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S3 licensed
Ok whatever I'm fed up of standing in everyone's side and try to stop this arguing for cruise/racing tastes. If you want to insult cruisers and drifters and all other made up things from LFS then go ahead. I don't want to write any more essays. xD

I am just going to quit this. It's a lost cause anyway. I know LFS is a racing simulator and will stay as one. I don't want this to change. Whatever just have fun racing and insulting people with taste different than yours. I don't care. No point to care for a lost cause.

As for hold horn thing I didn't really want it.. It was late when I made this suggestion and I didn't even realize whats going on. Flashing police lights is something I have not suggested and I think it should not exist. I'm not for the horn either, but just for the lights on/off when and if night is available.

Thanks for the talk. If something made you feel offended well don't since theres no use.
S3 licensed
Oook.. I know there are some dumb racers as there are some dumb cruisers. There are dumb people everywhere. Cruising should definetly NOT become main part of LFS.

To be honest I haven't seen people that want sidewalks and old ladies walking on them, maybe there are but all I want in LFS is physics improvements, more cars, more tracks, more options to customize the game and all the stuff that will be useful for every part of LFS instead of just drifting or cruising or racing or whatever more you like to do in LFS.

I want LFS to get better not in its in cruise aspect but on ALL possible aspects.

I want no blank spots in the off-track zone so we can make more off-track layouts.

I want VWS so we can all have another car and make drift sets, cruise, race, drag, go drive it off the track and have much fun with it.

I want crashes to be detected by the insim so in race, cruise, drift, drag people to be able to localize it faster.

I want editors so cruisers can make their city tracks, racers their favorite real life route, drifters their cool drift track, draggers their never-ending straight; so racers, cruisers, drifters, draggers, off-track drivers and everyone else can have fun with custom cars.

I want the things that everyone would like and I wouldn't request anything that would be fun only for me, since there would be noone else to share the moment with me. I would not like sidewalks and/or random people walking on the track even tho that it would be fun in some part if you crash a person, he flies to someone else's window and makes it bloody so he can't see clearly, but still its as stupid as fun.

From other side it would be good if the pit stop had real people that you could accidently crash so they can't fix a specific part of your car in which way you will learn how to make pit stops.

It's not about to have a part of the game. It's to have fun with your favorite part and let the others have fun with theirs.

Just my 2 cents. :P

Edit: Crosswalks already exist on some tracks' pits and if someone wants crosswalks so much he/she/it(in case its an emo) can draw one by lines.
S3 licensed
I don't want to broadcast to all connections but to each single one. And yes the value is 255, I'm using it when I need something that has to be seen by everyone.
S3 licensed
Ok.. LFS IS a racing simulator but if for some reason cruising, dragging and drifting wasn't possible wouldn't you just quit it? I mean what's wrong with some of you guys.. Some of you are like racists(not between skin color but between LFS tastes).

Lets not divide the LFS community into several parts between the different styles people found that could be implemented in LFS(talking about cruising, drifting and dragging again). Why not just be happy for everyone else, that they have found their part of LFS. If you hate cruising so much go ahead and create a new thread in improvements to disallow it. But think how much less users will there be to buy LFS.

I can say I see all the famous cruise servers full almost all the time.. But what about racing? Around 700 racing servers of which maybe 692 are not used? Cruise servers are around 20-25 max I think(including all sub servers of one cruising team) and around 5 of them are being constantly visited. Other 15 are other maps that people just don't like or cruise servers being developed.

And about one thing I saw that all the cruise servers are the same, they are really not, but cruisers can say that the racing ones are all the same too, can't they?

"Cruising kiddies" is something more I see more and more often. I gotta say. 1st whoever says that most likely doesn't know these people and actually he is the one acting like a child, because when he doesn't like something he thinks it should not exist. Personally I like all the aspects of LFS(racing, offroading, the off-tracking, cruising, drifting, dragging) because it's all about to have fun.. However what I like best for now is cruising and since I got really fed up with people coming in cruise servers only to be banned so they can put signatures like one I've seen "proud to be banned in all cruise servers" it really means that you can put your signature to be "proud to have a global ban for 90 days, because of cruising" soon and nothing else, I just quited it for a couple of days. Nothing personal to the guy tho.

