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S3 licensed
Lewis & Nico: Uncut & Off the Record
S3 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :

Just finished viewing that video... Massive crash, luckily without serious injuries. That kind of impact on the drivers side, most of the times ends up badly...
S3 licensed
This one is the onboard from the car that was just behind...
Quite an unfortunate accident, with such a sad ending...
S3 licensed
Of course that most people who like racing, won´t be happy about team orders, but in the end they make perfect sense. We´re not talking about a bunch of friends that decide to take their cars for a track day, for the fun of it... There´s to much money involved, too much work from many people to just put everything in risk by someone just thinking about himself.
Regarding Vettel, in my opinion, what is regretable, is not so much him not following his team orders, but doing what he did, knowing that Webber wouldn´t expect to be attacked by him and that he was using settings that reduced his car´s performance. That´s not a champion never giving up on winning a race... He had almost the entire race to overtake Webber and never managed to be close enough to do it, and then attacked him when he knew it wouldn´t be a fair fight, not because Webber wasn´t in condition to fight, but because he was instructed not to fight. He showed a total lack of respect to his team and teammate, and that´s not what a true champion is made of, regardless of how many wins and titles he may have...
S3 licensed
Designium Racing here. Quite happy with my 3rd place. Much better than last season.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bessa74 :Nome- Rui Bessa ( Bessa74)
Carro- Qualquer coisa serve
Pistas- Tudo menos oval
Parabens pela iniciativa, até dá saudades do SimracingPortugal
Vou ver se mais alguem da SpeedCore tem interesse em participar.

Não sei se ainda posso me considerar membro da SpeedCore, mas aproveito para te mandar um grande abraço.
Quando às corridas não sei se será fácil participar, mas se forem só pela diversão, vou com certeza fazer um esforço para tentar aparecer em algumas.

Nome- Vitor Dengucho ( chunkyracer )
Carro- Não tenho preferência
Pistas- Infelizmente não são assim tantas, pelo que deixo a sugestão de tentar variar o mais possível (oval eu dispenso )
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :I watched WSR at Silverstone in the flesh when it was wet this year, and to be honest, Felix Da Costa looked like a rookie. The only one that stood out for me was Jules Bianchi.

Since I´m portuguese i´m a little biased in favour of Felix da Costa, but if you consider that he started racing in WSR only in the 4th round of the championship, for a team that´s on their 1st year, and is now 6th in the standings with 2 wins, I´d say is driving really well for a rookie...
Last edited by chunkyracer, .
"Tooned" by Mclaren
S3 licensed
Maybe not "exactly" a racing video, but cool to see anyway...
S3 licensed
Check out He has a lot of interesting tutorials about making music using Reason.
S3 licensed
Quote from Squelch :
Hamilton deserved that penalty - "having an avoidable accident"

However. It does seem unanimous that Massa did take a strange line, did turn in much earlier. If any defence can be offered to Hamilton is this.

Well, this is the reason I don´t agree with Hamilton´s penalty. One thing is you taking a defensive line to a corner to avoid the car behind you trying to overtake. Another is to turn in early and take an unusual line after you left a gap open and the other driver has started to overtake. If an incident happens it´s also your fault, and should be considered a racing incident.
S3 licensed
Quote from Squelch :
The situation is made worse by the inconsistent application of penalties. Kamui - another exciting driver - hit Sutil while passing, and while a racing incident too, was not penalised even though it was a very similar incident. Given these types of scenarios, its no wonder Lewis feels singled out.

For me this is the worst of all this situation. I don´t agree with you saying that Kobayashi incident was similar. He just lost it under braking and hit the rear tyre of Sutil´s car gaining a place that way. That was not an overtake going wrong, but a driver´s mistake that caused an incident. And later Sutil with a puncture, instead of letting the other drivers pass him, decides to keep on the racing line, causing the incident that led to the race being stopped. Regardless of the way one feels about Hamilton´s penalties, those two events above are far worse, in my opinion, and none of them, as far as I know, was even looked into.
S3 licensed
Registered for being a beta tester, but the link provided on the e-mail they sent me to confirm my e-mail didn´t work...
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Feedback and criticism are two different things. The LFS team have had a barrage of unjustified criticism. They supply a product for £24 or whatever it costs. It's unbelievable value. But your buying a licence to access LFS's content, not a licence to publicly criticise the development team on a regular basis. I know your not one of the main moaners, my comments are based at the group on this forum that think it's helpful to moan.

OK, if LFS didn't work, and the content was sub-par, and you felt you didn't get your money's worth, then for sure, complain or whatever. But LFS is amazing value.

The nature of sims in general means communities often ask for more and more and more and more updates. If you were spending hundreds a year, like with iRacing, then yes you would expect this service, but £24 for LFS? come on!!!! It's a bargain!

You may have a point, but you´re clearly forgetting what made LFS so sucessful and such an "amazing value" - online racing. And that part of LFS is provided by the LFS costumers and not the Devs. It´s this community of players that pays, and provides the servers, that organizes leagues and events for everyone to race on. Take this from LFS and you´re left with a singleplayer racing game, with good physics, but outdated graphics and sound, not much content (mainly tracks) and poor AI, that can´t provide any enjoyable racing. So, that theory that the devs don´t have to listen to anyone, or care about what the community thinks, is completely flawed when it cames to LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from IlGuercio :Lol, i see nobody grasp the concept here.
All is good, LFS is at its best, DEVS are super, bla bla bla.
Does it offend you so much that people can have different opinion from yours? Am i trying to discuss some point but there isn't a point some people want to discuss because we can't speak bad of LFS.
Why should devs care about the community?
Well, guess what, the community is what is keeping LFS alive in many ways and it should be thanked since the game is stagnating.
It's really a fight against windmills, you people have to make yourself some questions from time to time.

Well. as you know, LFS is sold in stores worldwide, with a huge marketing campaign behind it, so there´s no need for any of us to promote it for licenses to sell...
And of course, when you buy a license there´s thousands of servers provided by the devs to race on, so there´s no need for any of us to put time and money to pay and maintain the servers for everyone to race...
And, let´s not forget, the endless leagues and championships the devs organized all these years, removing us the trouble and hard work needed to do that.
So, as you, and everyone can see, they haven´t got any reason to care about their community.
S3 licensed
Safety car. It looks we´re having a new race now...
S3 licensed
Quote from Kazu2799 :ok now this is f*cking retarded, is Hamilton the only one with balls in that bunch of sh*tty drivers (yeah i was against it earlier but now this is just retarded)

If they don´t start soon, I guess Lewis will just overtake everyone, and start the race alone...
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :My words

The question is that, from what we can gather from Scawen´s posts, the next patch will only include the Scirocco, announced 2 years ago, and the tyre physics update, and not the new track and car announced as S3 content. And there´s also this:
Quote from Scawen :
It's up to Eric what of his work gets released, never have I tried to stop something of his being released!

Which means that at least some updates on the current cars and tracks could be part of the next patch. So, I find logical that people, once again, express their opinion about this subject. Like I said before, as long as it´s done in a polite and construtive manner I don´t see any problem with it.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :This is really ridiculous, tbh.

People moan for a "progress report". Scawen gives one. People aren't happy about the content of that report and whine some more.


What is ridiculous is the people that are always here trying to state anyone´s opinion as "whining". What I read in the last couple of pages of this thread were mostly positive comments, and even the ones that were not so positive were written in a polite and construtive manner. If I was developing and selling a product, I would be quite happy to have this kind of feedback from my clients.
S3 licensed
Quote from Chaos :hotmail> the thing is, that 3 times I came up with an offer for the devs, 2x they turned it down right away and the last one, the truck, they at first said yes, I've sent them a 3d model of the truck, but after some time, the guys from Buggyra started asking on the progress and after about a year of the thing being in the status "yes, it will be" it changed to "no, sorry" ... How do you think we looked like infront of the Buggyra guys?
So when we got the offer from Skoda Auto to model the Fabia RS, we did not ask the devs, we went straight to rF and made the mod in 3 weeks to a complete satisfaction of Skoda Auto... Would you have gone to the devs again after such experience and with such a deal?

