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S2 licensed
I'm sure if you showed all of Arox's videos to Google they'd want all their hard drive space back because its all such a waste..............
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Notable points:

The whole of lap 1 and 2
Watch Blackbird a lot, he has plenty of spins and stuff. Mp3 Astra has quite a few fun bits while being lapped.
Lap 3, Fast chicane, with the tyres. Mp3 Astra hits tyres that were spilled into the road by two other cars having a crash.

That's as many as I'm going to give you - you can find the rest for yourself

*rubs my hands together*

S2 licensed
Sadly missed opportunity to sync this music up with some rockin footage. I've been looking at using this song for a while now.

sorry mate, all i can say is nice try, but the lack of sync doesn't work for me.
S2 licensed
Ah hello?

I even gave you guys a free plug in Bash TV Episode 2!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Not Sure :I hear these rumors on the internets..

I heard they've made the internets for computers now...........
S2 licensed
Quote from Michel 4AGE :Bawbag. About the invisible cars. I've read that this is some kinda penalty or something. When you hit a car hard enough it gives you a penalty , you can't accelerate and to prevent you from interfering with other ppl's race you turn "invisible". Or something like that. Yes.

Close, but not quite. If you see a car go transparent, its mainly due to lag. The game will atomically decompose a player if they lag a bit and there is a large movement detected so the car doesn't shoot across the track and take somebody out because according to the other player, that piece of track was vacant. It's to try and minimise big accidents and what not.

Its not perfect by any means, but a nice try.
S2 licensed
Quote from SabersKunk :What is it with Aussies choosing this thread for their first forum post?

maybe cos the OP is (and i am ashamed to say it) Australian too.

The thing with damage is, you can have either damage, or you can have DAMAGE!

Arcade damage - what 90% of games have. Deformation, panels falling off, some mechanical damage model etc. Like forza, nfs etc

Simulation damage - what a select few have. Run into something at 250km/h and its game over. Run into something head on at 100km/h and its game over. Richard Burns Rally has the most difficult damage simulation by far I think. Many a time, on the last stage of a rally, on pace for a cracker time, halfway through the final split, and I run over a rock at the wrong speed at rip the suspension out, rally over. Frustrating? Yes. But REALISTIC.

Do you really think every single person would love REALISTIC damage? No, they would end up throwing their controllers or steering wheels out the window. It will envitably be dumbed down a bit.
S2 licensed
Just make sure that Multiplayer Replay save is enabled in your options.

then press 2 as (SaM) mentions. easy peasy.
S2 licensed
Quote from seinfeld :I didnt know what LFS was, or was going to be, nor did anyone else, and I can say that in my country Australia that showed with a massive user drop to almost zero, all that was available was drift servers, no racers, they were bored and fed up with LFS and still are.

Got a source for your little nugget there matey? Almost zero hey? So that would make me the only active Australian LFS'er out there I guess. Whatever you do, DO NOT speak on behalf of me! I totally disagree with pretty much everything you have said.

Firstly, when I first started with LFS (back in patch E days) I was demo for ages, but played it all the time. When S2 got released years later I decided that was the time to get the whole kit & kaboodle and bought my licence the same day (or maybe the next day after) S2 went beta. I had done enough research, reading of forums and such to know what was going to happen and how. I KNEW what I expected from the game and what was to come and the development time frame and what not, and anyone who says that they didn't know what it was all about IS AN IDIOT. I love LFS, its the only PC simulator I have played non-stop almost. I have GTR, GTR2, RFactor, Need For Speeds (several versions), Test Drive: Unlimited and have played them. Nothing makes me fire up the PC like LFS does and I barely even touch the other games anymore (unless an interesting mod or track comes along for rFactor or something).

Secondly, I am also a HUGE Gran Turismo fan. I have every version since GT1 on the PSX. Yes, the graphics are amazing. Fantastic. Yes, the content is incredible (albeit a little repetitive). In fact I was trying to talk my Harvey Norman computer franchisee into giving me a copy of Prologue this afternoon as he had the copies on his desk ready to go on the shelf tomorrow. I have been looking forward to this for a LONG time. But, it is by no means a hardcore simulation. It is probably the best of the mainstream simulators, but unfortunately no real match to LFS. Are you saying that tyre deformation is unrealistic? Since when can you get blown tyres in GT? And if you think the full version is coming in December, you are sadly mistaken. More like December 2009! These games always get pushed back pushed back, never on time like you mention. At least the dev team for LFS dont set unrealistic time frames that cant be met.

And if you seriously think GT5 Prologue took ONE YEAR to create, you are delusional.

And thats my 3.5c

S2 licensed
Quote from piggy501 :I would have any...

All w need now is for them to put them into production (hurry up China :shy

All you really need to do is contact a few Chinese model manufacturers (you can find hundreds if you look), give em a 3d render as a starting point, say to them "metal body please", tell em your interested in buying 100,000 of em, get them to produce a sample product and send it over to you.

They will do it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Thunderhead :Because if it were 300, it would be SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Baahahaahahahahahahaahaha ..........

