It´s great news to see such big changes coming to LFS, but I would like to express a little concern I have and that in my opinion should be adressed at some point, and that´s the balance between content. We have tracks that have been updated and some that haven´t got any changes for a long time, and you´ll have a new track added, that for what you can see, you´ll have a greater level of detail, and most likely a different feel from the rest. We have cars that had updates on the interiors while others didn´t, and different levels of detail from the "recent" ones like the FBM or the upcoming Scirocco, relating to the older ones, and you´ll have a new car added, that I suppose will be, at least, at the same level of the Scirocco. Maybe for users that have been around for a long time, this may not be such a big problem, but for anyone that is starting to play LFS, this could be a little akward, like everytime you change car and track, you´re playing a different game.