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S3 licensed
Thanks for the all the hard work you've put in Smith. I've found this app to be very useful. Shame that it has to stop now. As people have suggested it would be great if you could open the source for others to make it work with the new insim.
S3 licensed
+1. This would be too cool. Make it two fists, one being celebratory after a race and another one where you can drive up to the cnut that wrecked you on turn 1 and give them the bird. Shouldn't be too hard, we already have a moving head, some quick and dirty arm animation wouldn't go astray.
S3 licensed
Awesome stuff. Perhaps scavier are also working on a skateboarding sim.
S3 licensed
The fact that you know this stuff isn't to be posted in this section yet go ahead and post it anyway just shows how much you care about this community, which is what I'm saying. If you posted this in the right section you'd be getting some love instead of being bashed for blatantly posting in the wrong section. Get this thread cleaned up or deleted and post again in geenral discussion and then you might find people will look at it better.

I don't care about join dates or post counts, I didn't even bring it up. Infact I'd like to see the licence status, post counts and join dates removed completely from view.
S3 licensed
Why are your images 1mb? jpg compression is there for a reason, don't use png for images.
S3 licensed
haha i thought this thread would be about the wind and rain atmosphere
S3 licensed
typical bulshit here

why bother posting this in the movie section? the newbie forum or general would've been better
S3 licensed
haha I get the same thing. Oh well guess that's why it's not supported.
S3 licensed
ghost_offset <infile> <offset>

to raise it 1 metre the ground in dos prompt you'd write for exmaple:
ghost_offset BL1.XFG.ghost 1
S3 licensed
I thought lfs did save views as per car, I'm pretty sure it does anyway. You can setup your shifter options using the script system.
S3 licensed
Mostly W17. I just have the .exe in my usual lfs idrectory and everything is working fine. Occasionally frequent the W servers nowadays, but I find racing is cleaner on W17 most of the time. I tihnk it has soemthing to do with actually having to look at the forum to get the test patch which has better drivers.
S3 licensed
its funnier if your stoned and wtf hangs out in car parks anyway
S3 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :The finish line was back a little bit, but the message stays on the screen for about 3 seconds, and in that 3 seconds you took the pic.

Look at the lap counter, all screenshots were taken within .05 of a new lap
S3 licensed
I had fun on your server the other day, best of luck with your comp.
S3 licensed
Do you use a router and DHCP to get an IP or you have a static IP? If you could go into command prompt and type "ipconfig /all" and post the results here it would help.
S3 licensed
They don't play online
S3 licensed
I got an OOS error with W17, the second time it played fine though. I had no idea there was throttle help. Maybe it's some W17 thing since it's not yet official.
S3 licensed
I'd extract a frsh copy of lfs over the top of your current install, perhaps some texture got corrupted. Can't think of anything else.
S3 licensed
Under MISC options select yes for the 'load track when starting' option and see what happens.
S3 licensed
Is this when the game first starts up or when joining a track? Have you modified or installed any textures?
S3 licensed
Succumbed to the darkside I see. Yeh I use winrar for everything and no problems. I always prefer downloading an actual zip file rather than a self extracting exe.
S3 licensed
You're using an old LFS version with throttle help. The newer versions don't have throttle help. Download the complete LFS 0.5 'W' from the main website.
S3 licensed
IN GAME means people are conencted to the server and playing. Dunno what the deal is with text not showing on the server.
S3 licensed
In the ingame screen here are the colours..

Black = and/or
Red= no
Blue = yes