I'm not trying to insult anyone with this reply but just to tell you that we all bought LFS and are playing it the way we like it. If you don't like it ESPECIALLY when it doesn't really matter to you why whine? Just leave it alone.

LFS is made so we can have fun playing it. Not to insult people playing it in a different way from the one most of the people like. You think cruising is weird or wrong or something? I think it's an imitation of the real life.

Also why do you think racers come more and more often to cruise servers? Because it's more fun to speed when it's forbidden, not because they only want to drive slow.

Soz, I gone a lot off the topic. For the full tracks I totally agree. Drift, cruise AND race servers can make more complicated and fun courses and city layouts. Only draggers won't fit since they need just a straight. xD
Last edited by broken, .
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :The way I'm reading your code I think you're assuming the drivers in the connection list will be in increasing numerical order with no gaps (0, 1, 2... etc). This is not always the case. So, when you're assuming that a connection ID is 2 (for example) it may not actually be 2. Can you get the connection ID for each connection from the "Conn" object in your foreach loop (Conn.getID() or something similar)?

1st thanks a lot for the fast answer.
The while loop is because the buttons are 25 not because I want 25 connections in if you have understood it wrong. This is working when I am using the free source insim's code

The following code works:
private void updateHUD(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
foreach (clsConnection C in Connections)
if (Stage == 1)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7" + Website, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 15, 6, 90, 6, C.UniqueID, 2, false);
string Time = Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours).PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Minutes).PadLeft(2, '0');
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7" + Time, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 15, 6, 90, 6, C.UniqueID, 2, false);
string TempCars1 = "^2" + Cars.transformFromNumbers(C.Cars);
string TempCars2 = "^2" + Cars.transformFromNumbers(C.Cars);

InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + TempCars1, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 60, 0, 137, 140, C.UniqueID, 2, false);
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + TempCars2, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 60, 6, 137, 141, C.UniqueID, 2, false);
if (C.Cash >= 0)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Money: ^2Ђ^7 " + C.Cash, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 25, 6, 64, 5, C.UniqueID, 2, false);
if (C.Cash < 0)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Money: ^2Ђ^1 " + C.Cash, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 25, 6, 64, 5, C.UniqueID, 2, false);

// Distance
if ((C.TotalDistance - C.TotalDistance) >= 0)
//Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].Bonus = (Connections[GetConnIdx(Players[GetPlyIdx(MCI.Info[i].PLID)].UniqueID)].DistanceSincePit * 2)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Distance: ^3 " + (C.TotalDistance / 1000) + "km", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 30, 6, 106, 139, C.UniqueID, 2, false);

// Bonus
if (C.DistanceSincePit >= 50000)
C.Cash += 1000;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^3»^8 " + C.PlayerName + " ^7won ^2Ђ1000^7.");
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^3»^2 Reason:^7 Distance bonus (Drove 50kms).");
C.DistanceSincePit = 0;
C.Bonus = (C.DistanceSincePit / 500);
if (C.Bonus <= 25)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^1Bonus " + C.Bonus + "%", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 15, 0, 90, 7, (C.UniqueID), 2, false);
if (C.Bonus >= 25 && C.Bonus <= 75)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3Bonus " + C.Bonus + "%", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 15, 0, 90, 7, (C.UniqueID), 2, false);
if (C.Bonus >= 75)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^2Bonus " + C.Bonus + "%", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 15, 0, 90, 7, (C.UniqueID), 2, false);
//End of bonus lines
if (C.BankBonusCountDown >= 200)
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^3» «THC»^7Bank: You have won a ^2Ђ" + (C.BankAccount * 5 / 100) + "^7 interest.", C.UniqueID, 0);
C.BankAccount += (C.BankAccount * 5 / 100);
C.LeftPitsAt = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours).PadLeft(2, '0') + Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Minutes).PadLeft(2, '0'));
C.BankBonusCountDown = 0;
if (C.IsBanking == "true")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Account: ^2Ђ" + C.BankAccount, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_LEFT, 6, 70, 100, 50, 220, C.UniqueID, 40, false);
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3Next bonus after: " + (120 - (C.BankBonusCountDown * 60 / 100)) + "minutes.", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_LEFT, 6, 70, 108, 50, 221, C.UniqueID, 40, false);
if (C.BankBonusCountDown == (0 - C.LeftPitsAt))
C.LeftPitsAt = 0 - C.LeftPitsAt;
C.BankBonusCountDown = (int.Parse(Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours).PadLeft(2, '0') + Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Minutes).PadLeft(2, '0')) - C.LeftPitsAt);
if (C.IsBanking == "true")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^3Next bonus after: " + (120 - (C.BankBonusCountDown * 60 / 100)) + "minutes.", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_LEFT, 6, 70, 108, 50, 221, C.UniqueID, 40, false);
//InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Distance: ^2Ђ^7 " + (C.Cash - C.InitialCash), Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 30, 6, 106, 139, C.UniqueID, 2, false);

