UV filters on digital cameras are next to useless. I think it was discussed in this thread some time ago too. Manufacturers sell them as easy way to protect your lens, sure, but you get extra glass added to your lens and that's always bad, lens hoods are much better for protection.
Some comparison shots I've seen between these "protective UV filters" show really bad extra lens flare. I take the old lens was used in a normal SLR, and there it probably had it's use, but not on a modern day digital camera.
I'm sure he won't have any trouble with the driving, but driving by notes and doing them is the hard part he is still learning. It's good for Kimi that he has a true professional co-driver in the car. It's a challenge no doubt, but how awesome is that from Ferrari to let him drive these rallies!
Well, I can't really say, G10 and D60 are a bit different. Both cost about the same, and I'm sure the G10 is a very good camera. It depends what, where and how is your friend going to take pictures I guess and does he need different lenses. A DSLR is much more fun I guess, but it will scare people, especially adults. Although, D60 is rather small so it's not that bad than the real big boy cameras.
Anyways. Back to my shots, it's indeed a tank, but I was asking what kind of tank?
Second shot is actually the controls of a search light generator.
This is what happened. Got out to take a picture from a rainbow in the setting sun. I walk a bit in the drizzle with my umbrella, and before I got the place I was planning to the rainbow of course disappears.
Well, too bad, so I thought I take a picture of the sun setting behind the trees and this very wide ditch. I set up my tripod, take out my remote just to use if for what I bought it for. Then I take out the camera, while wrestling with my umbrella, set it up for remote, frame the shot and press release and nothing happens, and the camera tells me it's too dark and I should use flash.
Then I change some setting with the umbrella in my eye and mosquitos in my nose, but nothing still happens. Remote release doesn't want to work and it's telling me it's too dark! Well you piece of (insert vulgarities) I know it's dark, that's why I got the freking tripod you muppet!! But then it worked perfectly when using the normal release or the short timer, wtf? There is nothing wrong with the remote as it worked back home when I just tested it.
Conclusion: Nikon ML-L3 remote is afraid of light drizzle and mosquitos.
Dowloaded and gave just a small try, and it does run pretty well. I was afraid that the huge 1920x1200 resolution my monitor prefers would bog it down, but it does run smooth. Got to try how high I can set the graphics setting, but it doesn't look that bad how it is.
I guess it takes a bit time to get used to the controls, but the first feeling is being disabled guy with amputated hands, especially at point blank range. But I got to give it a proper go tomorrow and adjust the controls a bit. And that motion blur is a bit confusing, you can't really see much while running, which is a bit silly.
See, that's what I mean. You got to modify your game it to work properly! WTF honestly!?
Got to see the demo. I got Athlon X2 5400+ with 8800GTS and 2GB of RAM, partly qualifies with the recommended specs, but I doubt it's going to be that great.
edit. Actually my specs seem to be spot on with the recommendations with the demo, well, what do they know...
Was the wall socket in the picture intentional? Also, I find her shadow somehow distracting, but the cuteness overload on the last one makes all up for it.
He is some crap with lots of blue skies and waters from yesterday. All with CPL-filter. Really useful, if only the focusing ring wouldn't rotate on my lens.
Still unsure if I should buy this. I'm really, really pessimistic about PC gaming. The last game I bought for PC was Empire Total War, and it just became playable this week so I could finish the campaign. It's been 4 months since the release, ffs.
I'm pretty sure I will like the game, but it will be the most frustrating love/hate experience if it crashes all the time or runs badly.
There is an insim running I must admit, but you can turn it off. And we give out points just for laughs but the racing is good and fair like it used to be in the good old days. Qualy and three races with reversed grids, and maybe some more racing if people stay.
Race: 1 Lap: 4 Cars Involved: 13 & 98 Brief Description: Car 98 pushes 13 off the track full speed, doesn't even lift off just keeps going full throttle.
Race: 2 Lap: 1 Cars Involved: 13 & 98 Brief Description: Car 98 taps the rear corner of car 13 causing it to loose speed and loose the position.
It saddens me how seriously people take this Stig nonsense and how completely they miss the point and the joke. Schumi interview was good though, as was him driving his own car.
It's just a trick to get even more people to watch the opening episode of the season. They say something in the lines "Unfortunately the Stig is not here tonight - he was on his way from his castle made from codfish and marmelade when this happened" and then they show a clip of the Stig exploding in a caravan related accident involving C4, the Royal Navy and the biggest explosion...