The removal of functionality that consumers don't need is normally done to keep costs down, you offer a stripped down product to your userbase at a reduced cost, and those that want the functionality, pay extra.
However, this isn't the apple way, they remove functionality from the product, but charge more than a comparable product that actually has more functionality.
I can't believe so many people are suckered into buying apple products, but they do .
Progress?, boy, I've read some stuff on here, but this is a doozy.
So progress is taking an existing product, making it look (arguably) a bit nicer, removing a SHEDLOAD of functionallity from it, making it only able to run one thing at a time, having extremely limited connectiviy, and selling it WAY over the market price of products that have much more to offer.
THAT isn't progress, that it thinking that your market will bend over and take a large one up the rear.
I remember driving, what would now be classed as a "classic" cars ,almost 20 years ago, and my cars used to breakdown all the bloody time.
I am trying to think of the last time I had a "modern" car breakdown, and seriously, i can only think of one instance, and that was a broken alternator belt.
Bottomline, if you want a reliable car, just to get you around, a modern car is MUCH better, if you want something with character, and that is "interesting" to drive, then a classic will tick those boxes.
I wish I still had my old Mk1 Celica GT , man, that car was a HOOT to drive.
I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the focus meetings for this, I am sure there must have been at least one voice who piped up saying "surely the suckers aren't going to fall for this one, are they?".
They have invented something to solve a problem that isn't there, Apple seem to have a bit of a superiority complex, and that is VERY apparent with the iPad.
They USED to be the best option cost wise, but considering the MASSIVE hike in Diesel prices (which are the same, or similar in most of Europe too), the cost differential has now become negligable.
As for cleanliness, CO2, maybe, particulates, no chance.
I drive a diesel purely because the way they drive (lazy) suits me, however, for me next car, I am seriously considering a petrol.
Although I love(d) the first one, I never really felt (or feel with many games) the desire to retread old ground by following on with succesive playthroughs.
I am glad one of my main bugbears (the shocking inventory system) in ME1 has been done away with, although I am not sure the new system (weapons lockers / loadouts) is a better replacement as it sounds a little lite.