That wheel is a bit over the amount I am ready to spend on these kind of things. The black momo (not considering the pedals) is alright, but it is now around 4-5 years old, so it`s getting a bit worn out. With the current weak local currency in hungary, 300 EUR would end up almost costing double than a g25 and over 3 times as much as a dfgt.
Upgrading is no rush for me (well, until my current wheel breaks ), so I think I am going to wait for a couple of months and see how things develop.
Thanks for your comments though!
actually i have a black momo currently. So pedals might still be an improvement even with buying the df gt, but not by that much I guess. (my momo`s pedals are working properly, just some spiking effect, but not too bad)
My dilemma is to buy a dfgt, be stuck with shitty pedals for a while (a year or so), which are not much better than the momo`s or buy a g25 and be stuck with only 2 buttons on the damn wheel, but at least decent pedals.
has anybody taken the pedals of the dfgt apart yet? What are they like? Are they on par with g25 in terms of quality?
I am leaning towards the dfgt because of the more buttons on the wheel (and I might eventually by the fanatec clubsport pedals), but the g25 seems to have better pedals, so I am a bit stuck.
I was wondering about the same thing. Car seems to handle very realistically now, but all you need is the usual setup options available for current road cars and you can make the car behave very unrealistically. I am hoping to have more restricted setups for road cars, for all of them (yeah, I know, dream on).
But thanks for the devs, very nice surprise to have the car still this year, looking forward to it and other improvements in the patch!
the 2nd night of our September fun racing events was held last week with spdo Racing and Sonicrealms invited.
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i was waiting for a similar comment after I started reading the thread, shame it took so long (some people do seem to be blindfolded here). good post.
Regarding the supposedly yellow flag incident with the williams. Hamilton messed up the turn, got far off from the apex and slid off the track. You guys really believe he did that on purpose to avoid the williams car? That`s nonsense. Had he braked earlier he would have made the inside of the turn just fine passing the williams round the outside of the next left hander. Kimi didn`t get off the track there because he saw hamilton running wide and braked earlier. Nobody would wait for a car that is off the track, why should kimi?
hehe, I am good with tracks which don't have too many turns but alien status is something unreachable for me, usually by 0.5 seconds on average length circuits. The shorter the track, the less the difference
Where on earth did you get GTR2 from? I haven't played that game for 2 years now and never on public servers or international leagues. Maybe you are mixing me up with somebody, or you meant the v-wtcc? I took part in one event there at Brno, but that's all.
But thank you otherwise as a thank you gift, I have attached my skip barber setup for limerock, maybe some of you will find it useful.
you got put in a pretty weak field yesterday at 16:15 GMT together with me, I finally got a decent qualy laptime in, because I was frustrated in the previous races, there is no way to find a way past anybody at limerock, unless they make a mistake. Now with that time I could have been starting from pole even in a 2600+ rating field perhaps, but noooo, I get put into a 2200 something. Next fastest racer was 3 tenths slower.
At least I got my first skip barber win. And my irating still increased, though everybody had lower ratings than me.
it's not like I haven't driven around lime rock a couple of hundred times in the solstices already, or that I haven't driven the skip barber at other tracks at all
have you had time to experiment with tyre pressures? I mean, I find the most important thing in the skip barber is to set the typre pressures fairly low (compared to baseline of course), I end up with 1 click higher on the front to have a bit more understeer for easier handling.
Otherwise I agree, once you got a setup that you are comfortable with, you just need to practise.
I tried lime rock before already, but my best was something mid 59. yesterday I got into the 58`s quite quickly. I needed a lot more laps (like 15-20) to get mid 58`s, which came by altering the line through the left hander a bit. After that it was another 40-50 laps to get a decent lap together without major errors to reach 58.36 in time trial. Basically you don`t know where you pick up the last tenths/hundredths, you just have to keep lapping and going consistent. Eventually you get the hang of it.
I am really hoping to get 58.2`s soon, it is only a tenth away, surely possible
although I myself am only at 1:25.3, I would say you lose a couple of tenths in the first few turns. the 2nd turn you are a bit slow accelerating out (losing momentum, apex speed looks fine), and the 4th turn before the short straight, you should try to stay closer to the left in the left hander before it, so you can be full throttle for the right hander earlier.
If you would get these a bit faster and not mess up the hairpin, you would be down in 1:24's for sure.
by the way, what tyre pressures were you using? I am with Huttu's setup from their website, which had really low pressures, but raised them 2-3 clicks overall and used 4 ARB at the rear.
I did, and was really a pain in the ass, but after two races and two time trials I kind of got the hang of it, just made it into the 59's, but there surely must be more time in it as some people were running mid 59's with ease. The last turn is especially tricky with the double apex, you have to brake early, but can let off the brake pedal and roll the car in to scrub off speed until you go by the last pole on the right, when you can turn in for the 2nd apex.
At least that's how I try to do it.
I have moved on to the skip barber now on infineon, fun combination. I think Crommi won the race I took part in at 7 pm, but at least I got the fastest lap and had an exciting race, almost got 2nd.
well, to be honest it is out of my hands sadly, I wish I had the necessary skills to help our coder Gergo, but I am only reasonably good at driving around.
yes, that's is the main point here, some people might find completely different sets suitable for them, and where they find those is just down to luck.
Allowing public to upload setups on setupfield has had an effect of some sets with questionable credibility, but having checked some of those myself, I can assure you that despite the crap laptime it was posted with, the setup could be useful for somebody on that track (or as a base for another track) as it did not have totally weird values. Somebody may find that setup to be the best for him/herself.
Most people use these setups as a base anyways and tweak them to their liking, it is all about having something to start with, both sites allow this for the user.
where in my two sentences above did I imply that there are no good sets at Setupgrid? I was just pointing out that your post had nothing to do with the question the poll was about.