if (C.Cash < -1000000 && C.IsLocal == 0)
if (C.IsAdmin == 0)
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^3»^7 " + C.PlayerName + " ^1bankrupted!");
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^3»^7 " + C.PlayerName + "^1's account will be resetted!");
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^1Your account will be resetted.", C.UniqueID, 0);
AccountReset = true;
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/kick " + C.Username);
InSim.Send_MST_Message("!setreason ^1Would bankrupt.");
InSim.Send_MST_Message("!refund " + (2000 - C.Cash) + " " + C.Username);
if (Stage == 1)
Stage = 2;
Stage = 1;

Why is this working and mine isn't lol?
Am I missing something? (weird bug)
S3 licensed
Let me show you the code 1st:

private void updateHUD(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
foreach (clsConnection Conn in Connections)
//InSim.Send_MST_Message("!pm broken " + Conn.Username);
int ID = 0;
while (ID <= 25)
ID += 1;
string FullHUD = Conn.FullHUD.Split('>')[ID];
FullHUD = FullHUD.Replace('*', ' ');
string[] HUD = FullHUD.ToString().Split(' ');
string Style = HUD[4];
string truefalse = "false";
int buttonCount = ID;
if (HUD[5] == "notalways")
truefalse = "false";
truefalse = "true";
if (HUD[6] == "BackGround")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "TotalMoney")
if (Conn.Cash >= 0)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^2" + MoneySign + "^8 " + Conn.Cash, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (Conn.Cash < 0)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^2" + MoneySign + "^1 " + Conn.Cash, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "TodayMoney")
if (Conn.Cash - Conn.InitialCash >= 0)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Earned today: ^2" + MoneySign + "^8" + (Conn.Cash - Conn.InitialCash), Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (Conn.Cash - Conn.InitialCash < 0)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Lost today: ^1" + MoneySign + ((Conn.Cash - Conn.InitialCash) - (Conn.Cash - Conn.InitialCash) * 2), Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "BonusText")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Bonus(" + Conn.Bonus + "%):", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "BonusBar")
string bonusStr1 = new string('|', Conn.Bonus / 1000);
string bonusStr2 = new string('|', 100 - Conn.Bonus / 1000);
string bonusStr = "^2" + bonusStr1 + "^0" + bonusStr2;

InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + bonusStr, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "HealthText")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("^7Health(" + (Conn.Energy / 1000) + "%):", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "HealthBar")
string healthStr1 = new string('|', Conn.Energy / 1000);
string healthStr2 = new string('|', 100 - Conn.Energy / 1000);
string healthStr = "^7" + healthStr1 + "^0" + healthStr2;

InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + healthStr, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "CarsString")
//string TempCars1 = "^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "UF1") + "UF1 ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "XFG") + "XFG ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "XRG") + "XRG ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "LX4") + "LX4 ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "LX6") + "LX6 ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "RB4") + "RB4 ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "FXO") + "FXO ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "XRT") + "XRT ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "RAC") + "RAC ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "VWS") + "VWS ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "FZ5") + "FZ5";
//string TempCars2 = "^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "UFR") + "UFR ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "XFR") + "XFR ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "FXR") + "FXR ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "XRR") + "XRR ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "FZR") + "FZR ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "MRT") + "MRT ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "FBM") + "FBM ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "FOX") + "FOX ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "FO8") + "FO8 ^" + Cars.ownsCar(Connections[GetConnIdx(UCID)].Cars, "BF1") + "BF1";

string CarsString = Cars.transformFromNumbers(Conn.Cars);

InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + CarsString, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "InSimVersion")
string InSimVersion = "Version:";

InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + InSimVersion, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "CurrentLocation")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + Conn.Location, Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "SpeedLimit")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + Conn.Speed + "km/h ^7/^8 " + Conn.SpeedLimit + "km/h", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "TotalDistance")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("" + (Conn.TotalDistance / 1000) + "km", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));
else if (HUD[6] == "TodayDistance")
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton("Today: " + (Conn.DistanceSincePit / 1000) + "km", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_C1 - 1 + Convert.ToByte(Style), Convert.ToByte(HUD[0]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[1]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[2]), Convert.ToByte(HUD[3]), Convert.ToByte(buttonCount), Conn.UniqueID, 2, Convert.ToBoolean(truefalse));

With this code only the user with the lowest Connection ID gets hud(insim look/stats shower/w.e u want to call it). Am I missing something there?