I dont get it.
S2 licensed
Quote from asbjoern :i would drop the 50 cent voice, but the other song-thingy suits the movie

what is it called(if you know)

Its the Benny Hill theme music. I used the same tune in an earlier video (without the rap crap on top of it though). ... mp;highlight=dance+uf1000
S2 licensed
LOL, 290 words? why not shoot for 300?
S2 licensed
Quote from neRu :I really liked your camerawork, how did you pull that off?

All camera views are Shift-U jobbies or custom views using FlipCam so i could get multiple viewpoints on the car.

I must say, its very time consuming as I have to keep restarting the replays to record the next camera shot as I overlap the recordings a bit and then edit the excess bits out to try and make it a little more continuous.

It does mean each camera position around the track is never in the same position 100% each lap, but hopefully no one notices that!

Plus, my mouse is a lot better this time round and panning is a lot easier, plus I used the FOV buttons to greater effect (4,5,6 & 7). It certainly adds another element to the footage.

@SamH: Cheers mate, much appreciated.
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :I'm surprised this isn't getting the attention it deserves

Any promotion ideas? MP3 Astra & I are working on a little something for the next Blame Game episode.

I dunno , I reckon its worth a view, not blowing my own trumpet or anything but its better than some others posted here which get like a million views.
S2 licensed
LOL, whats with the Whipper Snipper engine noise?
S2 licensed
Dirty three here! Getting the kids in early, my youngest boy started playing at 2 years old (he is now 6), but no matter how hard I try, my 2 year old daughter just hits me when I put LFS on, and yells "Dorothy!!!" (from the wiggles).
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :I think I have some, although they may be patch X. I assume that isn't a problem.

I can give an excuse for my poor driving btw - this took place when I had a computer that couldn't handle LFS with more than 6 cars. So when I got to T1 I was like "panic!!!" and the mayhem ensued...

Patch X replays are fine, in fact Episode 2 is a patch x replay. I'm struggling to replicate the same settings on Patch Y that allow me to record at 60fps full speed.

This race is a VERY early bump n jump race, just after ctra x went live. Notice the mid-race rejoins by Astra & myself (which was banned shortly thereafter).

And blaming your pc is sad, so very sad....
S2 licensed
Quote from daltonlfs :When i use fraps and start recording after 30 secs it stops recording what should i do pls help

Buy the full version. ?!?
S2 licensed
@Astroboy: LOL, driving standards? in Bump n Jump? bit hard to have driving standards on a track like Champagne!

@MP3 Astra: what do you mean "was a rubbish driver"? LOL, just kidding. Glad you liked that little bit I threw in, it only took me, like, forever, to get it all timed up and I must have re-recorded the voice over about 45 times to get it right on that bit. "this guy" MUST appear in a future Blame Game episode, oK?

And yea, i did find my voice, I did it on a day off from work, when there was no one else home so I let loose. God it was fun.


I need some replays for any future episodes, as the ones I have aren't all that exciting!! Its open to ANY form of racing, but action packed races are preferred! Doesn't have to be all about crashing and stuff, multiple passing etc is great. Send me your MPRs people!!! (either to: or attach it to a post here)
Last edited by Damo74, .
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :I just watched this, very nice. The thing that popped into my head (which is very sleepy at the moment, and overloaded from work) is
with so many different series we could host LFS TV Channel


I like that, anyone own a cable TV station??
Bash TV: Episode 2
S2 licensed
Well, after several months, a complete re-shoot, and re-editing three quarters of the entire show due to a PC upgrade - it's finally here!

Episode 2 of Bash TV, this time another CTRA bump n jump race, but a bit more exciting layout instead of an oval (just for Kurent )

A bit of extra footage in there as well, but I'll keep that a secret until you watch it!

Here are the links:

Youtube: Part 1:

Download: Full episode: ... 0Videos/bashtvep2full.wmv (right click - save as. Never tried this place before so dont know what speed you'll get) : Part 1 Part 2

Anyways, constructive criticism is always welcome. The quality of the footage i think is a lot better than the first episode due to increased processing power, and I was able to get a better FPS too. Although trying to render it and maintain the quality without ending up with a 1.6GB file was the problem! Any hints on final rendering settings from the pros?

Last edited by Damo74, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Yeah maybe wil get a even worse car like a lada Calina

or even a Ford.................. *shudder*
S2 licensed
Yea right, like Scaviers gonna put a SKODA in the game. Loopy.....

:nut: illepall
S2 licensed
For the peeps who like their meat, i just tried this out for dinner and it was unbelievably good. Got some lamb cutlets and forequarter chops. Chucked em on the grill.

Then 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of either chopped chilli or sweet chilli sauce, and 1 teaspoon of fresh crushed garlic. Mix that all up in little bowl. After your meat has been cooking for about 2 or 3 minutes, brush the sauce on both sides, lower the heat and continue to cook until the meat is done how you like it.

Turns a boring chop into gourmet food!!! Yum yum yum,.