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S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Sinbad you should feel lucky they don't charge a whole lot more. I know if I developed a sim it wouldn't be anywhere near as cheap as LFS. It's a freakin' bargain.

Sinbad or any other LFS user, shouldn´t feel lucky about anything. LFS is a comercial product that has a price set by their creators, not their costumers...
So as long as I payed what´s been asked for this product, I have no obligation of feeling lucky or honoured to be able to be part of the LFS community. And as long as anyone follows the rules set in this forum, I don´t see why you can´t express a opinion that doesn´t "praise" the devs, without looking ungrateful or a "moaner".
S3 licensed
Quote from wien :There is a difference compared to how it worked back then though. S1 users can now play on what would earlier be considered S2 servers if it only uses content they have access to. Same thing when S3 is released. S2 users will only need an S3 licence if they want to play with either Rockingham or the new car. You won't get the situation we did when S2 was released where one lonely guy was lapping South City by himself, wondering where everyone went.

And I guess, that is the reason for being able to release S3 content, even if S2 it´s not final yet. Anyone who decides not to upgrade to S3 after this initial release, will still be able to have access to almost all the content available in LFS, for the exception of one car and one track.
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :
Are you suggesting they laser-scan fictional locations?

No, but maybe the info gathered by laser scanning real locations could be used to improve the fictional locations, or we´ll end up with everyone using the laser scanned track, because all the others feel "fake" in comparison...
S3 licensed
It´s great news to see such big changes coming to LFS, but I would like to express a little concern I have and that in my opinion should be adressed at some point, and that´s the balance between content. We have tracks that have been updated and some that haven´t got any changes for a long time, and you´ll have a new track added, that for what you can see, you´ll have a greater level of detail, and most likely a different feel from the rest. We have cars that had updates on the interiors while others didn´t, and different levels of detail from the "recent" ones like the FBM or the upcoming Scirocco, relating to the older ones, and you´ll have a new car added, that I suppose will be, at least, at the same level of the Scirocco. Maybe for users that have been around for a long time, this may not be such a big problem, but for anyone that is starting to play LFS, this could be a little akward, like everytime you change car and track, you´re playing a different game.
S3 licensed
Best of luck to the race.
S3 licensed
A lot of people have been asking for new content, mainly tracks, but a good physics update that would forces us to learn how to drive and race again, if coupled with a face lift on the tracks and cars that haven´t been updated in a long time, could be a great way to make the "old" content became new again. If that´s the devs plan for the near future, it could be a good way to satisfy the long time players, that got bored with LFS, and at the same time atract new players to the game. Let´s hope for the best, and that this info that you got, doesn´t lead to another series of useless topics,that would serve no purpose than to disrupt the development work of LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :This is just to say that CoRe is giving in to inevitability and merging with Sonicrealms, effective immediately. Soon there will be only one LFS team.


I´ll have to speak with my teammates about this inevitable situation, although I think we have an advantage since we´re, in practise, already [SR] (SpeedCore Racing)...
S3 licensed
The question is that the cars and tracks aren´t released by ISi, so they don´t need any kind of license for that. On the other hand, since these mods are created by users, who are somehow anonymous, for car brands or track owners, there´s no point in trying to stop it, as this would mean a lot of work, and hardly no gain...
S3 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :But I guess this sets a precedent... When will the real morons be 999ed from LFS?

Or wait, do I get this right? Is creating a couple new forum accounts and spamming so much worse than speedhacking, and speedhacking is condoned?? And just spamming with your normal account is allowed? This needs a lot of explaining...

I just hope this wasn´t supposed to be some kind of twisted way to send a message to the community. Because if it was, it´s the worst one that could be sent at this point...
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :
Fortunately for the rest of the community - the vast majority of LFSers that aren't rattling their virtual sabres - the devs are continuing to do what the devs said they would continue to do; work on LFS. I very much doubt Scawen has spent more than a few minutes on the forum in the last couple of months. When he's deep in code, I know for a fact, he doesn't spend his days hanging out on the forums. He always works intensely on the code, massively focused, as a new patch is approaching.

