I don't really get too hot and bothered by these kind of situations, I like to adopt the blatant ignorance method or if I half care what the person thinks of me I'll just bang on and on reverse engineering their questions until they get pissed-off and leave me alone
I must admit though, as a youngen' I've had my fair share of awkward situations be it from the time my Uncle left the showers with my clothes in his bag at summer-camp and I had to traverse a camp-site full of people in the nip, to the time when my local newsagent failed to notice that I had just smoked a lot of weed before he hurriedly asked me to watch the counter whilst he went to the bathroom, damn lottery till - I still get nightmares of tripping that day
Without trying to sound big-headed(which I am)I need to let you all know a little secret.
Ron Jeremy will vouch for me when I tell you from personal experience that the type of women that can end a relationship with an unsatisfactory cause are the type that wind up on the game or see themselfs hitting fifty and still going to night-clubs.
Don't be fooled, there's always three golden reasons why you would get dumped by a slut, which are:
1 - You are a boring sod
2 - There is another man(most common)
3 - Money
I yet have to get dumped by a slut that turned lesbian, this would be the biggest kick in the nuts of all
erm, she's hanging over the wall in the back garden right now glass in one hand/bottle in the other dawned in the sexiest swimsuit you can imagine on a 50-yo...I might hit it
LMAO!!! so, you have just pointed out that the Mac OS is no better than Windows so why push it on everyone...
Let's be honest, most game designers are porting their products to Windows drivers and softwares because of the rather large chunk of the market that it has owned and owns. As you run Crysis under the Mac OS and all of a sudden it blows up in your face don't be surprised as the product you are using is not specifically designed to run under the Mac OS
You're making yourself look like a right tit running around with your hands in the air screaming Mac OS is the bestest thing since sliced bread when in fact the only place the OS belongs in is coffee shops and as a reference for OAP's.
I do agree that the Mac made hardware is years ahead of most notebook manufactures, but don't be silly as to say the OS itself is something special, because it's just not, but then again that's just my opinion, do you see me bitching and screaming about it?
I already used the free gold thingy and don't be on the XboX enough to warrant a subscription plus the only thing I do is fly the choppers so I would only want TLAD for the chopper with rockets
YES Luke, but it seems a bit fcuking stupid why they don't have a CD version for people who don't want to play online?
1. If you have all your data backed up I suggest a total re-install of Windows, this may seem a bit drastic but believe me it is ten times quicker than trying to find a virus and then fault find your system for the dmaage done.
2. If your backup data is on the same HDD and the PC came with a Windows CD, download Gparted, it is a Linux based partition manager so you simply burn the .iso and boot it up and it is all GUI attended too. From there create a second NTFS partition for your backup files and simply install Windows to the old OS partition.
Most of the time it's not practical going too deep into the problem unless you actually want to spend hours and hours nit-picking windows services and which drivers are hooked on to them...just be sure to have a decent firewall setup and all should be fine, and if ever in doubt re-install the OS and start over clean and fresh.