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S2 licensed
1. Intro of twin donuts goes on too long, 30 secs is way too much.

2. One camera position for half the movie also gets a little stale.

3. Try to keep the car in the whole frame when following.

Apart from that, its ok. I wont comment on the drifting part cos I'm no expert. Also, try and sync it up with the music. Dramatically adds more to the movie doing this.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Last one this season. .... The series will probably be back late 2008, or early 2009.

Dang, I'd better hurry up and get Ep 2 of Bash TV out, it's almost there, just some little fiddly bits to finalise....

Blame game gets a little mention, well, a bit more than a mention actually within the episode. look out for it in the next couple of days.
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :Whats the point bringing that up?
I have downloaded Patch test so now it does not work, and i'm not going to release it.

You've mentioned it in just about every other post you've made so it was just a tongue-in-cheek observa..............aaahhhhhhhhhhh doesn't matter...... *whooooooshh*illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from Lynce :aroX123, How to choose the SMart?

He has a tweak program, but he isnt allowed to release it.........
S2 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :NEVER!

Stage6 is da best. Even though it takes years to load a good video on it its worth it lol. But for sure it'll be easier to find the kind of video's your looking for in this site ;P

Actually, its true that Stage6 is gone. Divx have shut it down completely. So no more from there, so this site is a good alternative! Or you can use the secret html tag on Youtube videos to get a better quality stream.

By the way, just add &fmt=18 to the end of the address for the youtube video.:shhh:
S2 licensed
Quote from Cybix :prove that What I said before I admited my post? got proof, doubt it, I edited some spelling mistakes, I have no idea what ur talkin bout the ToS

Dude, your lying. Funnily enough I have my preferences set to receive an email when a new post is posted in threads i have posted in. Guess what I have got in my email inbox right now?

Dear Damo74,

Cybix has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - [Noobs] Sumo goes public tonight! - in the General LFS Discussion forum of Live for Speed.

This thread is located at: ... ?t=38949&goto=newpost

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Not up any more, maybe you guys should have thought about that before you where such racists to me and my friend Shaun, Enjoy having no sumo server to play on..... funny how hosting a LFS server on your home connection is against the ToS.

There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.

All the best,
Live for Speed

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You can give yourself and your argument much more credibility by not lying man.
Last edited by Damo74, . Reason : Added emphasis on email & junkified the links
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :Lol do you just get boxes or something ?

I do.

Can anyone here speak boxlish?
S2 licensed
Best of the bunch so far, but the black top & bottom borders are getting a bit too same same.

Also i dont know if its just Youtube or not, but the colours seem all washed out. Is this deliberate?
S2 licensed
except for those morons who if you hit them out, they call you a "lagger", cos they cant take it, this game is a lot of fun - screw those twits.

i've got meself an idea..........
S2 licensed
Go squidvish!
S2 licensed
Quote from rabardio :I have made an extra chicane.

But how do i use Insim t get it right?

Can you program?

Check out how to program Insim and away you go! If you can't program, find someone who can, or as mentioned above, get in touch with the guys above.
S2 licensed
I actually do it a little different. I might hear a certain piece of music, and i then get ideas about what to put in a video based on the actual music. I also have ideas for video bits that I have yet to find music for, but usually, listening to something will give me inspiration.

Also, try this site:

You can search under feel, style etc and there is just about every different style of music there. You can preview each track and download a high quality MP3 absolutely free, and it is all royalty free too. A large number of tracks also have different length versions (like there is a full version which might be 2m23secs or whatever, then there is also a 60sec, a 30sec version etc). Excellent site.
S2 licensed
If an F1 cars stalls in a race, they're done for the day. On the grid, and in the pits, they have a big drill like thing to start the engine externally.

If you stall the Bf1 in a race cos you spun or something, there aren't any pit crew guys running out onto the track with the battery and starter gun for ya!
S2 licensed
Quote from Ikaponthus :I really like the extra "bumpiness", GTR2, Rfactor-style too. Don't know he he did that.

Can someone tell me why the opponent cars are appearing and disappearing in front of the driver!? If that's what it's like racing online, I'm not going to bother!