The truth is that history has shown that when Scawen goes most quiet, good things are coming. Anyone who's been here for a few years, and who thinks about it for a moment, knows this to be the case.

If history was to be believed, we should now be playing the"usual" Christmas" patch...
Like I said before, it´s not patches or updates that worries me, it´s the community, it´s the people that work hard to support the game, and you better than anyone else should know, what costs this has... If you prefer to think that because a lot of people don´t say anything, that everything is great and everybody´s happy, that´s fine by me, but it´s not closing our eyes to a problem that it will solve itself. I really respect the way the LFS devs decided to work, but we can´t live on poetry forever. I have to believe what I see, and, for example, what I see now, it´s that in my country, Portugal, in the last year there´s no LFS community of players anymore, and there´s no one willing to take the responsability to step up and waste a "couple" of hours a week to make it a reality.
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Personally, I'm happily going about my LFS life without worrying about when the Scirocco is coming out, or the next patch. I've still got my leagues to run..LFSBC/NDRC, Kyoto 500, LFSCART, etc. Look at the leagues section....several active leagues at the moment...LFSBC, LFSCART, oneGP, IGTC, ITCC, OWRL, IMA, plenty more. As long as these and other EVENTS keep going, LFS WILL NOT die. League races are never the same...there's always something more to be had. Sure, LFS is great for it's pickup and play racing, but really, LFS is really mostly about league racing. It's so easy to do a league idea...many possibilities. If/when the Scirocco comes out, we at NDR might find a way to incorporate it regularly.

As a side note to this point, great kudos to the new league forces in LFS such as ICON Racing Events, and International Motorsport Association. All these one-off events are also amazing. The annual 16 hour race, the other one-off yearly events that are held are also great variety to this.

Just my thoughts.....


Although I agree with you, I can not stop being worried with what´s going on right now. It seems that all of this became some kind of contest between LFS users and the devs to see who is more stubborn. If is the users asking for updates or the devs in not saying anything and releasing information about what´s being developed. The people who run the events that you mentioned or the ones that put their time and money to run servers where you can race, are what´s really important in LFS, much more than any update or patch. And in my opinion, they are being left out just like everybody else. I used to feel that we were part of the project, that it was easy to talk with the devs, that we could somehow influence the future of LFS, that it was "my" game and not only the game developed by Scavier. I don´t feel that now, and I think that the devs should think a bit about this. If they really plan on keeping improving LFS, they cannot afford to loose contact with the users. Without the people that support LFS by giving their time and effort to provide ways for people to have fun racing in LFS, it is just another "car racing game"...
S3 licensed
Quote from S3ANPukekoh3 :Ok sorry, I failed. But I still think they should just tell us whether it's still on or not. Just so people like me can accept it and move on.

For your reading pleasure... Both of this posts are from the beginning of March, so made about a month ago:
S3 licensed
One of the things that I see coming out of this decision is that we´ll see much more team orders determining the races and a clear distinction between first and second driver on a team. Let´s take as an example that a driver from a certain team wins the first GP of the season and it´s second behind his teammate on the second GP. If you were responsible for that team, what would you do? Let the second driver win the race, knowing that you could loose the title because of a single win, or define at the second GP of the season, which one of your drivers is going to fight for the drivers championship? Doesn´t seem too hard to find the answer...
S3 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :btw chunkyracer Microsoft did it also with FSX regarding licensing, they officially do not support or make advertising with the add-on planes or helicopters, but they supported strongly others to do them.

