Being on a team that races in endurance leagues like MOE or IGTC, having some kind of solution to minimize disconection problems, would be very welcome. It can really turn your race upside down, because some times trackers aren´t working properly, and you´re left racing completely blind without knowing your exact position on the race, and not knowing who you´re racing for position, wich can lead to wrong decisions that can harm your race even more or causing troubles to other teams, without intention. Don´t have any idea how hard a system like the one you propose would be to implement, but maybe it could be even simpler than that. The car that disconnects could simply be put in the pits after a predetermined amount of time, depending on the sector of the track you were in, and the car you´re using. The problem with this is that sometimes it´s not the same driver that disconnets, that joins the server to continue the race, so when the car is put on the pits, it would have the option of taking over the car turned on. This way the lap count would not be reset, and the car would have the same amount of damage it had before, and the damage would be repaired depending on what option was set in the F12 menu. This could also resolve the advantage of the disconetion, that is, if you have engine problems that can not be repaired in the pits, you would keep that damage instead of starting with a brand new car.