing no-one respect. Your argument about a commercial site is inherently backward because its always something hosted on the site and not a direct link to the site. And its not of something for sale at the site in the first place.

With regards to whether what he said has a place in this thread, that depends entirely on his intentions with it. I've heard a car with exhausts going straight to the side of the car (no muffler etc), and its a pretty unbearable and similar noise. Simulate the rest of the exhaust, add the actual engine sounds, transmission whine and what have you and you have some awesome sound.

Also, if you're gonna type something like your above post, please make sure its properly understandable.
S2 licensed
Quote from underthesky :I Thought this thread was about the new patch and its compability? I was wrong obvioysly,

No, you weren't. The question was answered about 3 times before, by Scawen and by others though.

Quote from Test Patch Forum Rules :
YOU MUST : Read the first post before installing any TEST patch.

It's VERY important to read the announcement post of any patch before installing it. If you don't know what's been added to the patch, there's no way you can know what you are testing. And this will save you writing posts about things we already know. And PLEASE read the whole thread before posting. We are trying to keep the test patch threads short and to the point. We do not want multiple reports of the same bug, or suggestions that have already been made.

EDIT: To add something constructive to this post, I think that the sound needs to be louder on lift off, ie. say you're going at 5500rpm and you lift. The sound should be different to the sound you get when you lift at 7000rpm and you allow revs to drop to 5500. I'd like to hear the engine choking on itself as its no longer feeding on the squirrels and kittens in the (squirrel? ) tank, and the remaining bones in the pistons being shattered to pieces. Ok, that last sentence was overdoing the violence thing but you get the point .

EDIT2: I think the LX4 should sound somewhat like this, albeit a bit less meaty (as the car in the video has some 70hp more):
Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from underthesky :I installed the patch , and suddenly I am demo racer... Do I have to use another sign up to get full game again? I still have two unlocks to go, but I lose them everytime when there is a new patch?

No, there was a bug in the license system which is now fixed. You merely have to unlock LFS again (and you got another unlock again because of the "not entirely compatible" patch).
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Quite a nice effort, but I still think those sounds are horrible to be honest . Unless you are putting a microphone directly into the exit of the exhaust pipe, these won't sound true to form at all. Way too poppy, metallic, and I don't see the 'grumbliness' in it, I only hear distortion and and too much static treble. You need smoothing and other generated sounds to 'soften the edges'.

They may have some quality with the different ranges, but I still think making a completely synthetic sound... and having it sound nice is very hard to do. Your 3rd attempt is actually a bit worse, I think your 2nd one was in the right direction, though it was too dry and grainy.

I think Todd hasn't even got a muffler there, Tweak.
S2 licensed
I dug up a transmission whine sound, to help the cause. I'm not really convinced by the current ones at all. Anyway, here it is... I'll post more if I find: ... 3519415145&q=kad+mini
The real Santa Clause spotted in South Africa!
S2 licensed
Yup, its true!

Note that R50 is approximately $7.14 US.

S2 licensed
There have been a lot of positive comments on the LX6. I certainly think its the best sounding of the new lot BUT:

There's too much gear whine. At the moment that kinda adds to the engine sound because it lacks those frequencies anyway, so the engine still needs some mid-high and high frequencies added to it. Then, with less gear whine and more wind noise, it will sound spot on I think.
S2 licensed
Quote from Lato :I really wish You could use just sound samples, easier and much better. Anyway Im looking forward for sound tweakimg with next patches.

I really think many will disagree with you here, please don't go to samples. The system is getting there and I think with a week's tweaking etc, it can sound REALLY good. If you want to use samples go use CSR.
S2 licensed
Just going by sinbad's comment on the LX4 sounding as if it were at 7000rpm when at 9000 and the Tristan's comment on the BF1 sounding like 8000rpm when at 19000... and the similarity of the cars... are you sure that the engine RPMs are being used and not a kind of percentage of redline rpm or something? (Probably not, just a wild guess but thought I'd post this in case its a bug in the code).

EDIT: Thought I'd also mention that the LXes' cloth roof shouldn't dampen half as much of the tyre squeal as it does now. It should dampen less than what the other cars do, definitely.

EDIT2: Just to make sure (not that I'd know by the sound but it should make a significant difference), is the right V8 firing order being used for FO8/BF1? They probably (I'm not sure) should be on flat-plane cranks.
Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :If I was Scawen I get in contact with Todd Wasson and ask how he implemented these. Check these out, according to Todd these are fully generated. In my opinion sounds better than LFS - sounds also very synthetic but these also has a bit of that noisy rrooooaaarrr feel that LFS competely lacks.