If I make it throw an exception it throws out of bounds for "foreach (clsConnection Conn in Connections)" line. I have been trying to fix this for 2 weeks now and no progress.
S3 licensed
Has any of you guys played "generally"? This game is small and stupid but it kept me thanks to its editor. If anyone of you wants to try I'm sure you can find it easily. In fact it has something in common with LFS I think because there are blocks as in LFS and bridges like it and the sounds are in their own directory and compatible with lfs if u want to set them there.

This gone a bit out of what I wanted to say. This game had a editor with which u can place audience, AI line, AI pitlane line, water, mud snow grass asphalt and draw on those surfaces... Almost everything you would want to make a LFS track with it(sadly not compatible with LFS).
S3 licensed
Quote from zak_mull :I think It is great that people (with permission) are trying to bring back a team and recreate what was created and became a failure. Good effort guys on at least trying to get it all back again on both two feet. Nice going

@Sun: If they have permission from the creator of LC then fine they can do it. But then again where is the copyright on LC to say people cant copy it? Sun a.k.a Owen. I know from the past you have tried yourself and failed. Please dont make matters worse for yourself and try and look cool infront of others as you have tried this many times in the past and you have failed dramatically.

What was that for? Why insulting the person? I don't get it. You come here... Say something for the topic just to get away with the offtopic flaming and then to feel free to post what ever more you want. No need to insult people that hard imo(not that I haven't done it a couple of times myself but I dont feel good about it either).
InSim crash report
S3 licensed
Ok, here goes. The caption is a bit confusing but thats why I'll explain what I mean with this post.

So I think that the InSim should receive packets when people crash.

For example 2 users are racing/drifting/cruising/dragging and something happens and they crash(this has happened many times) and I think that the insim should report such things in order to be easier for everyone to locate crashes and if the insim creator wants to inform everyone.

Also one more thing would be crashing in walls, barriers and such... There is a penalty added when u crash a cone in some servers so why not insim to report it too. Even if u fly in the air and land crashed to be reported.

I think that the reported things should be damage done(like in pits when you repair your car packets for whats repaired are received so why not here too) and also speed of the crash and the people involved(if its with cars then the 2 cars involved.. I say 2 because even if 3 cars crash the cause will be the 1st 2 cars crashed if u get what I mean). Of course one more thing - the type of the crash(maybe like if its with cars "CRASH_CARS" if in wall "CRASH_SIDEWALL" if in barrier "CRASH_BARRIER" if other autoxobject then "CRASH_AUTOXOBJ_NAMEOFOBJ" - like "CRASH_AUTOXOBJ_CONERED" if from landing "CRASH_FROMAIR" and so on).

All this is possible to code I know but it will make the insim program too heavy and it will take too long to do AND with that you will have to decode the lyt file and see the places of all objects to report that too so its going to be even more heavy.

Hope you agree with me.
S3 licensed
Quote from Danny LFS :ATTENTION

Our cruise host has changed

to [SiD] Cruise Server

Still public, but with a better cruise insim, made by stickylfs (thanks sticky!)

This thread is about Lc. Not to advertise your server. If you want more people to know about your server better make a new thread.
S3 licensed
Quote from vl_turbo :Honestly you cant say that otherwise you would have started from scratch and not tried to remake [Lc]! so as im concerned if your such a great coder and your want to say stuff about other peoples servers why dont you start your own from nothing and as for "OUR CHEAP FORUM BASED SERVER" maybe if u came in and seen it 90% of it is remade and and when it is finished it will be nothing the same so why dont YOU shut your mouth and make your own server!