In his settings he has "g forces affect viewpoint" switched on and turned up a few degrees. Its supposed to simulate what your body/head would do given the same g forces exerted on it, hence the leaning forward under braking, and backward under acceleration and also the lateral movement.

As for the cars disappearing in front, I think he just changes to another car view, thats all.

As for the blur, that just looks like a standard video editing plugin to me, nothing fancy. It isnt dynamic, its the same width around the whole screen.
S2 licensed
Agree with XCNuse on most things there.

The FOV on that external shot of the FOX or FO8 or FBM or whatever it was at the beginning must have been maxed out as it really really looked skinny as. Almost like it was a motorbike width car, just looked a bit off.

The transitions in line with the music needs some sharpening, but getting there. I understand what your were trying to achieve at the beginning with the cutting to and from different scenes and the original car, but the effect gets lost as it went on too long.

Also, with the external cameras on the bumpy road, I think maybe you already had the g-forces switched off as you can clearly see the car move up and down on the bumps but the camera stays put. To be more realistic, you'd want the camera to move with the car, no?

Overall, nice effort, i give 6.5/10
S2 licensed
I liked it, and was smooth enough for the slow motion, no jerkiness was noticeable, even on the youtube version.

Only thing for me, and its more a personal thing, would be to ditch the letterbox effect, maybe transition to full screen when the music picked up pace a little?

Overall, very very good. 9/10
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Maybe me that is just silly, but - Whats the big deal?

Would you want your shiny new game you've spent years on, building an image and a massive userbase, to have its public visual identity (the logo) associated with such a site (illegal or not)?

No? Didn't think so.
S2 licensed
Quote from d6nn :Convert the clips in VDub to 60 fps(???) and compress
with Xvid codec ( or what codec is better and where to get
it ?)
Open the clips in adobe premiere, edit it, save the movie
file at 30 fps (???)

You're pretty much on the money, except, if you can, dont compress the files before you edit them. You can suffer a loss of quality if its compressed, edited & compressed again.

Use vdub, convert to 60fps uncompressed (dependent on your available HDD space of course) and then open in your favourite editing software, edit, render and viola, new movie!
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :
Verdict : I Rate it "F" for "Frustrating"

GO Squidvish!!!!

By the way AMB, the music is IN the video, hence it can be rated. And it wasn't "car control" either, you ended up going right to the other side of the track at the end of the slide, in a proper drift this wouldn't happen.
S2 licensed
Quote from kurent :You think a magical hamster on steroids does the work of recording?

You mean there isn't roided up magical hamsters doing that?? Damn. And I was going to open up my case to have a look and everything.

Nice movie BTW.
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :not a bad attempt, lacks some attention to details

squidvish! squidvish! squidvish!

S2 licensed
Quote from Damo74 :12 pounds is more like $26 AUD, so its a bit more than a pack of smokes! smokes here go fer about $10-15 i think (i'm a non-smoker so i dont care). We have fantastic state & federal taxes on ciggies to help pay for the health bills.

It's not 12 pound a pack ppl, more like 6.77GBP a pack here in oz. Frankly should be more so my taxes dont go towards scraping out ya lungs ya mugs.
S2 licensed
Quote from lEl E Talon :in the end, we are getting probably 2-3 years worth of a few guys constant hardwork to make the game better and better for only 12 pound. the price of a pack of smokes for an s1 lisence. if anything i think we are ripping the devs off.

eh, methinks your exchange rates are a bit muddled.

12 pounds is more like $26 AUD, so its a bit more than a pack of smokes! smokes here go fer about $10-15 i think (i'm a non-smoker so i dont care). We have fantastic state & federal taxes on ciggies to help pay for the health bills.

But on that point, $52AUD for a game is pretty darn good value (especially one that keeps getting updated like this one). If it were $12USD, well that would be a different story as the yank dollar is down the toilet at the moment.................
S2 licensed
I said both cos Driver B shouldn't of hit A in the first place, but A shouldn't have come all the way across on the second turn.

BTW, +1 for bringing back the original theme music!!!!

Ditch this new intro, its bleh!
S2 licensed
A lot of these people dont seem to realise how easy it is to cook a factory standard clutch. Just try some proper drag lane quick launches and your standard clutch is lucky to last one let alone two runs.