This is an absolute blast. I love this track and the delayed starts. I hope this gets set up for the rally events as well. So this way it will be an actual rally race and not bumper Awsome job Victor
Yea, those 7 sec cars are cool but they aren't street legal. It's awsome that we are into the 10's now with street legal srt's. I remember last year when everyone was excited about people getting into the 11's and said that 10's would never be possible. I can't wait to see a street legal srt dip into the 9's. I don't care if it's a 9.99,'ll still be a 9 second street legal srt-4.
BTW, those are some excellent times for a stock srt, especially on stock tires
I agree with everything you said, expect for that. A backmarker has every right to try and get that lap back. Granted it really doesn't matter in these little short races that most servers host. But, I personally, treat most races like i'm racing in a season and every position counts. So if the backmarker is obviously faster than you. Then have a good clean race and if they pass, great for them. And, remember, according to FIA, you are allowed ONE defensive move. Not 10 moves with the intent of running the other driver off the
Holy crap...i'm gone for a couple months and you guys just exploded with on the success ! I wish i was going to be home long enough to be able to race in another EAGLE vs. LOTF night. With 19 members, you guys have to have someone faster than us now lol, just kidding. See you guys on the track!
If that is truely what you believe...then i am afraid that you are very naive. You might know of a few people who wouldn't...but there are many more out there that will. Someone didn't just conjure up the name "gateway drug" one night because they felt like it.
So then every alcohol fatality where the person died for anything other than alcohol poisoning is totally out of this debate.
So now considering that over 95% of alcohol related deaths are not from the alcohol directly....there really isn't that much difference between directly related fatalites or either weed or alcohol.
how can you say that beer is more of a gateway drug? what does beer(alcohol) lead to? Alcohol is alcohol. The effects don't change from beer or wine, or scotch...etc. Weed leads into narcotics, opiates, hallucinogens..etc..which all have very different effects and symptoms.
i also, personally, know of two fatalities caused by weed. Both were car accidents(i'm a paramedic and responded to both of them). Granted, alcohol does cause more fatalities per year, BUT, just because something doesn't make national headlines, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
I won't even get started on the fact of drug deals gone wrong and shootings/stabbings guessed it...weed.
illepall illepall illepall This kid brings up a thread that is almost a month old, just to call someone asking for help a "noob". Holy crap, get a life.
I think the main problem is that a lot of people don't understand the actual definition of a "blue flag". I've been playing LFS since S1 and i've seen this happen hundreds of times.
The person being lapped doesn't know what they should do and/or the faster car gets too anxious and tries to pass in a manner that is not safe (because they think the slower car should pull to the side and stopillepall )
In most racing leagues(aside from Champ Car in certain conditions),a blue flag is used only to "inform" the slower car that they are about to be lapped. It is not a requirement to let the faster car is only a courtesy
If you really are fast enough to be lapping a car, then you will have plenty of opportunites to pass in a safe manner, without the other car completely driving off the racing line, or slowing down to the point where it isn't safe.
i've always been a big open-wheel i started with the F08 and quickly realised it had waaay too much power for me at the time. So i switched to the FOX for a little while until i got a handle on that. Then went to the F08. I mainly race on the oval (which, by the way, i am the current world record holder on ) but i also do SO Classic and KY GP Long(all with the F08)
I would make those stripes come all the way down the front of the car.
And for the logo...put it on the skin, then use the magic wand to select just the white part. Use either the brush or the fill bucket to fill in with the same color blue you used on the rest of the car.
without a pic, i'm not too sure of what you are kinda sounds like your image isn't oriented correctly....try rotating the entire image 90 degrees in either direction then put it back in the game.
That's a problem i have a lot....when i'm working on a skin, i rotate it, then forget to rotate it back before i save it....makes the car look very weird in LFS.
lol...tristan, i always look forward to your comments....they always make me laugh. i agree with you, american sports cars still leave something to be desired. I think we have everything we need, it's just the fact that no one can figure out how to put it all in one vehicle and make it all work together. one in their right mind (or with any amount of skill, for that matter) would EVER put the brake bias more towards the rear in any car...if you want to slide around like an idiot, try using the handbrake.