I did read this about 5 times and every single time I did I wanted to read it once more.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Heiko, don't waste your time on crappy cruises, there are over 9000 cruise servers.
Better do and make something as good as CTRA

Lc is not crappy cruise. But I don't want copy with even more noobish admins than the prev ones. I'm pretty sure heiko and marco can't handle a server. I want mr_xerxes and new admins. Others were noobs too but I understand xerxes for picking them(they were from france like him). I am really against a copy with even MORE admins that are even MORE of noobs.

Just my 2 cents. But they are worth it.
Friendly tip to heiko and marco: You better ban Etem or at least never make him a cop if you start the new lc because he will start begging and ramming like he did in old lc demo.
S3 licensed
Yeah one of the ideas was for cruising.. I'm sorry I realize that those suggestions are stupid right now but I couldn't think at that time lol
But I'd really like the 1st one if there is night available and lights are improved.
Tiny improvements and MAYBE easy to include
S3 licensed
How about when you press the light button on the car the lights to be switched on and off but not like now when you release the button to go out. And also if you tap the horn key twice to turn the honk on and next time u press it to keep on honking until u release it again. Don't know if you will like this so tell me if you do lol.
Sorry if this seems confusing but I can't find any better way to explain. Maybe cause I'm sleepy
S3 licensed
For what? As I've always said I have just started to learn C# and I learned it thanks to that forum based cruise yes so? I will be transferring my code to my insim but does that even matter? This all came from the fact that you guys can't come with nothing original. And weren't you the same person? One time you (Marco1 and Heiko1) speak like you are 1 person other time you speak like you are 2 different people... I'm getting confused. About my coding skills I know they are not good, but I'm doing my best and if you want to shut my mouth you have to get something better than the sentence. Like take WSC... That made me shut up when I saw their new insim look in their dev serv. If you can make something better and unique than that I will shut up(at least untill I come with something better than urs lol). I'm not jealous and I'm not trying to offend everyone but i see my replies look like that lol.
Maybe a habbit from school behaviour.. dunno. dont take it personally xD

Quote from hazaky :Heiko and Marco ... seriously u just dumped the LC when i read those posts ... That text, its just so childish and 'under new name' and that kind of stuff? Say 'cya population' m8. U failed badly. True word from others ... "its fake lc" ...

Quote from Amynue :I don't believe that two german kids can recode the best cruise system.

Mr. Xerxes is there any hope that LC will be back?

That's what I wanted to point out. Those 2 replies are enough for all I wanted to say lol.
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Quote from Fuse5 :What the hell are you guys on about?

Too much drugs?

As far as i understood, they are just recoding the insim, just the way it used to be, and with the same name.
They do not intend to take the credit for the creation of LC.
Bloody hell. They are doing charity work for you guys.
So far, it looks you don't want it back, exactly how it was.

Sorry, but the bashing replies here are deepening those cruise stereotypes.
Think before you post, or don't post if you don't understand whats being told in the previous replies.


They don't want credit? Is this why this thread turned into who is re-coding Lc and who created it 1st? If they didn't want credit they wouldn't post replies from which you get a clear sence they are making the insim. And about the last sentence I think that you should do that too mate.

Don't want to argue or something but I think that's where this thread is going.

The thing most people the replied in here want is this: If Lc is going back let xerxes bring it, not some impostors that only want us to get the fealing they are great coders and thinkers to think of coding the lc insim and really code it. 1st if they can think they will make their own cruise server with their own unique stuff and look. Not copy other people's ideas. And 2nd if they are so great coders they can code a super cruise server thats gonna let everyone one at least an age behind.

I said most of the people. If you are not from those please don't make useless replies saying it. Just mo.
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Quote from Marco1 :so Lc will never come back again
and we will release our server under new name
and some guys maybe can´t connect to the server

So you will copy lc's look and jobs and drugs and give it a new name? NOOOO that's not copying. Or am I wrong? Is it copying?
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Quote from Zen321 :Yeah it exists, I think it's called flipcam, you can select up to 5 custom views and ctrl+F11 or F12 to scroll through them

It was good, but would be better if 10 views were possible

If you know how to mod those mods im sure this would be possible too
S3 licensed
Well all those replies(which were on the topic) were true... LFS can get too big from those mods. People can vote for "their" people on the votes if such are made. Over stuffed servers will come. And so on... Maybe the solution to limit this is in the money again. Demo racers have more than 1 account. Why? Simply - because they don't pay to make one. Well then this thing with the mods can be to limit the mods to lets say 1 mod per month and give every mod a cheap price..

