It's a Advent 4489 mini notebook one on-board mini-PCI card, the only reference to the card in Windows is that it's a Realtek card and I can't seem to find specs for it on the web, I'll open the notebook if I must to have a look.
When I try to install PFsense only one adaptor is listed 're xx xx xx xx xx' which I assume is the realtek card...I dunno I'm fed up with it now
I would have thought Windows would be giving away some of the older software for free like Windows Server 2003 or 98' ...
The Toshiba equim has a compact flash slot I could make use of if I picked one of those CF to Eth0 adaptors, maybe this would be the easiest solution with two ethernet ports, plus side to this box is it runs at 3ghz cpu, so it would make a fast server.
Ok, since the only boxes I have are notebooks and supported mainly by windows drivers(Ubuntu has partial support)I may have to go down the Windows Server route...
At this point I'd preferre to stick with Windows as I understand the basic concept of services and am able to use the management console to apply group policys etc(Linux since day one has left me lost at the best of times for lack of such a managment console).
Question is, what free Windows servers are available? if none what Ubuntu/server combo could I use?
IPcop and all the above systems require a clean HDD and I don't have the time and don't see it feesable to start cloning my factory partitions to find out that the software might not support my box in the first place...
...maybe I need to use some older hardware, atm I'm trying to setup with the advent 4489 mini notebook, it has a mini pci card which does not seem to be supported(:
I've tried it with two other USB network adaptors and no joy...
info on PF defense's forum I can not find relating to my problem, seems hardware support/drivers are few and far between...
Meh, seeing as how Ubuntu supports the mini pci card I wonder If I could use guarddog or similar to manage iptables, but this limits me to only a few options for deployment.
I suppose I don't need it, more of an inquisitive want. TBH I can't make head nor tail of iptables logs and i'm looking for something with which I can manage off site, the plan is to complete my looong contemplated plan of giving free internets away to my local community, I'll be going all out with a custom dish and rig in the attic or multi dish setup , think four dish's back to back with a whole cut out in the center of each one and a reflector at each focal point bach to the card...all because antenna are well... too darn tall
I need to use a spare PC as a dedi router/firewall and currently I'm in the process of dualbooting OpenBSD which is a bit tricky to use for a noob like me.
I've also tried Linux Live CD Router but that did not work out so well...
Does anyone here have any suggestions for me too which free softwares exist?
I wonder if Kaiser Engineering Inc has something to do with it, I see Nissan bought Kaiser Jeep years back and from what I can tell Kaiser Engineering Inc seems to be into everything from building planes to truck springs to health plans, also KA is the abbreviation for Kaiser Engineering Inc.
...I suppose it depends on what you need to hide and how big it is, rarely is it practical for businesses to adopt the method of data disposal in this way with HDD's, backup media is super cheap and those tapes hold colossal TB's and burn in a jiffy
As I understand it with file deletion and viruses in containers .exe .rar .zip etc. I don't think they can sit dormant in a kind of undeleted state until called upon...hence the need to be sure that your format burned the nads offof the HDD to get all them nasty's, na , a reference to the mal file will still exist but it can not interact and load to memory, can it?
...I am an extreemly paranoid person by nature, kinda like lerts on a normal day, anyone here can me tell their OS is secure here? Prove it?(and I don't mean firewall records for the last thirty years, XP professional only - resultant set of policy please
You are probably right. As pointed out above it took this guy hours to figure out what an iso image was and how to do this and that and learn about the different way's in which things work in puters. Hours lost in 'catching up' and downtime for the PC would surely equate to the price of a cheap HDD if you value your time at all, but there's no harm in DIY because you never know you just might learn something
@ danthebangerboy - you can install this and it asks you for your Windows CD and any service packs creating a fresh custom XP disc and gives you the option of removing components etc,
...there's no way any other release have the as many people supporting networking applications and tools, the sheer amount of options for server admins is content enough for decades.
Anyone know how much time was spent on networking? I imagine more time than physics?
LFS is bare-bones and boasts a ****ing good physics thrash for a cheap price, simplicity in place of resource draining bells and whistles is the order of the day around here ain't it