Actually, I had the pleasure of hearing some of his more recent sound stuff and it was much less synthetic sounding.
S2 licensed
Some clear transmission whine sounds can be heard (its not just transmission whine but you can clearly seperate it from the rest) in this video towards the end:

This is when the McLaren is being driven. Also note the sound of the transmission on lift-off. Sorry its quite a long way into the video.
S2 licensed
Shotglass/LFSn00b, can we have a recording? I can't see how you have all sounds EXCEPT the turbo sound if its a sound card thing. Perhaps the names of your soundcards would be helpful anyway to double-check that others with the same cards have/don't have the turbo sound. Its more likely a code bug.

EDIT: loopingz, I'm sure I've heard of values of transmimssion loss of 17% for road cars, are you referring to the entire transmission or just the gear?

NetDemon01, probably the thing that will restart LFS after a new patch is downloaded by the auto-updater.
S2 licensed
I saw someone comment on their sound system above. Thought I'd note that I'm listening to these on a pair of Sennheiser HD-595's which are considered relatively dark. However, most gaming headphones (ie. anything mid to high end from Logitech etc.) are way, way, way, way darker than my Senns so I don't think you should expect good results on them anyway. As for standard computer speakers (ie. the $10-20 ones), those ought to fall apart trying to play an engine sound.
S2 licensed
Quote from Brainblaster666 :This carsound is a bad joke!! illepallillepallillepall Now I definately stay on GTL!!

Best wishes for the future!! LFS can suck my balls!!!!!!!!!!!

ROFL. You stay there, mate. With that attitude I don't think we want you near LFS. Did you care to note that this is a TEST patch and these are probably not Patch V sounds?
S2 licensed
Quote from R1K89 :HEY i had to unlock again , Scawen can you pleas give me an extra unlock ?

You already got one. Everyone did.
S2 licensed
Quote from ORION :Generally, the sounds went from bssss (S1) to brrrrr (S2) to brooooom (U32).
what I want is rrroooooaaaaawrwrrwrrwararararrrrrrr

I agree completely, you hit the nail on the head there.

To add to mrboogeyman's post, I think part of the reason why they sound so layered is because say, the gearwhine sounds shrieky, the tyres sound shrieky but not so much so open cars and too muffled in closed cars, the engines sound muffled, you get the point. It doesn't sound coherent. IMO LX6 sounds best of the new batch. It was the FZ50 before. Definitely a step up in informativeness though.
S2 licensed
I've been driving the LX6 and I'm finding it much easier to drive and I actually know what's going on. I agree with Jeff's comment about the need for a more stereo-like sound - I'm sure that the engine note somehow changes pan with rpm because of different cylinders firing and so forth. That would be hell to simulate in real time but maybe something that can be done with a simple wave, I dunno. It'd take some looking into but it would add so much to the sounds because of it varying with RPM etc. Again, I also agree with him about the cars sounding muffled, they need more shrieking high pitched sounds.

About the tyre sounds, I think they sound too muffled in roofed cars and too shrieky in open-topped cars.

Lastly, sorry I'm making a bahzillion posts but there's just too much of a gap between posts to just go back and edit the old one and I think (hope) I'm adding something to the discussion.
S2 licensed
There is absolutely no doubt that they need another update but relax, this is their first time going live. IMO they are A LOT better and more informative. I think you'll come back to your senses when you try U/U30 again. I'm sure pretty sure these aren't the final V sounds. And, I think this should be moved to the test patch sound thread (once one is opened) to avoid a mess. Its a test patch, man, come on.
S2 licensed
After getting an unlock and hearing all the cars...

The BF1 sounds seem to have a bug.
The cars sound way too similar.
The gear whine does sound wrong IMO.

As for the skid sounds, they sound a lot more muffled in cars that have a roof. I'd just like to confirm whether that's some attempt to make the sounds seem like they're coming from outside on some cars and so forth.

Having said all that, I feel there's been a general step forward in sounds but I hope that this is not the end of it for now. I'd really like to see LFS sound "great" for a change. There have been general improvements over time but I don't think the job was ever finished properly - ie. there's been a sense of "oh ok, this sounds better - it will do for now". I hope that isn't offensive because it isn't meant to be and it certainly isn't something that runs through the game, its mainly with sounds.
S2 licensed
Thanks! The improved interface looks much better. The sounds are very gnarly if the GTT is anything to go by. Love the gear whine and the gear change sounds.
S2 licensed

EDIT: Let me explain it to you in simple terms. The schools are on holiday now. Some children have no lives. They say and played LFS at home all day. Eventually it got too much and they had a hissy fit here on the forums.
Last edited by axus, .
Race 4 - Post-race discussion
S2 licensed
Sorry guys, had to drop out, dunno wtf my PC is doing - 9fps with skid marks disabled I couldn't see ANYTHING.
S2 licensed
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