An English tourist asks an Irish fisherman; ''Why do scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats in to the water?'' To which the Irishman replies ''If they fell fowards they'd still be in the feckin boat!''
Going over Saturdays mix. I think Saturdays mix show is going to be an exploration into house. So, in order to know where we're going, we first need to know where we've come from. I think we'll start with some classics.
tune into Innervisions Radio on Saturday @ 8pm (uk)to find out how it went.
P.S. if you don't have Innervisions ERadio in your favourites by now, shame on you. Great tunes played well. 24/7/365
It's really sad when someone feels they need to create an account on a forum for a game the probably don't play. just so he can flame a manufacturer of a wheel he probably can't afford or have used.
is there any chance you could maybe hold a civilised discussion without resorting to childish name calling? i felt the discussion was going ok. calling people moron is easy. instead of informing him that he "hasn't got a clue" why don't you take this time to give him a clue.
you had a chance to put him right but instead you used it to fling mud.
i shit you not, but corners are cut in poorer countries. when producing cocaine, the poor farmers use what ever fuel they can find. put it into containers (usually old dirty barrels) and then it's carried to the plants.
the production of the cocaine paste is done where the coca plants are. the tools use can mostly be found on the ground. the cocaine is extracted from the leaves using the fuel and bleach. this is all mix (not with a nice sterile stirring stick) with a broken branch. the cocaine resin floats to the top of the pit and is compressed into a bar. this bar is what the drug dealers are looking for. the bar is then taken to be exported. from there it's cut and mixed with other chemicals to give it that powder look.
so, in short, the cocaine is harvested by a poor Columbian farmer and sold to the drug dealers.
you seem to be under the impression that the drug dealers main concern is the health of his customers. it's not. his main concern is selling his drugs. he doesn't give a shit if a batch leaves you sick. he does give a shit if you don't pay him. he doesn't give a shit how the drug is made. as long as he has a product to sell, that is all he cares about. you also don't need loyal customers. you just need addicts. even the ones who think they're not addicted and they are "safe" users. they still keep coming back...
No need to apologise. You simply don't understand what I'm saying. I'll try for a 5th time. Drug taking is a risky business. There's no such thing as safe drugs.
Let's hope it sinks in this time.
And for the record, I'm not against drugs(I didn't even say that I was).
Why is it when someone posts an example, people take it literally? Do people really lack the mental gumption to see an example for what it is and expand on it?
that's what i always do. i never use those hand cleaner dispenser things either. simply because they're the dirtiest part of a building. think about it.
what does crossing the street have to do with contaminated illegal drugs? if you're going to be condescending, at least put some effort into it.
at what stage did i say all drugs? i said it takes one bad drug. additives are in cocaine yes. after all, when's the last time you saw someone snorting a line of coca leaves? imagine the guy who's stamping the leaves has a nasty athletes foot or a few warts. that's going up your nose. along with the sweat that was dripping from him as he worked to extract the cocaine.
who in their right mind would start a meth lab in their own house? dingy warehouse it is then.
so, back to my point. there's no such thing as safe usage when it comes to illegal drugs.