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S2 licensed
Just got finishing positions out of the replay. Here they are - if you have any problem with these please speak out because I may have missed something. These include provisional points - they are not final.

Pos Classpos Driver Team Car Provisional Points
[/B]1 1 Ray Mooney Tripple7Racing LX6 16
2 2 JJ Nylander De Loor Motorsport LX6 12
3 3 M.Kisly K&M Racing LX6 9
4 4 Hyperactive Speedsix LX6 7
5 5 Zolo WRC LX6 6
6 6 XRRoy 1st Racing LX6 5
7 7 Gab RMT LX6 4
8 8 D Horvath Tiaya Kemuri LX6 3
9 9 FEL Fred loves pie LX6 2
10 1 Filur Fred loves pie LX4 12+1
11 2 Poolek K&M Racing LX4 8
12 3 Gabbo RMT LX4 6
13 4 Bozo Speedsix LX4 4
14 5 Pow WRC LX4 2
15 6 Alex Barbu 1st Racing LX4 1

EDIT: Here's team provisional points for this event:

[B]Team Points[/B]
K&M Racing 17
Tripple7Racing 16
Fred Loves Pie 15
De Loor Motorsport 12
Speedsix 11
RMT 10
WRC Team 8
1st Racing 6
Tiaya Kemuri 3

And final standings after Round 2 and provisional (not final) standings after Round 3:

[B]Team Points (Round 2) Provisional (Round 3)[/B]
K&M Racing 26.5 43.5
De Loor Motorsport 24 36
Tripple7Racing 21 37
vMaxSR B 21 21
Fred Loves Pie 20.5 35.5
RMT 12 22
Speedsix 8 19
1st Racing 6 12
Tiaya Kemuri 4.5 7.5
WRC Team 3.5 11.5

Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
With regards to qualifying, how did you guys think it went last night? - apart from my initial time-out costing about 3 minutes and my second time out causing a bit of a mess, I think it went really well. Without those issues it would have been ~25min on a long track 9 teams. Do I still need to make an effort to shorten it? I'm slowly but surely running out of ideas.
S2 licensed
I got an LFS crash to desktop at last night's LXCC event just as the qualifying was started. I hadn't realised I was running U29 before this though, but it may also be a U30 thing.
S2 licensed
Replay, kindly provided by Oxygene.
S2 licensed
Quote from GabbO :Wow, thrown off the server after crossing the finish line... WOOOOW

sadly my teammate overtook 2 cars in the last lap, and due to the
regulations, that will not count now... maan

I'm wondering what is the reason for all those server crashes....???

It is strange. But seing as the server crashed after the 1st place man had finished, we shall award full points I think, based on positions right before the server crash. I'll contact 500 servers again, as soon as I can find James and get him to check the logs. Can't do much more.... if anyone can provide a non-500 servers server situated in Europe for the next race, I think it'd be good to give it a bash...
Race 3 - Post-race discussion
S2 licensed
Here's the qualy results, everyone

I've settled back to enjoy a nice LX race from the grand stands because my connection is worse than ever tonight. I'll post race results after.
S2 licensed
Passwords sent out. Should anyone have a problem, please PM me ASAP.

It looks like I will be the only vMax driver driving so:

vMaxSR B

LX4 driver: Anton Tcholakov (axus)
LX6 driver: -

Should anyone be keen to race for us in the last minute, please let me know. It was a late confirmation on Rob's part and he shall be crucified after partying with drunk, naked women tonight.
S2 licensed
The divisions are completely seperate. Of course you do.
S2 licensed
Correction, no restrictions on pit entry or exit cutting.
S2 licensed
Same format as last time, except executed better. We did it at Aston North on Saturday and qualy took 25min, and I still have a few ideas to speed it up... mind you, shorter track than tonight and 4 less cars but I think it should take no more than 30-35min tonight. After that, it will be the usual 10 min break (I trust no-one will complain this time seeing as we have a 1.5hr race after ) and onwards with the race.

Doing the math, assuming all goes to plan, it should be about 30min tonight, and that's for a big track and a full pack of 20 cars.
S2 licensed
Rather not... its not like it makes a big difference anyway.

EDIT: Just to clarify - you're welcome to cut the pit exit yellow lines. The pit entry ones are usually the ones that penalties are given for in real racing, AFAIK.
Last edited by axus, .
S2 licensed
As in if you consistently cut through there, we'll hang you upside down and part you from your manhood. As in, we don't mind if you're forced to go through there because you're racing another car.
S2 licensed
A bunch of people have complained about the bales being too close to the track. I've moved them out about 20cm each to avoid unncessary penalties. Server will be updated with the new layout as soon as I can get a hold of James. In the mean time, here is the updated layout.
S2 licensed
Maybe I should move some hay bales around, a few inches in. You'll only be penalised if you're seen as intentionally doing it though.
S2 licensed
Tristan, I quote myself from the "Participating Racers" post:

"Special rules regarding corner cutting: a special layout has been made using hay bales to prevent corner-cutting, mostly in the first sector. People who are seen to consistently bump these hay bales will be penalised in points or otherwise. Racers seen intentionally abusing missing bales due to them having been hit by other racers will also be penalised."

