I don't know if you read my mind or something. There is some kind of a world conspiracy I know it but anyway.. Matt, get the open source one and start learning. C# is not something hard to be honest. Don't listen to what other guys say "We make big complicated software and bla bla bla bla bla". Every one can code as long as you have enough time to understand it. It's a bit tricky but it's easy once you get it.
Edit: Not quite sure but I think that the first time you run it after you install it you will need to register, specify your email and they will send you a registration key(the key is 100% free). It's what I remember but I will say again - I'm not sure. All good.
I think that this error occurs when you are modifying/building the layout and some people don't get the object info in time. But I can't tell for sure. I have placed objects there(yes it's possible in a bit weird way) and no people have got kicked or anything.. Was like a normal layout and nothing else. It's just that it's hard to build something on there.
But still... There might be something I'm missing and I don't so much about LFS to say that you are wrong and I'm right. Just my opinion.
100mbps connection should mean that you are on a company that has made a local internet connection and you have speed of approx 100mbps to all the people in this LAN. But outside I hardly doubt you will have such connection.
Also if your LFS is loading textures too slow(too slow PC or too high res textures or both lol) then your LFS might just lose connection until it loads them. And ask your isp where you have 100mbps connection to. I find it hard to believe that home network packet can have a speed of 100mbps but what do I know, I live in a poor country.
From one side: Devs have much more "important" stuff do to right now. I say important quoted because how important could it be for a game.. but anyway.. On this side then -0.5 :P
Let's say on fps side: -0.5 more.
On the other 2 sides I respect bulgarians(+0.5) and this would be a cool effect(+1). So +1.5 on those sides.
Sooo at final: +0.5 from me, because I would like to see such feature/effect/w.e u want to call it.
ps: I was going to give 0.5 anyway I just needed an excuse.
Afaik their Z position is zero. Or with other words: they go at the bottom part of the map(or in the current case: under the map).
I found that out once when I ended in a endless loop of resets under the map(flew out of the map and landed under the track.. I'm sure 99% of the community knows what I mean) and saw them standing down there.
I know I wrote it in a confusing way, because I'm confused myself too when I'm reading it but I'm sure you people are smart enough to understand me.
You have to offer something to the other side. There are far too less people that will do you one for free(not to say none). I'm just saying tho, I'm not doing it for money either. xD
IMO this is a lifeless kid with too much complexes that has nowhere else to show. Common situations have happened a lot of times to a lot of people and sadly I don't think that there is any way to control this except if he acts like this in all servers and people keep on reporting him to the server admins, but it will still slow him down with only 30 days(I mean if he gets enough bans for a global one). And more if he is a demo racer it won't even slow him down as he would probably make a new account.
Anyway, mate, life is unfair :P .... I say just don't mind those noobs. They don't deserve that attention
Edit: lol 3 replies.. there were none when i started to write this(im getting old) :P
I said I just thought I should make this thread. Are you even reading? This happened long long long time ago and I mostly wanted to see everybody's opinion on this. Stop with the useless attacks like (you did bad, you screwed yourself), or you just want to start another useless 'forum fight'?? xD
It's just.... annoying... You know??
Edit: No need to start teaching me what to do. Most of us are not dumb and I hope you know that too. Your whole post was only saying what you think I have done wrong and for what reason I want this to be removed and how bad noob I have been to make this happen. I was still learning how to code, I was still testing LFS and I already said the 2nd one but from it the 1st is clear enough too.
Edit 2: Can a mod close the thread, since the results are already obvious and I don't want this to turn in to a fight thread where everyone is just offending other people without even reading what they have said(since there are too many threads like that already). I'm going to stop reading it anyway.
I'm not really sure how this happened. I was still experimenting with S2 unlocks locks. That was my 1st time when i ran out of unlocks too but thats not for this thread.
Btw, at last - is it 30 for a month or what(I thought it's 15 tho lol)?
Most of the bans I've had were on my server I think when I was fixing the ban system. The others were from servers when there are usually like 2 people that want to "rule" the server and ban everyone with ban vote calling. And it was really long time ago but I just thought I should make this topic now.
Anyway, most of the people don't want it to be removed so really the topic can be closed. But still a feature in the lfsworld should be added to see where you have been banned and for how long imo. Don't remove it but let us see where and for how long we have been banned(would be nice).
Don't know how to start so I'm going straight to the explanation:
Ok, I think that S2 users should not have a global ban from lfs online at all but just keep it on demoers.
S2 licensed are kinda screwed that way because if a demo users gets a global ban he would just make a new account until his ban is over(well some might not but most of them will), so I don't think it's fair.
Also one time when I was testing something in my server(at my only time I had a global ban warning) I accidently banned myself and unbanned, after which the global warning told me there is one ban less.
In both ways (if removed or not) I think a feature in the lfsworld should be added to see where have you been banned and for how long, and if the server is not online say it doesn't count.
That's it I think.
ps: I am not a crasher or anything and I don't really know how I got a global warning the single time I had one but it was really annoying for me.
Like I said... I want to be able to do this while the server is working. After all do you think that I'm that stupid not to know the other way to change it?
What I want to ask is can the admin pass be changed in-game in the dedi as it can in game in the game hosting options? If not then could some moderator move this to Improvement Suggestions forum, please?
If this topic is in Improvement Suggestions then my suggestion is to add a command like "/admin=adminpassinhere" to set the admin password in game. But I think that this should happen only if written from the dedi or from an insim but not from a user logged in the server as admin no matter if he is local or not.
@Zen I didn't mean you but I meant the community at all.
I was kinda with the idea of world peace, like everyone in the community can be in one part instead of like different 'camps' like what it is turning it atm. I wanted to try to make things better since I see more and more and more arguing in this forum.
We all have something in common(talking about LFS) and in fact instead of using it as reason to support each other we fight... I wouldn't give too much s**t about it since I am having a lot of fun in LFS when I am playing it. If you guys want to ruin your mood then go ahead lol. Some of the arguments make me laugh and sometimes make my day so one the other side - there is some use of it.
One more thing from which arguing comes:
The idea to insult demoers for not having enough money to buy S2. Maybe they are still too little to make their own money and it's nothing bad imo but some people don't think like that. Well of course this has it's bad side too - crackers which I can understand every S2 licensed to hate, but would they really care? Don't think so
I think that some of the guys in here(really don't mean anyone specific) are just looking for a reason to argue and fight.
This topic as a suggestion is good but some of you just don't like the caption, do you?
Edit: Damn I was planning to stop writing in this topic but its getting interesting.