That's not true, where'd you get that idea? I've got my G25 and Wingman 3D joystick plugged in at the same time and even both working in lfs. Another guy has 3 Logitech wheels connected.
All you probbaly need to do it recalibrate your wheel in lfs. Check the LFS manual if you don't know how to do that. Sometimes connecting a joystick or other game device can make lfs lose it's assignments, or the buttons change.
Had some very weird stutering going on that I can't reproduce. It occurred when the race restarting count down was on screen. Only happend twice though and hasn't repeated since. Otherwise all is good.
Production is excellent. Great editing and camera work plus the music blended perfectly and made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. The little details on the cars could've stayed on for longer to be able to read some of them but I guess that's not what the movie was mainly about. 9/10 Excellent stuff.
skins_dds holds the converted dds skins from your skins folder. skins should contain jpg files whereras skins_dds contains dds files that fls has converted for use.
Yes you can delete all of your jpg files after they're converted to dds.
Love all the texture packs so far EK. This might be too much to ask but could you make a dark textured tarmac and red and white rumble strips everywhere that look like large smoothish tiles instead of the rough ones there are now.
Most teams drive in leagues such as AAL and MNR. If you're interested in league racing a team would be good. Rock up to some races and show your active and if you display the right attributes on the track a team should pick you up in no time.
Nice vid. Could use some blending between the scenes to get the sound a bit cleaner and turning the recording volume down so it doesn't crackle. Care to share the engine sound?
Search for prgrams that tunnel connections through http. I know they exist since I've heard them mentioned before but I've never had the need to use them so never looked into them myself.