I´m not familiar with flight simulators, so cant give a comment on that. Maybe I´m understanding it all wrong, but what I fail to see is how something like what you want could be done. You want LFS open for modding, but not for everyone, so it doesn´t go the RFactor way. At the same time you want real life tracks, which would mean that those selected few that would have the tools and the knowledge to mod LFS, could not be directly suported or have their work distributed by the LFS devs, to avoid licensing issues. Sorry, but I don´t see how a scheme like this could be done without it backfiring in devs faces, and with them spending 80% of their time explaining in this forum how some people can mod the game and others don´t, and how at the same time they don´t have nothing to do with it... So, honestly I prefer and think it´s best for the future of LFS that they keep focused on making LFS a better simulator.
S3 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo :I was looking for some demo's on and i looked at the 10 most popular demo's of this week to be downloaded and LFS is 9th) so we are slowly getting popular.

No, no, no... You must be wrong... Didn´t you read this forum lately??!!! LFS is dead, gone, diseased, kaputt!... Or at least, some say...
S3 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :Modding has always been a grey area regarding licenses, like all the real life versions of tracks for rFactor are not licensed.

The question is that none of those tracks or any of the modding content of Rfactor is conected or supported in an oficial way by the creators of the game. No track owner or car company is willing to take the time to go after some anonymous modder, but that doesn´t mean they will not do it against a software company or game creators that are making money from selling their games. Which means that any kind of content that has a real life counterpart, couldn´t have official support by the devs, therefore it wouldn´t be possible to control what is released and by whom, ending with the same disavantages that RFactor has, and that, I think, is not what this community wants from LFS.
Speed Core - 2 years
S3 licensed
Like the title says Speed Core is celebrating their 2th Birthday this weekend. So, we think it´s time to thank everyone that' s been part of this journey, and who we had the privilege to race with.
We would like to thank all the admins and organizers of the leagues we raced in, with a special mention to the ones from IGTC and MOE, for giving us the chance to race against the best. We hope we haven´t disapointed you on the confidence you showed us...
We would also like to thank all the ex-Speed Core members, with a special mention to André Roque (Rocabiliz), Afonso Quelhas (FOX 1977), Nuno Pinheiro (W1ldport75) and Gabi Almeida (Gabi SL). We wouldn´t be the same without your contribution...
So, now is time to look into the future and hope that the next years will be at least as good as these were, and that we can keep having fun together, racing in LFS. To finish, if you want, head over to this topic,, to have a look at a video made by our own, Nelson Marques (Falcon_PT), as a celebration of this date.
Last edited by chunkyracer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :
Demo servers will always be the same, no matter what the sim.

But, surely you will agree with me that is rather different to have the possibility to kick and ban wohever causes problems, than just sit back and watch someone ruining the races in your own server. Specially in a sim that has only 4 cars to choose from. I wouldn´t pay for a server that I can not admin, and if this problem isn´t solved it will be hard to find open demo servers, which means that it will be hard to try the game online and have a direct influence on sales. And without sales, we´ll have Jaap "creating" facts to keep people interested while Stefano is busy doing all sort of other stuff to earn enough to pay his bills. Opening the demo the way it was done, without preventing that this kind of problems could appear, just reveals a poor judgement and lack of strategie on how to promote your product...
S3 licensed
Quote from ljuba :I hope that I want upset anybody with my question, because I don't have time to read 16 pages in this thread.
I tried with search and with google but I can't find information that clearly states that Scirocco is going to be available only in S2.

Is it going to be in demo?

Taken from the announcement of the release of the Scirocco that you can find in the LFS site or here in this forum:

Quote :You will need an S1 or S2 license in order to drive the Scirocco when it is released.

S3 licensed
Quote from Timdpr :AAARGH! This game is going to destroy my ****ing wheel!

Whenever I hit 'race', and I spawn in the pits, my wheel (DFP) starts thrashing from side to side seriously hard. I mean it - if I have my hand in the wrong place when it is doing 'it', I could easily break a finger or two... I've tried various settings to try and stop it, but they just ain't working. It's not just when I'm driving - it continues if I watch a replay etc.

Help me, someone!