As for Jeff's question - try to avoid running through the yellow lines of pit entry, but you can use the section next to the concrete barrier down the pit straight.
Race 2 - Server crash and post-race discussion
S2 licensed

Here we go again. This was 5 laps in which means that the race for Aston North for the Saturday division is rescheduled for the 10th of February 2007. I'll edit the events schedule to reflect this tomorrow.

I'll ask James to do his best in finding out the source of the crash from 500 servers, but I fear that I may be the cause thanks to my horrible connection. I had no problems tonight though.

Again, sorry for this farce guys. I'm really furious with these server problems.
S2 licensed
Oh, btw:

vMax SR A
LX4 Driver: Gary Klinkert (Joose)
Lx6 Driver: Anton Tcholakov (axus)

And... passwords should be with you within 15min. Please PM me if you have any problems and haven't received them in that time.
S2 licensed
Wait, I may have been a shmuck, I'll get back to you on that one.
As for steer look, it should be disabled on button-press.
S2 licensed
Heh, doesn't really work out. Its way too unsmooth without center reduction and with it, the whole system goes haywire - ie. reverse view is in the wrong place etc. Perhaps use a Shift+U camera and control its rotation (not sure if its possible)... that way I guess you could get smooth resutls. That's really only if you're a masochist and want to program car heading into it because LFS doesn't turn the view with the car turning. This would be a huge project probably you can set follow car but I'm not too sure that even does it vertically. And you'd also have to program the vertical view angle... basically, don't bother.

LFS does have some form of TrackIR support, no? Is that abusable?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Are we going to do this for every race?

Yup, because of reserve drivers etc. I have to know who to send passes to. Not like it takes much time anyway.
LXCC Participating racers - 28/11/2006 (Event 3)
S2 licensed
Event 3 - Special Endurance Event
Date: 28.11.2006
Track: Kyoto
Configuration: GP Long Reversed
Weather: Cloudy Morning, Low Wind
Laps: 30 laps

Format for registering your drivers:
Team name
LX4 Driver - Name (LFS license)
LX6 Driver - Name (LFS license)

Special rules regarding corner cutting: a special layout has been made using hay bales to prevent corner-cutting, mostly in the first sector. People who are seen to consistently bump these hay bales will be penalised in points or otherwise. Racers seen intentionally abusing missing bales due to them having been hit by other racers will also be penalised.
S2 licensed
This is probably not the place for this discussion but anyway.

Quote from tomylee :All should really try it with the U version. When I installed the first patch (U20) I got those disconnects. Later on I thought about changing back to the U and the disconnects were gone. Two coincident's exact at this time, that would be something crazy

Not as crazy as you might think. Its basically impossible that the connection existed in the first place if netcode was any different I should think. Unless you got lots of OOS errors which would probably imply that what the server is recieving as packets from you and what's actually happening don't appear coherent (as I understand it). You can't magically increase pings with a suttle netcode change anyway (or a change of any other part of the code for that matter).

Quote from traxxion :I have to say though Scawen, connectivity really seems to be a more general problem lately. Never before have I heard of so many player disconnects, even server crashes and much lag on the servers. At first I thought it was just me, but both here on the forum and on various irc channels I hear I'm definitely not the only one who experiences these problems.

Maybe it's because there are a lot of leagues going on, that people complain more about disconnects (disco is always more annoying in an important race). Maybe it's because a lot more servers run InSim applications lately. But maybe it really is a more general (and LFS related) problem.

I don't know for sure either of course, but I thought I'd just ventilate my thoughts... because of my recent experiences I'm starting to think that maybe there's something that you haven't thought of yet, that causes more connectivity problems (no offense, just trying to help solving what seems to be a problem).

Back in the S1 days I could race lag-free on a 56k modem. Those days are long over thanks to the increasing number of packets that have to be sent with S2 - damage etc.

Also bear in mind that if your country has some kind of general capping policy, people will normally save bandwidth at the start of the month and towards the end of the month, pings will go up and up because everyone thinks "oh look, I have 2gb to spare!" (2gb doesn't sound like much but here 3gb is all you get). This tendency is a real problem here. Pings during the day tend to be much higher than at night etc. There's so many things that affect it.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :LFS Advanced Head-Turn 3000™

Hmm, so you want look with steer... should be possible, I think. Depends if LFS lets me read the wheel turn state, but as the buttons work, this should work too. Then I'll just move the "center" around depending on the wheel position. Good idea!

I guess you can expect an update sometime in the evening (when I'm back from work). Any other suggestions for a name change? Anyone?

I was driving around this morning and no look-to-apex really confused me. I kept overcorrecting slides etc. Its an awesome program otherwise, looking forward to the update!
S2 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :I am having the same connectivity issues as tommylee is. If I go onto a server that is full I will ping out within a few minutes, guaranteed . I can stay connected to an empty server for awhile but then again I will eventually be disconnected.

This all started when I switched to U30. I am still seeing if any of the programs I am running are causing any problems, but I never had an issue before U30.

You should try this with an older version to confirm that it is an U30 issue. Connectivity problems can be caused by so many things.
S2 licensed
See ya in 2009 I guess!

Hopefully you've grown up a bit by that time. :haha: