The line must be drawn with the human being most important, if not we go extinct, so yes Joe caused death to another human so indeed Mikes father and Joe should be given a jail sentence.(yes)
...Ok "Mike was brought to court for causing harm to a Shetland Pony, outside the courtroom a member of the public stabbed Mike in the torso, Mike died later in hospital"
Do you think Mike got what was coming to him or was this unjust, Y/N?
Let me get this straight DevilDare, by your logic posting a video of a cat being beaten up on youtube is wrong yet offering £800 for the head of the accused and posting a video back on youtube of YOU ripping his head off is right?
You; like the rest of the idiots that have jumped on this band-wagon can go to hell as far as I am concerned, and believe me you WILL find yourself in a LOT of trouble if you continue to pursue this guy in this way.
Biohazard - you mentioned above about you've never seen this type of language been used in the rooms of human rights, but we see it here, it may be because you now reside in the realm of the animal lover - on the interwebs, and these letters and text aren't worth the proverbial paper they are printred on because any trace of abuse or intent is easily traced and maybe just because the type of people who mis-treat humans don't hang around boards all day long - guess what? Cat lovers do!
The house cat wasn't around at that time, but judging from the wording in my post I thought I was pointing at the food chain, instinct and animals in general, not just cats.
Why would you ask me if I wanted to see my dog beaten up...ffs
Fair enough, treat everything else as you would like to be treated - but what about the fruitcakes like the person below who up-arms and want to kill a human being for abusing an animal, yes it's very very wrong to inflict any kind of prolonged pain be it mental or physical upon any being; even in your case plants, I respect that.
The current evolved human being was built upon with minds like yours my friend, NOT
Bottom line - yes it's wrong to inflict prolonged pain, but clearly we wouldn't be standing here today if man took this attitude in the past with snares being the hunting weapon of choice for thousands of years , as with what David Attenborough talked about in his film that in nature there are obscene and graphic rituals that are carried out by many different species. For those of us here who are over puberty and understand just how messed up teenagers heads get we could maybe see that these outbursts could be related to the long line of killing man has done to animals for thousands of years.
Imo if you thing this guy should be physically harmed for what he did you are no better than him.
Maybe if he abused a pitbull we'd see a reply to the vid with him and a group of burly blokes knocking sense into him, I just can't imagine the 'retaliation of the cat lovers vid' ever seeing the light of day!
Imo those who fight violence with violence are sub-human, there's always an easier way.
I was watching a piece of film David Attenborough put to together, it went on to show the lead up to the various pieces of work he has done over the years whilst most of his voluntary work is unknown to most. One of the key points he made about the work he done in Borneo was the sheer bloodshed that went on between the chimps and apes, he said most of it could not be shown as it was of such chaotic graphic nature with the apes ripping the heads off of monkeys and playing with the body parts etc, " a life changing experience to insight on how nature works".
My point is; while I am against cruelty to animals for entertainment gains lets not get too hung up on the whole thing as they are only animals, I don't think it's just having this kid beaten to a pulp over this Bean0...
Hold yer horses there, good is ney a word to describe our weather Are you mad!?
First thing any group of people say when it snows "oh thats gonna stick" or "oh thats not gonna stick, it's too wet" LOL < all of a sudden we become climatologists and experts in the field of sticky snow - they do my ruddy head in!