FYI, I should be able to make the event but it looks like one of our building projects might get pushed back to the race weekend. I know I'm just on the waiting list but I'll try to keep everyone update in case someone else is wanting to sign up.
Just a suggestion... Why don't we have a thread labeled protest? That way instead of your having to go back and look at everything, you can allow people to file protest. Also that gives people the chance to protest things that might not have been noticed by the admins. If cutting is still an issue, then we should all work together to try and remember who did the cutting in question. Needless to say cutting the track one time the whole event is not protestable, but more than 2 is room for concern.
The reason I made this post is simply because I received some images from a fellow competitor and I really have no idea where to post them, other than here.
Please, use a stream worth a crap... I've had the link opened for over 2 minutes and it's only 16 seconds in. When you get it fixed, bump the thread so we can watch it.
We could do that, but I figured that since the other one was to big you had a set dimension. I should be able to get an updated banner to you in the next few days.
Yeah I agree. I tell people that if your having a hard time on a track, go watch the WR. It doesn't show them when to brake or how fast to go into a corner, but mostly just the line, as you stated.
BTW, great work on the videos. These track guides are extremely helpful to any and all skill level or racers. Thanks David!
I've said this forever. You could make a great video and if there is another that is really crappy which is posted at the same time, the crappy movie gets more comments and hits. What ever happened to people stating facts, moving on after someone else has covered an issue, and giving a pat on the back when needed. I get so sick of some of these guys (not naming anyone) that come on here and raise mortal hell. Odds are half the ass holes on here are probably the exact opposite in real life.
Well I don't want to take someone out of a race anymore than you they want to be taken out, but you have to remember that we're (I understand everyone is and if I need to explain my reasoning behind this statement I will) racing for more than just that race. Point being, I understand your sorry and that you where in the position to have to make a move, but we really should have went into that corner as if we where racing one another. You just simply can't close the door on someone when your side by side. The thing that upsets me about this is the fact that now my chances of winning this championship just diminished by about 25%...
There is plenty of time to come back though, just going to have to put together some flawless weekends.
Tim, your doing a good job. It's really sad that we don't have more drivers with common sense, because many things today where unavoidable on your part. People talking during races, constant disconnects, people crashing other drivers during qualifying, the list goes on and on. Point being is that for the most part your doing the right things. However, I think with this group of people, we need to be slightly more strict on chatting. Other than that it was a great event.
I haven't had a chance to review it yet but I wasn't too happy with the move Niko made on me. Basically I took t1 much better so I stuck my nose in the chicane. Niko went for broke and jumped the curb. This basically forced me to shut down in order not to get pinched into the tires.
I never found it to be that funny ether. However, the music video itself is rather strange and does put a smile on my face. The main reason for that is the lead singers effeminate body gestures.