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S2 licensed
Oh lawl.
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :RBR is good in that way yes, you don't have to reinstall, just copy the game folder

Bit of a OT here, but it is surprisingly how many games do tons of reg entries, but will work fine without them.
S2 licensed
I just tested this when visiting my friend and for what I can tell this seemed like too awesome game! I'm gonna get this, hopefully it will run without problems.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Guess a missing registry entry is a pretty clear indication of using a cracked version :rolleyes:

Yes or he did it like me, I had it properly installed on another HD than OS and when I did a format and installed Windows again I still had the RBR but no registry entry.
S2 licensed
Quote from lummz :Yes, i got it to work now!. The problem was that when I patched the files just ended up in C:/ for some strandge reaseon. If it wasnt for you I hadn't spotted the files . Thanks

That's because you have no registry entry of RBR's install folder, pathces then go to C:\.
S2 licensed
I kinda agree with that Christmas being over hyped commercial OMG IT'S CHRISTFUKINMAS AGAIN!!

BUT for me Christmas eve is the day to get the most awesome food ever.
I can't say that I wouldn't like it when I get presents, but the best moment is when I get the best meal of my life.
I don't care about the escalloped potatoes or carrot casserole stuff, but the home made mashed potatoes with Karelian hot pot (Karjalan paisti / Karjala's roast) and some good ham makes me very hungry now even thinking about it.
It is fatty, salty and VERY SERIOUSLY good food.
And home-made beer too.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :Not meaning to be a spoilsport but you guys do know that the modern WRC cars are faster than Group B cars on any road that has a few bends on it?

Yea but WRC cars are boring.
S2 licensed
My way of doing it, select LFS.exe, press Ctrl+C, go to the desktop, right click and select "paste shortcut". Dunno how it works in Vista.
S2 licensed
I also think that it doesn't matter, usually if someone says sorry after crashing me or something, I answer "np".

Tho I myself don't have "sry" or "sorry" binded.
S2 licensed
Anyone of you who already got it, can you answer me if there's a proper LAN mode in this game?

Game's gonna be kinda useless to me if it doesn't have it.

And the AA thing, really? There's no way to get AA? Doesn't that just make the game look very horrible?
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :It's maybe enhanced? I dunno... it's an old video. The audio sounds right to me, especially the outside views.

Ahhh I remember there was already some talk about if it's real or not...

Well all I can say it clearly sounds dubbed.

And ohh man this is awesome:

I really smiled all the thru this video.
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :It's a small percentage, but still probably enough data to fill several encyclopedias.

Well I have always wanted to right click a human and select "edit" to open up it with NotePad and see the code inside.

Or a banana.
S2 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :Ok. back on the forum, and saw this site. Look at the sixth picture from the top and tell what you see. I instantly got chilled when i saw it. heres the link ... ion/index.php?t48624.html

Well I lol'd.
S2 licensed
We had ground nicely covered in snow, but it's all gone now. I don't really like winter, but I still hope we get the snow back soon.
S2 licensed
Quote from robt :pintos are getting rarer here. And also, duratecs are in all ford and mazda ranges, so bits are everywhere. dont fancy the change myself for the moment, maybe when they get more bhp then a pinto
Found it intresting to see how they are built, the crank is right up inside the block so it doesnt even go near the sump

I would like to change to Duratec probably, but I'm not yet so rich so not for quite a while I think.

Quote from pb32000 :I've noticed the 2.3L Duratecs are becoming quite popular for both N/A and turbo applications.

Also this is going to be awesome when finished. Proper oldskool.

Yep, I've been checking a thread about that car on PF.

I'm all into oldskool Escort's, but a mk1 Cortina is one of my dream cars too. Mk1 Cortina with nice N/A lump (or even with turbo, but I myself would go for the N/A power) is something what makes me drool, or even an Anglia.
S2 licensed
I don't like how pure matter of taste is being turned into a debate.

I just don't like electric cars, never gonna like them. I don't care if electric car does 0-100 in 1 seconds, it's still boring for me.

Racing cars make me feel something in my heart, electric cars don't do that.

If someday there will be a popular electric cars championship, it may attract people, but I know I'm not one of the people watching it.

If someone would let me choose between two cars, oldskool Escort mk2 with 1600 crossflow engine with twin 40's making 100bhp or a modern electric-super-car with the most awesome performance and everything, I would definitely choose the Escort and even have more fun driving it.

I can't fully describe a so called "proper car" there's no words for it, but I know my heart tells me what is a one.
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from robt :Lots of guys are going duratec mainly as in 5 or 10 years time spare parts can be taking from scrapyard really cheap, unlike trying to find pinto/cossie parts.
as for the zetec......its 122kg compared to the duratec 92kg!!!!

For me it's quite hard to imagine that someday finding Pinto parts would be hard.

Yeah, it's older than Duratec, so naturally heavier too, but I quite like it too and of course for now it is the cheaper one to get.
S2 licensed
Yeah they do fit Duratec's on RWD Escorts ie. in rallying but in street use too.
Mk2 Escort with 2.3 300 bhp Duratec with side-draught carbs / ITBs = win.
Like this: the other Escort has a Vauxhall XE in it, gotta admit I like that too.

Zetec is also very nice option for Oldskool Ford.
Or N/A Cossie lump mmm...
Last edited by BigPeBe, .
S2 licensed
I have a good argument, it is not a proper car.

And plus as how stupid it may be, car's sound is very important part of it.
Racing car has to sound like it's being nuts, if only thing it does is "bzzzzzzzzz" it doesn't make me feel anything.

Plus does electric cars even have a proper manual gearbox?

I want to smell the petrol.

Only important part of racing isn't who's gonna win. It's the cars making my heart beat going up and even feeling the sound on my chest.
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :second that

It depends. Of course girls are the ones that I find sexually attractive. Cars are important in different ways.

BUT, if I would met a girl, who would demand me for getting rid of my old car, I would keep the car and ditch the girl.
S2 licensed
Quote from spenceris :I have a cousin who has a Ford probe 24v 2.5 and probes with mazdas engines DOHC's... and that car rolls pretty fast. If it only was RWD.

Im planning to get one myself.

Yes, Probe is a horrible car.

With proper Ford I mean something European, from 60's to 80's and RWD/AWD + of course the one exception Cossie-Escort.
Or Mustang or something, but from 90's and up I think Ford hasn't done much interesting cars.

Quote from robt :nope, latvian (Big PeBe is finnish, the other guy with the slower sierra was latvian )

Ah ok, I'm stupid.
S2 licensed
When I first read the starting post, I thought what is Tesla Roadster and why OP isn't giving us any information.
But then someone mentioned that it's an electric car and so I thought simply no.

Electric cars aren't real cars and they don't belong to proper racing sim, I don't like the idea of devs putting their time into some boring electric-can.

Sorry if I'm being a bit harsh, but I just hate electric cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from robt :or should that be latvian, i always get the flags confused

Quote from The General Lee :Try Finland?

Hows the Capri Rob?

Umm... Still don't get it. :doh:
S2 licensed
Crap, just realised that 9 pm GMT in my time GMT+2 is 11 pm and it is just too late. So no signing up probably then.
S2 licensed
Quote from robt :At least now BigPeBe has a little austrian PeBe
