I know this is not a forum full of artists, but I know there are a handful here. I am looking for some help on a project I am working on, it is not LFS related, nor is it related to my AIRS project. It is racing related though and you will be able to test a new project before it gets main stream, as well as know you've helped work on it.
I have a couple _vastly_ different styles in mind, so it will need to be discussed in further detail later. The project is in the prototyping stage, and I have a good feeling about it. I've been developing for about 3 weeks, and the project is staying on the quiet side until I know it will be developed to it's full potential; which even in the stage it is at now it is starting to shine.
I need someone who can fit the follow:
- Creating 2D textures for
- Interface, Heads-up Display and Menus
- Track surfaces, and cars from an overhead perspective (for prototyping purposes)
- Desire, Motivation and Dedication to the project.
- Passion for racing, which if you are here that can almost be assumed...
If the project get's where I am picturing it then someone with 3D modeling and texturing experience will be useful.
For any other details PM me, leave questions here, or e-mail me: MyUserName @ yahoo