Now I know most of the people won't like the idea but that's the only way from keeping people from over-stuffing their servers. Maybe give a mod price like $0.50 so it can be affordable for everyone. Or even make mod packs that cost 50cents so that people know they are getting something more than just a car or a track.

If this happens I think that people will 1st look what the best mod is then test it and THEN if nothing is wrong with it buy it. And so whenever someone buys a mod to make it so his username and the mod's id are added in the database and then whenever he wants to go on a server and activate it(his server or some of his friends' server. To prevent cases of 1 user activating a mod in too much servers then add option to deactivate them from lfsworld(because if the user eventually gets banned he can't do it from the server(logically)) and limit the activations to lets say 5(because some people have more servers).

Well.. I think thats it.
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Quote from S14 DRIFT :No, I think you'd have to change them manually each time. But I _think_ there was a program where you could save the views and scroll them them. But I have no idea what it was called, or if it even actually existed.

I've seen that too somewhere in the forum , but never got to download it. In fact I will find it right now and post the link in here as soon as i do(find it).

Found it:
Works for me
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Quote from MAD3.0LT :i wouldnt mind it if mods had to be aproved by the devs befor it was allowed online access and it was done once a month like aprovals of the mods so new patch each month.

but lets say heaps of people make goods mods then we might have to many cars/ tracks then we would need groups for tracks / cars like

tracks folders
street circuts
race tracks
or country options and same could be done with cars

ps the devs would have to have a claws with each patch stating the update is not their own they take no responsabilty for it and not include any of their own work they might charge money for.

Thats a good idea and it brings up even a better idea in my mind(and apart from The Very End's suggestion) -> 1st mods to be released by the people for offline use and a poll to be added if the mod is lets say good/bad/buggy and if it has 50% votes for good and more than 250 voters FOR EXAMPLE to make it so the mod is being automatically added to a database and => if it exists in some server people to download it. That way if servers are with non-approved mods and they don't exist in the database people will just not be able to use them as they wont be downloaded. But I'd say disable this for demo users.
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Quote from DarkNightX :Yes because i am one fondator of lc and PettePizza is my idea ! For the Garden is not me okay its xerxes .

The first project is French Cruise but i have bad insim and xerxes come help me for create on insim and cooperate for Create Liberty cruise !!

You just copying Liberty cruise

I have never even saw you or maybe have not noticed.. Xerxes was taking almost all the credit and the admins were noobs. I was really disappointed of Lc at its end. PettePizza was 1/5 of the whole server lol other 4 things were drugs, drugs, drugs, deliveries. Good to hear someone was thinking in Lc.
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It's your code but it's someone else's idea soo it's still copying for me.
LFS Editors.. Needed in future?
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Let me start that way:
Quote :Answer to: Are there any editors available for LFS?:
No - Live for Speed is in development and so there are no car or track editors available at this time. Also it's not yet possible to import other 3d formats into the game. We expect to release editors in the future along with the related online systems.

This is a quote from

Ok, after I have seen this and some other mods by some people I have to say that all we need to edit/modify/add new cars is the permission of the devs to tell the secret(not that I know what it is) on how to decode/encode those files in the data folder. But what more will be needed is a system like the skins.. If a host is running and it has added more vob files just to download the new ones that the people don't have and just add their names in some database so no same-named cars to be available while they are actually different.

If this happens some of those few people(that know how that thing works) will tell the secret to someone, it will spread around and there we will no longer need editors at least not until the devs release them and the car modeling becomes easier.

Also I'm not quite in to the question with the cars/tracks but same thing can maybe be done with the tracks.
Edit: Thats not all the things that can be moded but just the ones I could think of. LFS will be cooler if its fully customizable (at least for me) but except the stuff like nitrous and such kiddish ways to mod the game so you can be a lot faster than the other people.

Sorry if this has already been suggested, I couldn't find it tho.
Last edited by broken, .
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Quote from RS1T :meh, im fine with LC being back, but if you do recode it,please change the drug dealing to something less stupid

EDIT: whats to stop greenboi and roooofl hacking LC again? They evidently didnt want it there in the first place so bringing it back puts you in the firing line, no?

The new dedi, maybe?
The fact that they are in the banlist too by default maybe?