I had the same problem... At first the wheel just shake even before I started the car. I adjusted the FF frition and damper settings and the feedback gain and it was ok. The next day when I started Netkar the wheel just shaked violently even with those settings at zero and it was impossible to drive. After almost deciding not to try Netkar again, I just turned the wheel form lock to lock in the box before starting the car and the problem disapeared. Have no ideia why, but it didn´t happen again till now...
S3 licensed
Quote from Blakey. :ill accept all

If you wanna see how other people drive the best place to visit is LFSWorld... Since you´re starting with LFS, I don´t know if you´re already familiar with all of his features, but if not, then you should, because, for me is one of the best things LFS has to offer, and that, in my opinion, no other sim as even came close in terms of information and statistics you can find there. That a look at the hotlap charts, where you can download the replay of the laps posted, and study about the lines and driving, some of the fastest guys in LFS use. Besides that, there´s also the Replay Analyser that you can use to compare hotlaps, and where you can compare any lap that you upload with other drivers, which will provide you a lot of information.
Last edited by chunkyracer, .
S3 licensed
Any ideia when it's going to start? I would like to join because the Winter BTCC was great fun and I enjoyed it a lot, but with Christmas coming and until the end of the year, is going to be really complicated for me to play, since there will be a lot of days I wont be home...
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :I wonder how this thread had gone if it was made by someone more, let's say someone who had joined last year or later (wanted to say more noob, but that would hint Kev is a lesser noob than others).

Everybody would quickly jump on him, and happily remind him, how someone with half a brain could easily use the "allmighty" search function, and find that information in 0.02s...
S3 licensed
Quote from rjm1982 :
Lastly... I'm not trying to convince you of anything... as I've said before I know its not for everyone by far. I just want to make sure that people aren't getting the wrong impression for the wrong reason!

Picking up on this last sentence, about IRacing not being for everyone and people getting wrong impressions, and coming back to what Mattesa was refering earlier on this thread and that Moose also aluded too, let me quote a post that was made today in RSC: ( I´ve highlighted one of the sentences, because is absolutely precious...)
Quote :Note guys that the target market for the sim is not the "gamers", those will quit for whatever reason they can convince themselves with.

The sim is targeted at race car drivers, if you are one, be it a virtual race car driver, then you know that for some it is the only way to approach it as we don't have the talent, health or finances to do it in real life. iRacing becomes the only possible avenue.

For real race teams, then it will become the tool of choice for practice, saving them thousands of dollars. This is who iRacing wants as customers, all the members from SCCA and other large race organizations, to the little grassroots racing groups.

The pricing structure is made to weed out the little gamers.

They have 12 week seasons, so you know that every 12 weeks or so , new developments are added to the sim, not getting the 1 patch and then be forgotten like most.

If IRacing was only targeted to race drivers they shouldn´t have gone public, this way preventing us "little gamers" from disturbing the "ubber, dupper, super hardcore simracers" in their quest for virtual glory. I believe that this kind of attittude that some IRacers have, altough may boost their ego meters, doesn´t do any good to Iracing and their reputation, and seeing that they chose to keep their forum private, these are the kind of things that someone who hasn´t tried IRacing reads. Don´t know if they have someone to go trough what is posted about IRacing in other foruns, but I think that they should be quick in responding to these kind of posts in a place like RSC, that is problably one of the places that most simracers go to.

Just a quick note, before I get interpreted the wrong way, to say that the sentence I quoted doesn´t reflect at all the kind of attitude I´m talking about, and that I just used as an introdution to my post, because it refered to the fact that Iracing isn´t for everyone...
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I hate to be such a bitch - especially regarding a car I don't really drive - but it seems the FZR still has a wood panelling interior.

It's been with us for over three years now, which seems like a long time to spend with a road-car interior on a GTR. Any idea when that might change?

For someone that spends so much time posting in this forum, and trying to be funny, and I have to admit, sometimes with relative sucess, you know as well as I and most of us here, that the new interiors for the GTR cars are not released yet, exception made to the XRR. If you were only trying to look smart by creating this "ironic" topic, I must say that you failed, creating just another one useless topic that serves no purpose than to annoy anyone that visits this forum looking for some real information and discussion about LFS, and has to go trough all kinds of crap before finding something worth reading... Well done!!