My dad knew from work the racing driver Esa Schroderus, from Team F40 (2x Ferrari Challenge Champion, used to drive Super Saloon etc.).
But I think my dad hasn't seen him for years.
When I was a kid, we used to get free VIP tickets for racing weekends from him. I still can remember the mighty Super Saloon-monsters.
Nice, I remember that Doom 2 was the first FPS game I've ever played, I was a little boy then...
Doom 2 was very similar to this, IIRC this 1 was called as "Doom 95" when I played it, my cousin had it on his PC.
These were very frightening games for a little boy back in a day, me and my mates tried to play the Doom 2 campaign, but I think that we never finished it actually.
It is true that Source is a lot better looking and modern than 1.6, but 1.6 still just owns the Source. Source is so much more boring in comparison.
Usually on LAN's with my friends we don't even bother with the Source, 1.6 is a lot more of an entertainment, we only played Source when it was new and felt like it.
I would recommend 1.6 over Source, they both look old by now, but as an entertaining multiplay-FPS the 1.6 is way much better I think.
It's been snowing about for a week now. Because of "snowstorm" we just had blackout for an hour or so. But that's really nothing new it happens few times every fall / start of a winter.
When I got to the driving school, anyone even didn't tell me I would have a choice to learn with automatic gearbox, I think in Finland it is only possible if you are somehow disabled and it prevents you from using manual.
I get your point, but a typical driver who never drives with manual, is probably not going to ever even consider about racing.
If you can't get proper bass sound out of LFS, there is something wrong with you, not with the LFS.
I myself have to adjust the subwoofer output almost to zero to not to kill my ears while driving LFS. If I keep the settings like in many other games, my whole friggin room will shake while motor-braking with XRT.
Working 5.1 system would be good tho.
And no, no voice chat. I already hate to hear people doing stupid sounds on other games whit VOIP. If you want to voice chat with your friends use Team Speak or Ventrilo or similar.
Also suggested before.
All I'm hoping for that it is going to be like XP, but with DX10 support / support for new games.
I'm just glad that it seems that there is never going to be a day that I have to install Vista on my PC, I have tried it out in few PCs and it just feels rubbish all the way.
Lets just hope the 7 will be proper OS.
-EDIT- Crap didn't see the second page, so my post was useless.
-EDITEDIT- This topic is just asking for a height, but I see people are also telling their weight.
I'm still not 100% sure about my height, but I just checked my weight so I'm 172 cm / 77 Kg. After a good meal that is probably around 80 kg.
So tell me, if the sim wouldn't do these actions for you, who/what would?
Get yourself a H-pattern gearstick and a clutch and put all these gear "assists" off, now you have to do it all by yourself.
And the fact that some cars have sequential or H-pattern, it doesn't affect for the being of the clutch pedal.
Some cars just operate clutch automatically, usually with sequential boxes. Most race cars still need the driver to use clutch while he wants to get his car moving, but when you are on the move and want to change gear, many race cars operate the clutch automatically, in some cars you have to lift off by yourself and in some cars don't, they usually have ignition cut or something similar to prevent going ballistic with the revs.
Most cars have H-pattern gearbox and I myself don't know any regular H-pattern car with auto-clutch.
Automatic gearboxes are different thing, they usually don't have clutch pedal, but they also suck.
-EDIT- Just tested this in LFS, I myself normally use H-pattern with clutch, so I wasn't 100% sure how the sequential mode works in LFS with regular cars.
It doesn't anymore automatically lift off from the throttle while changing gear (like it did in older patches), so changing gear up without lifting off results in sudden raise in revs, like it would do in real life.
If you use this "flat shifting" method, the clutch starts to over-heat. If you do enough laps you will eventually destroy the clutch with this style, wich is quite realistic.
So I don't see the problem here?
Yea and the reason why cars like XRG and XFG don't recommend that in your case, are because you are probably using just regular +/- (sequential) style shifter and no clutch, so the game has to "imitate" the drivers actions during shifting (lift off throttle, engage clutch, push gear in, disengage clutch), so the only job that is left for you is tell when to change gear and to what gear.