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S2 licensed
Just like the one now. They have improved from aweful to terrible
S2 licensed
He does not... at all. You can literally notice that they have got no idea of whatsoever at all.
S2 licensed
14:00 UTC
15:00 BST (Britain)
16:00 CEST (UTC 2+, Germany))
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Anyone from LFS racing there?

Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Marius Golombeck is AFAIK. Perhaps also Chriskart is going to be back too, not sure about it.

Chris is driving the Audi TT he also drives in the VLN Series, so be sure to check out what he is doing #149 Audi TT Class SP3T ( ... ehmerliste_15_06_2011.pdf). Meanwhile i'm just there as a spectator this year, i hope my time starts next year
Last edited by baSh0r, .
S2 licensed
If you're not in a tent or somewhere at the track, this is the only possibility left
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :How good is the TV coverage expected to be? I mean, do they manage to pull something decent despite the enormous track lenght? I assume there are still some big-ish sections with no cameras, right?

The coverage is spoiled by retard commentators but if you mute that everything works out fine , anyway they say its 27 hours of total coverage which doesn't sount that bad. The entire track is covered by cameras.

24h Nürburgring - This year as a spectator, next year hopefully as a driver

The Schedule for TV coverage is here: ... t1_24h-Rennen_2011_01.pdf

There will also be streams and stuff, so just check the posts above and the website in the next days.
S2 licensed
that makes sense, anyway - keep it airbourne :P
S2 licensed
Poor Kevin Bouhalassa needs to remain anonymous aye?
S2 licensed
two tips from personal experience:

1.) GTX 560Ti is a great value, the card has a good speed and is relatively cheap, made only good experience with it

2.) i5 2500K, runs at 3,3ghz stock, equipped it with a Scythe Nasya (40$) and running it at 4,3 ghz atm, capable of more easily, 4,5 ghz still runs stables. So you can get about 1ghz for free
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :Their netcode is still far better than LFS, you don't see cars flashing back and forth every second.

You sir, have not played iRacing (long enough)
S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Women belong in the kitchen, huh? Well, you know why women live longer than men? Because the kitchen is where the knives are.

Back in the kitchen then.
S2 licensed
I'm pretty good at having people wreck me too
S2 licensed
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :
Or maybe Im just not a good enough driver.

S2 licensed

VW Golf II GTI - 180bhp / 960kg, semi-slick tyres, racing suspension (ring-setup)
S2 licensed

A full 100% recommendation to view it. Absolutely fantastic, fascinating, entertaining and emotional footage!
S2 licensed
Ugh, i got to cancel my sign up, i got a race this weekend and i can't make 100% sure i'm home by then, so i don't want to take spots away. Still good Race
S2 licensed
good stuff, keep it up guys =D
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Even worse then spiderman, has the whole internet lost sense of humor?

i said save us you insensible infidel.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I find these spiderman memes absolutely hideous, elementary school level..

save us

Last edited by baSh0r, .
S2 licensed
TBH seems like a good chance of everybody who was involved in this getting credit. in my opinion
S2 licensed
Thats the point. Imho the drivers who qualified should also get credit. It's just a virtual money system so they can create as much as they want..
S2 licensed

Thank you for the help.

We have collected data associated with the QA event.

Everyone who has registered for the event will get credit.

S2 licensed
i wont register until its not safe enough, dont wanna risk losing 150 iRating again.
S2 licensed
It really looks like the access rate is too high, it keeps crashing over and over again