Have to admit, I still don´t understand the point you´re trying to make with this topic. You´re talking about a car that, like you just said, was never offered to the LFS devs, so you can´t say they would want it or not. You talk about a mod for RFactor but you don´t post a link to it. If your goal is to promote that mod, why is this topic in the general LFS discussion, instead of the off topic section, where all the other games related topics are...
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :I'm not sure what happened yet. Still looking into it.
Though people should be able to login fine and the status's are back to normal too.

I can login again. Was about to change my password, but decided to give it one last try, and it´s all working normal again.
S3 licensed
Quote from N I K I :i think this is already answered in other thread and if not he could've asked in there, but instead he posted new thread so i flamed him, what am i not allowed to do that?
If I'm not allowed to do such thing, then I am sorry and it won't repeat.

I don´t think the problem here, is what you did, but how you did it. Even if you thought that the question was useless, your reaction was uncalled for, and completely over the edge.
S3 licensed
Quote from SidiousX :What's wrong with the GTR cars for endurance racing? We already have GT cars, we don't need more.

If you follow endurance racing series, like Le Mans Series, or the American Le Mans Series, you´ll know that the main classes there, are LMP1 and LMP2 (LMP= Le Mans Prototype), and are rather different from the GTR cars we have now on LFS...
S3 licensed
Looking at the current selection of cars in LFS, I would say the best addition would be a "true" endurance racing car. With leagues like MOE and IGTC, being so popular, and with a lot of people watching their broadcasts, having this kind of car, could really improve the quality of racing, and that way use these leagues exposure to serve as a great promotion to LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :I thought you guys had been working on more content behind the scenes, just like with S2 back in 2005. If not, I am disappointed. I will ofcourse get S3, but I was hoping to be surprised with more content.

I think that statement from Scawen just means a new approach to the way they sell LFS. You pay for what LFS is at the time of purchase, and not based on what you expect it to be in the future. That way makes it easier for them to adjust the way they develop LFS without being tied to what people are hoping for the future, regardless of what plans may be revealed by the devs, or any kind of "rumour" created in this forum. Releasing new content is always a good thing, be it to keep the userbase that they already have, or to bring new people to the game, so I don´t see any reason for it not to happen...
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :There's a difference between showing frustration, and then someone on this thread calling the developers behavour 'twatty'.

I would like LFS to be perfect. I would liek updates everyday but christ almighty I wouldn't call the developers twats. By calling THEM twatty I would be callng myself a TWAT for not going out and actually trying to do what THEY do myself.

You are freakin' lucky! Your lucky that all the sim developers don't sit back and think... we are under charging massively here because I am sure they could charge a whole lot more (just look at iRacing). You lot are treated like freakin' spoilt kids!

The post I quoted from you was an answer to Sinbad's post, and has nothing to do with what Scipy posted. He made a well constructed post, with some valid points in it, and was in no way disrespectful with the devs. Even Scipy´s post, although I may not agree with the wording and tone used, is not so out of order...
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :
So, reading between just those few given lines, i'm wondering is that it for S3 then, at least initially anyway? The new tyre physics, a laser scanned track, and another car excluding the VW ? Surely not...

Don't get me wrong, that would be quite an update, but i guess am/was expecting a bit more from the eventual release of S3, such as improved damage for a start & some sort of dynamic function added to the game environment, rather than solely content & some minor tweaks.

But anyway, i'm just reading between the lines here. Too much speculation on it all. There's only one way to find out what will be & that's to wait & see... but i won't be holding my breath...

Well, seeing that, in the end, the difference between licenses is the content, there´s nothing preventing a first wave of S3 content being released, without LFS S2 being considered final in terms of features of the game.