Suggestion, though probably it is unlikely to be done.
Please think about changing the point system to include everybody who enters. My guess is the popularity is higher than expected, as the point system only allows 96 drivers of 234. That is over 100 drivers competing against one-another (with similar skills) that get ignored in the final scope of things.
I like to compete, as I am pretty sure a lot of people do. I would like to compete during the duration of the league, rather than only during the event. It is quite hard for me (and a hundred or more others) to get within the top 96, which is required to gain points. And points are required for long term competition between people. Sure, I won't compete against the top dogs out there, but there are 100 people behind me that could give me good competition in the rounds to come.
I have two ideas about this, one works better but has a slight flaw. My first idea is to start with the last competitor, and give them a single point. Then start working your way up, adding a point to each. I was mentioned that the was a desire for a graduated point system, to make others strive to keep going; but how does 3 points from 149 to 152 push you any harder than 1pt? Anyways if this is required/desired then simply add 1 from the last competitor to the 97th. Then add that value to the normal point system.
This way has a flaw though, and a mighty big one - it makes some events more important to win than others. And this is likely unacceptable for the overall championship. Though it would be a way to include anyone who plays.
The second idea is simply to increase the number of competitors. Go from 96 to 250. I would say a minimum of 200, but I would like to see this high enough that most people are competing successfully while maybe a very few suffer from the requirement to make a fixed point system. I do hope this is seriously considered, and since the times are what they are I don't see any reason why changing this early on would be a problem. It isn't like your changing the entire way your doing things, just giving the winners more points, and the rest some points as well.
As it stands I am as good as the ~100 people I beat in the XRG.