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S3 licensed
Have you unlocked S2?
S3 licensed
My wheel isn;t cnetred perfectly after self calibration when it's first turned on, but in lfs it's all good. Just recentre the wheel and recalibrate and it'll be ok.
S3 licensed
Or double click the setup file and then when it asks what program to open the file in, goto your LFS.exe and select that. The setup files will then automagically be installed by lfs.
S3 licensed
Try changing the port to something like 27010 or another random number above 25,000.
S3 licensed
Can u paste your config file ansd give us a complete screenshot of your error.
S3 licensed
w3l 1t cUd b3 n3fin9 fr0m y0r h4rdr1v3 t0 y0r r4m. wind0z3 XP iz Pr1te 9ud s0 itZ n0t th4t, ch3K y0r c0mP 1zzNt 0v3rhe4t1n9 wh3n ShuTT1n9 d0Wn.
S3 licensed
FF means F*****g Fast

seriously it means everything is OK
S3 licensed
Looks like a good system. I'd go with the M2N-MX SE motherboard with nforce chipset and onboard 6100 graphics here.... ... aspx?Item=N82E16813131183

I'd probably go for a 250GB drive because you can get a good deal on the CPU with it through newegg, atm 250 is the sweetspot where you pay the least per gig.

You don't need that graphics card as the motherboard comes with onboard video, since the kids don't play any games the onboard should be fine for everyday use.

For that type of system I'd expect 275W to do the job fine, also I'm not sure that other PSU you have will fit in that case properly. It looks like the mirco ATX case has a rectangular PSU compared with the sqaure one. It could be a hard task to find a PSU that fits with more power available but imo 275 will do the job of powering this system. If it had a beefy graphics I"d be more worried, but for what the system is it should be plenty fine.

That's about it from me, you'll probbaly get some better ideas from other people that have actually built a micro atx system, but those parts would be my pick.
S3 licensed
stfu with that post crap, and threads don't get closed when the problem is solved, they onyl get closed when there's too much spam such as

this is my x post
S3 licensed
This is what you're looking for...
S3 licensed
On the dedi host type '/axlist' to get a list of layouts available. Then '/autox layoutname' to load that layout.

I'm pretty sure the above mentioned way only works if you're logged on as admin of the server.
S3 licensed
Not sure of the official link but here's the patch to update from W to X that's been mirrored eslewhere.
S3 licensed
Is your firewall off or configured to let lfs access the net? Sounds like LFS just has no internet access. As much info about your scenario would be good, whether you connect to the net through a router or ICS etc.
S3 licensed
FOr 3dxmax9 they are located under your My Documents-> 3dxmas9..
S3 licensed
If you wanna get technical then the XRT has some wider guards than the XRG so they don't look the same with only the kit.
S3 licensed
Why when he can natively run windows using bootcamp but has chosen to run crossover instead? Personally I'd use bootcamp :P
S3 licensed
ROFLMAO!!! 10/10!!111one

Great vid, doesn't matter how insultiong or funny it is great to see someone put some creativity into it. Good response from Ian though, taking it well.
S3 licensed
uhh yeh, there's no physics difference in single player or when hotlapping. The handicaps only come into play online.
S3 licensed
You need to record the sound as a .wav file then import it as the blow off valve sound using the L next to blow off valve.
S3 licensed
Here you go. No questions asked I also like to collect test patches
S3 licensed
IIRC it's optional, you can just hit cancel and it won't update your game.
